
How can I make my customer feedback public?

How can I make my customer feedback public? (Like to go to my facebook page?) It seems a bit pointless to just be private. It would be nice to have an option to publish some of the customer comments to social media.

Message 1 of 72
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

We don't currently have a way to share customer feedback from your receipts but you can encourage your customers to post on your business's Facebook and Yelp pages! 


Check out our new features in Square Marketing that encourage your customer's to review your business on a public platform! 

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Message 2 of 72

Best Answer

We don't currently have a way to share customer feedback from your receipts but you can encourage your customers to post on your business's Facebook and Yelp pages! 


Check out our new features in Square Marketing that encourage your customer's to review your business on a public platform! 

Message 2 of 72

The problem is that customers leave feedback thinking that it is public. We contstantly see feedback that reads like the customer thinks their comments will be seen by the public and not just us. It is too much to ask them to post this again somewhere else and it's pretty silly for us to have to manually repost this somewhere else as a screenshot. It should a) be obvious to the customer that their comments will only be seen by the retailer and b) available via some API or webhook for the retailer to use in some meaningful way.

Message 3 of 72

Hi @kbc - thanks for making your first post to the community!

We definitely see where you're coming from on this and will communicate it to the Product team. We are always paying attention to requests and feedback to pass along to our product teams. 👍

Message 4 of 72

Yes PLEASE!!! all the business owners want to let their customers to see the 5-STAR feedback. why it takes so long to add the feature to make them public???

Message 5 of 72

Has the problem been fixed yet Russel? 


I have to say I'm pretty upset that I've lost six 5 Star reviews since using Square and I know I'm not the only one.

Message 6 of 72

Thanks for your post @AlexCatGroomer. Customer feedback is still private at this time, but I can see how important this is to your business and how frustrating it is not to be able to share your reviews. I will pass your request to the Feedback team so they can see this too! 


If there is a way to make your reviews public in future we'll update this thread to let you know. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 7 of 72

I've started asking people to post their comments publicly. Hopefully this will help.


Have you considered offering your own review service like Google and yelp?

Message 8 of 72

Sounds like a good idea! Creating our own review service isn't on the roadmap at this time but I do see how it would be useful. I'll send that request to the team as well. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 9 of 72


It is common sense and common practice that the reviews the customers are posting on Square should be made available publicly.


We need more people that have the ability to make positive changes based off demand instead of some employee submitting a ticket or whatever for someone to make the final call. Basically passing a reasonable request or opportunity to make things for all easier from employees to employees.


My store gets a zillion positive reviews on Square however when it comes to Google or Yelp, they are more like masked assailants that get away with posting things either unrelated to my business, things that are inappropriate, or based off a one time venture in. 


Platforms like Square could offer a more picture perfect honest review opportunity since these reviews are typically by recurring customers or customers that had a genuine experience therefore resulting in a genuine review. This really needs to be looked into further and become public. 


I hope my comment becomes more than a “ticket” submitted, but please pass it along. I hope it makes a difference. 

Message 10 of 72


It is common sense and common practice that the reviews the customers are posting on Square should be made available publicly.


We need more people that have the ability to make positive changes based off demand instead of some employee submitting a ticket or whatever for someone to make the final call. Basically passing it, a reasonable request for an opportunity to make things easier for all, from employees to employees.


My store gets a zillion positive reviews on Square that are not accessible publicly. It would be ridiculous to request or encourage our customers to repost their reviews and anyone ***that owns a business*** knows that.


When it comes to Google or Yelp, reviewers are more like masked assailants that get away with posting negative reviews either unrelated to our business, things that are inappropriate, based off a one time venture in, they are a competitor, tantrum (as caught on camera), or having a simple misunderstanding. 


Platforms like Square could offer a more picture perfect honest review opportunity since these reviews are typically by recurring customers or customers that had a genuine intimate experience therefore resulting in a more genuine review. This really needs to be looked into further and Square makes reviews public. 


This could drastically launch and help a business so this change is necessary. It would be nice for a reply to come from the developer of Square instead of individuals I would hire that don’t fully grasp the importance of this feature being added. 


I hope my comment becomes more than a “ticket” submitted, but please pass it along. I hope it makes a difference. 

Message 11 of 72

I 100% agree with this statement. It is *COMMON SENSE* that a business would like its positive reviews to be made public. Why it hasn't been done already is kind of beyond me. Programs like Housecall Pro have gotten their act together and made this possible. I can't fathom why Square, which has been around much longer, hasn't gotten their act together on this yet.

Message 12 of 72
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Midaya! We appreciate your feedback around wanting to make reviews public.


I definitely hear you on this and the option to make them public would be great considering most reviews from other sites that you mentioned aren't typically good.


I will be sure to let our Product team know you're looking for this and explain why it's useful again! I appreciate you taking the time to give us the amount of detail you did so we have the most to take to them. 


They will also be able to see the length of this thread once we pass it up so hopefully that will help push it forward! 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 13 of 72

I have read on here since 2017 that they are working on make the customer reviews public, but they have not figured it out? Really! It doesn't sound like this is a priority for Square. This is a huge frustration for a small business. 

Message 14 of 72

Hey @lvbaseball


I understand your frustration. I can see how the feedback you receive from the Square receipts would be helpful to have as public information. I wish I had a timeline for you for when this will be an available feature. Right now, we do not. 


We will post in this thread as soon as we do have an update. As always, we appreciate your patience. 

Message 15 of 72

Hi Helen, it's been years.  Can we find a way to get the feedback to be public?  Or a way to link it to our website  or Google or Facebook?  This really needs to happen.  Customers think it is public when they post it already!

Message 16 of 72



Looks like making the reviews public has been a feature request since 5 years ago. 


Can you please tell us if this feature is on R & D list for update in 2022? This is a big dealbreaker for me and I'm trying to figure out if I should switch providers. In this day & age, and especially for small businesses, reviews are everything and it just doesn't make sense that under the current scope, the reviews are hidden from the public.


Kindly advise on estimated timeline for review feature update. 


Thank you so much.

Message 17 of 72

I am in complete agreement. Reviews help drive business and impact our bottom line. The many reviews that were posted on this platform should feed into Google so that the general public can benefit from the responses. I have been waiting for a productive response from Square regarding this concern for years now.


Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.

Message 18 of 72

I totally agree with what the above user was saying. I've gotten so much great feedback that all reads like the person commenting thinks it will be seen by the public, it would be so great if there was some sort of wiget or something to push this to my website or something!! Please tell your team it would be so so so helpful!

Message 19 of 72

This was a response from 2016.  2021 and still no functionality to share Square Reviews?  Why not and When?  This should be a priority for development.

Message 20 of 72

I know your coders have the ability to provide access to reviews for service companies.  It seems usless to us for you to limit to restaurants and retailers.

Message 21 of 72