Recent Discussions
You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
My square reader will nbot read any credit cards any more? I purchased a new reader with no success. Is there an update that I need install or should I switch t...
Is anyone having trouble with cash payments disappearing if you don’t hit “new sale” immediately after “sale completed” pops up? My drawer was waaay off yesterd...
At first I signed up on square with my personal email, then decided to create and switch it to a new email to keep things organized and seperate from personal a...
I am trying to pull emails for all customers who bought tickets to an event we're hosting. We just want to deliver some information about the day of the event. ...
I have a galaxy tab 4 and I cannot make my chip and pin reader connect to it. I have updated the device and reinstalled and signed in to square. I just get ‘dev...
"We are experiencing a technical outage in our payment system. Please try again later." It's a new business so we're not sure there needs to be funds within Sq...
Reader not connecting to iPad. After doing all of directions to fix?
We've followed the directions on both my side as the owner (online & app) and her side as the contractor (app), and this is still not working.
I Have been using Square Stand and the Contactless Chip reader (connected by USB) for some time now. It constantly is disconnecting where my stand or iPad isn't...