Recent Discussions
You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
Ijust started Quickbooks essentials online. It is connected to Square through Sync with Square Hub. Every transaction that comes through without a customer is ...
I have been trying to use my contactless reader all day but it says it needs to do a firmware update...this will not work and i have reset my phone, blue tooth,...
Our iPad will not charge in Square stand. This has been going on for months before iOS 11. So not related to that?
Hi Team, I bought a new Huawei tablet to use for our square pos. However I noticed that it doesn't have the the pages that normally show when you are using a ta...
cannot go on to next step
I just signed up for an EIN number and Square isn’t accepting my newly assigned pin. I’m frustrated that I can’t even get anyone on the phone because I don’t ha...
Does anyone know of another company other than Square who does not reuire CVV? I've had a lot of loss in collection because customers won't give me the CVV and...
I have the Appointments app on my phone and when I try to schedule a client the app closes automatically. Because of this I'm not able to book clients via my ph...
I'm trying to modify the invoice number to match my accounting invoice number at the request of the customer. The Square invoice does not list the goods purchas...