
The image on the customer display has disappeared

As recently as yesterday, we think, we had a nice photo of the front of our shop on the customer display before a transaction was started. It's disappeared, and now it's just our store name in white on a big black screen. What happened to our photo? I've looked all over the dashboard, but all I find in answer to my queries online is the place to find the little logo that prints on our paper receipts (when we use them, which is seldom.) 

Message 1 of 4
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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

I appreciate the follow-up @eclecticsgaller ! I am glad the photo appeared again!


If you wish to manage account information from Dashboard, you can do so from Account & Settings > My business. That area on Dashboard under locations is where you can also manage the photo for the customer display. 


If you continue to have any issues or questions let me know! 

Square Community Moderator
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Message 4 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hello @eclecticsgaller,


I want to investigate this further! Can I get some more information:


1) Have you rebooted?
2) Can you try a factory reset

3) What app version is the Register on? 

4) Did you update your photo here. 


Square Community Moderator
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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for the response. As a co-op member, I'm only in the shop a couple of days a month and didn't get a chance to SEE the display again until today, and the photo is BACK! I also see it when I access Square on my phone. 

I expected to be able to find it on the Dashboard access on my laptop. I had found that link you gave me when I was trying to diagnose the issue, and on my laptop, all I can see is the little logo that prints on a receipt on the very rare occasion that we print one. 

I just got into the same area on my phone, and THERE I can see the photograph. But on my laptop (where I would PRESUME the majority of the "work" to set up an account and all its necessary tidbits would be found.) But the photo is not there. 

That's just odd. 

But thank you for taking the time to respond. I guess the problem resolved itself with one of our nightly reboots. 

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

I appreciate the follow-up @eclecticsgaller ! I am glad the photo appeared again!


If you wish to manage account information from Dashboard, you can do so from Account & Settings > My business. That area on Dashboard under locations is where you can also manage the photo for the customer display. 


If you continue to have any issues or questions let me know! 

Square Community Moderator
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Message 4 of 4

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