
Feature Request: Is there any way to make the "Add Tips" button more visible?

The title of this post has been edited from the original:  Is there any way to make the "Add Tips" button more bigger?


Our restaurant is using Weebly online store and Square point of sale. We have many customers reported that hard to find the "add tips" button at our online store. Since the Covid-19 we rely on the online store a lot, our drivers and to-go specialists hard to get tips from our customers.

Also, had many time, the customers though they need to sign a credit card receipt when our drivers delivered the food to them. Had called the Square many times to try to ask them to fix, but never got fix. They just tell us once the transaction completed online, it will automatically settled, cannot add anything. 

Message 1 of 11
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @butterbang- Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community to share your suggestion. Sorry to hear that your business has been missing out on tips because of this 😔 We definitely want to make sure your customers are aware that they have the option to tip you and your staff for all your hard work! 💸


I’ve shared your feature request with our Product Team, as they are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators.


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates, here, in our Seller Community. We appreciate your input!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 11

Hello @Vivian320 !! 


We aren't able to enlarge the tip button. Sorry about that. 


As for the sign on receipt bit, CS is right - sign and tip is not available with online orders. It's not a bug, so they won't be able to fix it. Once the customer leaves a tip during checkout, the payment automatically settles.


Sign and tip is available through POS. So if the order is taken over the phone, you're able to print a receipt for customers to sign and tip. 




Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 11

However, it makes a lot more easier to get tips from customers even if customers place order online, the receipts still can be signed and tipped. I have some customers they call say cannot find the way to tip when they placing online orders. We just report some problems when we using the online store as a user. 

Message 3 of 11

Totally understand. Hopefully we can make the tip button more visible in the future. For now, there's not any shareable news on its availability. 




Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 11

I have a related question re: the "Add Tip" button. We use Square's POS, Online Store, and Self Serve/QR Code system, and we've noticed a dramatic drop in tips simply because customers need to click (and, as others on this thread have pointed out, find) the "Add Tip" button. Is it possible to just remove the button entirely and automatically display the tip options at checkout? That way customers 1) wouldn't struggle to find the tipping options, and 2) wouldn't have to opt out of a forced tip (which I know is an available feature). Please let me know if this is doable - our staff thanks you in advance! Cheers.

Message 5 of 11

While this isn't currently possible, we'll be sure to post an update to this thread if any updates are made to the way the Add Tip button functions, @bpc45. Stay subscribed to receive a notification when a new post is added to this thread!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 6 of 11

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to make the tip section more prominent on online checkout?


Many guests are saying that they missed it or didn't see it. People are really wanting to tip big right now and I want to get as much to my team as possible without being pushy to the guest

Message 7 of 11

It looks like someone else asked about this here in this thread, @chefnewton. I've gone ahead and moved your post here so we can keep all feedback about the size and placement of the Add tip button in one place for our eCommerce team. We'll be sure to update this thread if we have news to share!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 11

Hi, there!

our customers having same problem with your guests. They sometimes missed the tipping button and called us said is there any way to add tip to the driver because they didn’t see where to tip online and they don’t have cash! 

Also, the tips from delivery orders and pick up orders are showing together, everyday we need to separate them by ourselves. We are the restaurant need to give the tip to driver and our services separately. 

Message 9 of 11

This absolutely needs to be addressed! Every week, I have probably a dozen people tell me (without me asking) that they didn't see where they could add a tip online. For the mobile users, tipping is more obvious, but for many of my users who are placing an order through their laptop, the desktop version of the site's "add tip" text-based link is woefully insufficient to draw attention to this important feature. Square should know by now that many restaurants and their employees are still depending on the generosity of tips, especially in these times of crazy inflation. Please add a tip button or separate tipping section that has adequate visibility. 

Message 10 of 11
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @butterbang- Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community to share your suggestion. Sorry to hear that your business has been missing out on tips because of this 😔 We definitely want to make sure your customers are aware that they have the option to tip you and your staff for all your hard work! 💸


I’ve shared your feature request with our Product Team, as they are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators.


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates, here, in our Seller Community. We appreciate your input!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 11