
Double Printing Order Tickets - A Workaround for Square for Restaurants

At the moment, there isn't a way to set up double printing order tickets with Square for Restaurants. However, here's a great a workaround that should help!


If you want to send two identical order tickets to a single printer, you can create two printer stations for one physcial printer. 


Here's how: 


1. Open the Square for Restaurants app.

2. Tap Account > Setup Hardware

3. Make sure your compatible printer is plugged in and ready. Tap Create a Printer Station

4. Enter the printer stations details and make sure to select the applicable printer > Save

5. Now, create another printer station, but select the same physical printer. 

double double.png


Now when you print an order ticket, your kitchen will receive duplicate tickets for each order.  Note: The above workaround won't work if you're using 2-ply paper. 



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Would this work for the standard Square POS (not Square Restaurants)?  I am not looking to duplicate the entire ticket,  but I would like one ticket to print for kitchen items and another for drinks, which are in separate categories... but on the same printer.  Using your example I could setup the same printer twice and config one for kitchen-kitchen tickets and another for drink-kitchen tickets, correct?  I have an IP network printer, square will allow two devices to be created that use the same IP?


A feature suggestion would be to not only build this functionality in automatically when working with a single printer:

- Print multiple copies of the exact same ticket

- Print different categories to separate tickets, instead of just printing every item on separate tickets

- Have a manual option for kitchen tickets, not every drink order of mine would need a ticket for a single item.


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