Recent Discussions
You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
Let's see if I can make any sense at this. I decided to look at a customer's purchase activity, and I was surprised athow little sense it all made to me. I not...
This has been a problem for quite some time but I haven't mentioned it thinking others would and it would get fixed. But I don't see any conversations about thi...
The title of this thread has been edited from the original: magreader rate is the same as keyed inI got the simple square magreader. It works. But I can only ac...
Hello , I'm A Seller And I'm Having A LittleDifficulty/Confusion. First Off , I Got The Magstripe Reader For My Android , But When I Put In The Magstripe , It A...
For some reason, the first receipt of the day does not include my business logo. Subsequent receipts, including reprints of the first, do have a printed logo. I...
Hey guys im trying to turn on the table managment / check managment on my device for square resturant. i have the floor plans done and saved but i cant find a w...
tl:dr; Which apps under the iPad Settings|Cellular Data|Use Cellular Data For list must be active to use Square Register. The app is not listed as an option to ...
If chip reader won't work (perhaps issue with that particular credit card), is there a way that Squre will allow to swipe? or is only choice then to key-in?
I have a customer who was not getting their recurring invoice. Email was bouning back. He asked me to change the email on file, which I did through his customer...
For years I have set myiPad to airplane mode to use as a cash register. All credit sales were done on my phone. I come home from a show take it off airplane mod...