
Customer Display Not Working

We've been having issues with our customer display not working. We have to reset our register multiple times to get it to work. I've talked to other business owners in my town about it, and they too have had the exact same issues. A temporary solution I heard about what to attach it back to the register, but that defeats the purpose of being able to use the cable.

I talked to customer support recently and they're sending me an entire new register, but that seems like overkill.



Adrian Mendoza
Stingray Botanicals
Message 1 of 47
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Re: Customer Display Not Working

Hey @Stingraybot and everybody else here.


Thanks so much for posting about this!

I just spoke to @Elyn on the Beta Team at Square and this has been reported, seen, put on alert, and they have a bunch of Engineers looking at & working on it right now. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon since it is a priority!


Thanks @JJ_ & @Ria & @isabelle for your help escalating this, and @MudFire_Dex & @JUYBoutique20 & @lenjobakes for drawing attention to it!

1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

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Hi @MudFire_Dex Alanah here, following up for JJ. I just reached out to our Engineering Team earlier today to request an update on this known Customer Display issue for the Square Register. 

 The temporary resolution for this issue is to restart the Register (not a factory reset). It may take 1-3 restarts to connect but unless you restart the Register after the Customer Display connects again, this issue should not impact your ability to accept payments through the card reader.

You may also see the Customer Display disconnected in the morning after the nightly reboots which will require a restart to reconnect the Display.

We do know restarting the device is definitely not ideal and we understand any frustration caused by having to do this but once reconnected, this should not impact the ability to process payments. If you are seeing anything different, please let us know! Any and all details will help our Engineers resolve this issue but rest assured, they are actively working on implementing a fix. We greatly appreciate your patience in the meantime 🙏

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 23 of 47

Just got a square register and the customer facing display wont prompt to leave a tip on chip cards. it works just fine on tap but not on chip. Why does it work for one and not the other? We are using square for restaurants free.

Message 2 of 47
Square Champion

@StingraybotHi Adrian - there are a few threads about this in the Square Community right now - I'm not sure how to ask that they be merged @isabelle  (?) I was wondering if there was something to be tried with an update of some sort so we did do a factory reset but that didn't work and the display was out earlier this morning. We normally just reconnect/power off and on to resolve. We are also having issues with the display even when our customer display is docked - in fact, we have never used it undocked - so I don't think it is the cable. @JUYBoutique20@Doran  you all use the register too right? are you seeing anything funny with the customer display on yours?

Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 3 of 47
Square Champion

Mine keeps going out too.  I have to reboot it a few times and then it will come back up.  Not a restart but a full shutdown wait a minute and then turn it back on and log back in.  


Haute Beauty Guide
Message 4 of 47

I can merge them @MudFire_Dex ! Do you have links to the other threads? Really sorry about this, hopefully the other threads have some solutions you can try @Stingraybot  😬 

Message 5 of 47
Square Champion

Message 6 of 47
Square Champion

Message 7 of 47
Square Champion

I didn't have any problems with mine today...I'll make sure to check on it in the morning when I open and reply back here...


Update 4/29

My customer display is docked so maybe that's why I'm not having the same problems so far.  Today everything is working as normal.

Jacqueline Mull
Owner of Jackie's Uniquely U Boutique
Owner of Uniquely U Anime

Message 8 of 47
Square Community Moderator



I agree that attaching the Customer Display to the register defeats the purpose. My question is if you attach it does the problem goes away or does it still persist?  The reason I ask this is you could be able to prove that either your Customer Display cable or cable port is defective if the problem goes away when attached. 


I hope this information is helpful!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 9 of 47
Square Champion

Ours it constantly attached, never been used with the cable and we still experience this.

Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 10 of 47

We have 3 square registers, but one of them does this weird thing where the register says "display disconnected"...but it's not disconnected. When we restart the register, it goes away (most of the time) We are not using the connector cable, just the display connected directly to the register. 


Anyone else have this problem, or better yet, the solution? 

Message 11 of 47
Square Champion

Hello @pigwich thanks for your post. I too have experienced this but my display is connected via the extended cable. I've only been able to correct this by restarting the register. Maybe some else will have a solution or cause to this issue.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
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Message 12 of 47
Square Champion

Try pulling the front display off and putting it back on.  It's quicker than restarting and generally resolves this issue but I've had this happening on a couple of registers recently as well.

Message 13 of 47
Square Champion

@isabellethis is one of the other threads I was talking about with regard to the customer display issue.


Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 14 of 47

Message 15 of 47

Our retail business has 8 Square registers across 5 locations. The registers have become a nightmare in 2 of our locations.  


The most recent development is that the customer display will randomly become "disconnected" from the register and the card reader refuses to work.  Square Supports suggest the usual troubleshooting fixes that our team practically know by heart at this point.  Next, is a Factory Reset, which I doubt will resolve anything, as it has never fixed our problems in the past.  After that, they will file a warranty claim and replace the register... But it's not a device problem when it is happening a multiple registers...


A few weeks ago, the "comp" button quit working at 2 locations. I reported it to Square Support and we opened a case for the engineers.  Last week, the feature started working again out of the blue. No updates or feedback was given from Square.


At that same time, we reported another register problem.  In 1 location only, the registers will randomly lose a transaction.  A customer checks out and pays. Everything appears to operate normally.  But behind the scene, the transaction will get cancelled and will completely disappear from our Register and also from the Dashboard log.  It happened recently with a cash transaction.  The transaction was not included in the cash sales total on the drawer report, so that drawer had an overage at the end of the day.  We are losing money if we don't catch the problem when it happens and our inventory counts are being messed up each time this happens.  It's been over a month since we "opened a case"/"filed a ticket" and still no updates from Square Support.


Is anyone else having massive amounts of problems from Square Registers?

Message 16 of 47
Square Champion

We are having a struggle with the display as well with our register, we keep ours docked and we did the factory reset which worked for a few days. All that we have found that works is reconnecting and/or sometimes powering off and back on which is annoying if you have a line of people which it sounds like you would with so many locations/registers. I haven't reached out to support yet because it hasn't been a major issue but I would like to know the cause or what can help if anyone has knowledge pertaining to docked displays losing connection.

We haven't experienced the other issues you are seeing but maybe some others in the group have some suggestions - @pessosices you have multiple registers right?

Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 17 of 47
Square Community Moderator

Hi @GB-Crystal - Welcome to The Seller Community, it's always nice to see a new face 😊


Great Observation.

Your Registers are certainly not behaving as intended. It is uncommon to have this many issues with your hardware. I have escalated this issue on your behalf further to our engineers and Account Management so that there is visibility on this matter right away.


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 18 of 47

Thank you @Ria for the responses and escalation!  We have used Square registers for about three years and the major problems only began about 6 months ago.  The weird part is that the troubles are limited to only 2 of our locations, but of course, it is our largest and busiest locations.  These two locations have 2 and 3 registers in use respectively, while our other locations only operate 1 register.  I'm not sure if that information is truly helpful, but my coworker and I both agreed it might be.

Message 19 of 47

Yes! Our business has been having major issues with our register within the last 6 months and we've only had it for 3 years with very light usage since March 2020. We use it a maximum of 2-3 hours a day. It randomly disconnects and will sporadically process cards. When we save tickets from another ipad it it's slow to pull up, and sometimes it won't pull the ticket at all. I've done multiple Factory Resets and we power it down at night. I've spoken with multiple customer service representatives who say it's being escalated to the engineering department, but I never receive a response back until I call and ask for an update, but unfortunately there's not much progress to update. I continue to send videos of the mounting issues we have. I've offered to send my register back to the engineers so they can look at it and determine the issue and fix it, but the most recent customer service rep I spoke with told me I'm outside of my warranty and there's nothing more they can do. When I asked to speak with a supervisor I was put on hold for 30 minutes and never picked back up until eventually the call sent me to a survey. Poor customer service. I immediately sent an email in with the case number, but no response. I've loved Square, but a $1500 piece of equipment should be able to hold up for more than 3 years, and customer service or the engineering department should respond. I've had no issues with our stands and I'm regretting this purchase. 

Message 20 of 47
Square Community Moderator

I am personally investigating this case and will get back to you with an update soon. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 21 of 47
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