
Shipping Rates and Taxes are not calculated for online shipping orders

I have set up taxes for my online square site.


Pickup orders are properly being assigned sales tax.

Shipping orders are not.

I have set up a flat rate shipping cost that is also not being added to my online shipping orders.

I have followed the steps to activate sales tax automatically.

And since my pick up orders work fine, I am confused as to why my shipping orders are not adding sales tax or shipping rates.

I have even gone through the entire order process to confirm that the fees are not added at the end of the process.

Please help.

Please help.

Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @AnimeArmory 🎉


Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your checkout settings! Can you post a link to the site so we can take a look? 


One thing to keep in mind is that taxes may not be applied for all shipped orders. If you are using the automatic tax calculator we will charge taxes based on your nexus, or business location. Taxes would not apply to states you are shipping to where you do not have a physical presence.


You can find more information about online taxes in this guide


"The automatic tax calculator will charge US sales tax based on all store addresses you’ve entered and where you ship an order to. For example, let’s say your physical store is in California, but you ship orders from a location in Arizona. The automatic tax calculator will add rates for both Arizona and California. If you sell and ship from the same location, then you’ll only charge tax for orders going to that state. The most important thing to remember about US taxes is that you only need to collect them if you have a presence in the state that you are shipping an order to. If you don’t, you don’t collect taxes."

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