I'm trying to set up my store through weebly and am running a test to see if checkout works. When I add items to cart and then click go to checkout it says that the cart is empty. Can you tell me why it doesn't show items in cart when I go to checkout?
Thanks for sending this link across, @musicianpix - I was able to proceed to the checkout with the item in the cart, screenshot attached. Which browser are you using?
Just a couple of things come to mind to check.
1. Do you have the items you are testing set to visible?
2. Do you have a default shipping set?
Here is a support page that has a few things you may want to check, hopefully one of them will get you going.
Items are set to visible and default shipping is set. Still not working.
I can add items to the cart with no problem. It's when I hit the checkout button...it will say the cart is empty.
Any suggestions on what the problem could be based on that? I appreciate your help!
Is your site live yet, @musicianpix? Feel free to include a link, so we can test this out as well. It might also be a good idea to clear the cache on your browser, if you haven't already.
Yes, my site is live. Below is a link to the "shop" page on my website. Can you see if you have the same problem as I am with the cart? Add an item to the cart and then go to checkout and see if it says the cart is empty. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for sending this link across, @musicianpix - I was able to proceed to the checkout with the item in the cart, screenshot attached. Which browser are you using?
Thanks for you help on this. I am betting it is my browser. I can't update it any further because my computer is so old. I need to just get a new computer. Thanks again!
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