
Book Summary - The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Hey Square Readers,


We hope you had a great time reading The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib with us. We had some really great discussion threads, and a wonderful live video chat discussion! Thank you all for participating and making this a welcoming and helpful place.


So we’re here now to bring it all together with a full book and discussion summary, with the parts that you all found to be the most important.


Let’s dive in!




A Quick Summary

This book by Allan Dib is full of practical business advice and strategy from the very start. While it’s called a Marketing Plan, it really encompasses ways to better run your business. The whole point of the book is to create an actionable step by step plan to better attract, retain, and grow your customer base. 


We used our Book Club discussion threads to continue the practical side of this book by filling out our own 1-Page Marketing Plans.


We started with the first third of the book, Part 1: the Before or Prospect phase, where we figured out who our target market is, how best to describe our businesses to pitch to them, and where to actually promote ourselves based on their habits. 


Next we jumped over to Part 2: the During or Lead phase, with creating a system and database for potential customers to sign up for more information, a strategy of creating educational and informational content, and a pathway of actually converting these people into buying something from you.


And we finished off writing out our plans with Part 3: the After or Customer phase, by creating a differentiating world class experience for your customers, increasing profits by making more money from each of your existing customers, and creating a system to have your customers refer their friends and family to you.


Here are some great quotes from the book that really dive into the heart of what the book is about.


We wrapped up the book with a more general discussion, talking about how you put your plan into action with practical things you’ve done in your business based on the book.


Live Discussion

We held our second Live Discussion on Tuesday July 25th, with 9 of our Readers hopping into a Google Meet to talk about the book. Thanks so much to all of you who joined!


From the very start of the call, folks started sharing the practical strategies they incorporated the book’s strategies into their businesses. Sellers shared their own experiences of successes and misses from these efforts. Everyone was extremely supportive and generous, sharing their best strategies to help eachother out with their business issues, referencing parts of the book along the way. 


One seller shared that they’re having trouble getting customers to sign up for their email list, in line with a Lead Capture system from Chapter 4 of the book. Others shared ideas of incentivizing them to sign up with discounts, and using Square Marketing to capture emails legally. We also dove into recommendations for how frequently to send emails to keep things valuable and not annoy them, and settled on every 1-4 weeks.


Another seller share their Shock & Awe campaign of US postal mail as recommended in the book, and the success that it brought them with their customers. They did share that they weren’t able to get higher conversion through creating a limited time offer and sense of urgency, so they asked for some advice. So many of the other folks on the call jumped in to share ideas and what worked for them, and it was so wonderful to hear so many great strategies shared. Some ideas mentioned were to do it on social media rather than email, planning the urgency in advance around holidays, and setting a super clear call to action. 


Overall, it was a wonderful call, and we hope to see even more folks in the next one!


We just started our next book, Hug your Haters by Jay Baer, with the next Live Discussion on Tuesday September 26th. 


Your Thoughts

I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this book and overall the experience of our first Square Readers Book Club book! 


What discussions were your favorite? 

What are you looking forward to with the next book?


It’s never too late to jump into any of our discussion threads and join in on the conversation!


Paying it Forward

If you’re all done with the book and are looking for something to do with a copy you bought, I highly recommend paying it forward. Give it to another local business owner, or donate it to a local used bookstore, community center, library, Little Free Library, or anywhere else, so someone else can benefit from it.


Thank you so much for all of your participation and discussion throughout the last two months! A big shoutout to some of our most active members: @Smellthis1919, @Moreplease, @DinaLRosenberg, @JUYBoutique20, @Spicec1, @scastrotattoo, @bonny, @CareyJo@MissyL61, @Doran, @Starbuck, @BaileyD4SM, @Granny1, @alex1345, @JAP21, @LocavoreStore, @TheRealChipA, @QuokkaCoffee, @Tamyra_Paunchy, @rhodessportsbar, @TheArtChild, @Purple_HS, @HCLMMT@Serenity35, @EstherSkinCo, and so many more! 


We hope you read the next book with us, Hug your Haters by Jay Baer!


Can’t wait to read more with you,


Message 1 of 7
Square Champion

I'm most looking forward to having this book prove to me how it's right.  I mean, come on... who in their right mind wants to hug their haters?!?  I've had only a handful of truly sour customers that have lied and caused problems.  Those kind of people simply cannot be helped and no matter what we do, we cannot make them happy and they will keep repeating the behavior no matter what we do for them.  They were so bad in fact, we had to get legal involved.  Generally speaking it's the customers who want to blame us for their bad day because we were simply at the top of the iceberg that they've dealt with all day and we made a simple mistake, that we need to hug.  They aren't actually mad at us, they're mad at the world in that moment.  We're simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  People are often unforgiving.  I do not believe that the 'customer is always right' and I don't operate my business that way.  Never have.  Never will.  I've fired plenty of customers simply because they cannot behave respectfully and want to take advantage of us.  I do however, believe that there is always an opportunity to work with a customer and see if you can find common ground.  They don't own you or your business and don't get to make decisions for you.  Those are generally not the ones who will talk negatively behind your back.  People who lie with intention to get something are the ones who will talk behind your back.  I'm hoping the book will deal with the most common issues and not the hardcore, legal kind of stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I know that to be successful we need to have as few unhappy people as possible but in my experience, it has served me best to say "I'm sorry I can't help you, I think someone else can serve you better" and 'fire' the customer.  That type of customer is going to behave that way with every business they run into and they will always wonder why they don't get good service.  It's not the businesses.  It's them.  I've seen it time and time again and I have no energy to put into people like that when I have so many other happy customers that keep me completely busy.  We have no hesitation in telling people on the phone that they are welcome to call someone else, when we get yelled at because they don't want to wait for service.  It instantly diffuses them because they no longer have power over us and they are shocked that I take it away from them.  I've had customers YELL at me on the phone because I thought I had the right to take vacation when they decided that we didn't, who then called back and BEGGED for service because no one else would help them.  I turned them down.  And I'm not sorry.  And they still send us referrals.... hmmmmmm..............


I fractured my ankle a few days ago and have just caught up with work from being away from my desk.  My book came during that time.  I'm going to begin to read and see what I think!

Co-Owner/Business Manager
Arctic Heat
R&C Property Management
Event Planner/Business Trainer
Member - Women in HVACR
Member - NAWIC; Mentorship Chair for MT Chapter
Square Champions Expert
Message 2 of 7

Thanks for sharing, @CareyJo ! There's a lot of really great stuff here, and I really appreciate you taking the time to talk through it all and share your perspective.


The really cool thing about Hug your Haters is that it's really research driven. From individual case studies of particular businesses, to data from a collection of them, it does dive into how and why it works and what the benefits are. 


Sure there will always be a few that scam and take advantage, but the book encourages to focus on the rest and the big impacts rather than a few edge case distractors and scammers. 


It goes on to discuss that for the most part people don't leave a bad review or feedback for no reason, and that even if they're just having a bad day and venting, by you reaching out and treating them well, it can salvage the relationship and turn them into bigger fans of you than anyone else. Solving issues = creating advocates. They may just need a hug, and by you being the one to do it, they can be super loyal as a result. 


I definitely agree with you that firing problem customers is essential, and some just can't be helped and will just be mean no matter what. Really interesting about that one customer who yelled and got angry for you taking time off, and then turned around still refers folks to you! People can be strange, but it's great that it worked out!


But I also see the author's point that you never know what can happen if you try, and even if you only save one good customer, it could absolutely be worth it to create that amazing customer experience -- even if it's only for the spectators who are just watching things unfold, reading your responses, and may get value out of your online interactions with that hater. 


It's definitely worth a read! Really looking forward to seeing your perspective through it all!

Message 3 of 7
Square Champion

Love the book choices.

Jacqueline Mull
Owner of Jackie's Uniquely U Boutique
Owner of Uniquely U Anime

Message 4 of 7

Thanks @JUYBoutique20 ! Looking forward to diving in with all of you

Message 5 of 7

Bummed to have missed the live. Next time!

Message 6 of 7

We missed ya too! Hope to see you at the next one@Purple_HS !

Message 7 of 7