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You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...

Posted 07-11-2023 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

Let's see if I can make any sense at this. I decided to look at a customer's purchase activity, and I was surprised athow little sense it all made to me. I not...

Square Champion
Posted 05-25-2018 in Troubleshooting
14 Replies

This has been a problem for quite some time but I haven't mentioned it thinking others would and it would get fixed. But I don't see any conversations about thi...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 05-22-2018 in Troubleshooting
22 Replies

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: magreader rate is the same as keyed inI got the simple square magreader. It works. But I can only ac...

5 - Supporter
Posted 07-25-2018 in Troubleshooting
4 Replies

Hello , I'm A Seller And I'm Having A LittleDifficulty/Confusion. First Off , I Got The Magstripe Reader For My Android , But When I Put In The Magstripe , It A...

5 - Supporter
Posted 07-23-2016 in Troubleshooting
5 Replies

For some reason, the first receipt of the day does not include my business logo. Subsequent receipts, including reprints of the first, do have a printed logo. I...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 07-26-2018 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

Hey guys im trying to turn on the table managment / check managment on my device for square resturant. i have the floor plans done and saved but i cant find a w...

5 - Supporter
Posted 08-01-2018 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

tl:dr; Which apps under the iPad Settings|Cellular Data|Use Cellular Data For list must be active to use Square Register. The app is not listed as an option to ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 08-01-2018 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

If chip reader won't work (perhaps issue with that particular credit card), is there a way that Squre will allow to swipe? or is only choice then to key-in?

5 - Supporter
Posted 08-01-2018 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

I have a customer who was not getting their recurring invoice. Email was bouning back. He asked me to change the email on file, which I did through his customer...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-06-2017 in Troubleshooting
2 Replies

For years I have set myiPad to airplane mode to use as a cash register. All credit sales were done on my phone. I come home from a show take it off airplane mod...

5 - Supporter
Posted 07-29-2018 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply
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