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You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
Been using square for almost 3 years and suddenly encountering very annoying issue. When I check a client out, then go to “BOOK NEXT”, select new date...then sc... longer works and I get the message gone. Did square discontinue the old websites?
I've set up 4 categories, following directions in online guides, but there are a couple of problems: (1) "Categories" option is disabled in page editing; (2) ca...
The title of this post has been changed by a moderator from:"Scheduled pick up and ApplePay" Hi, Has anyone else noticed that when you complete an order using ...
Hello, I have not worked since Covid 19 lockdown, except to sell products to regular clients (I am an esthetician-skin care). Over the last week, four transact...
Is anyone experiencing issues with their Register? I’ve had a replacement sent to me and it has the exact same issues as the first one. The main display won’t r...
When I have used Square in the past year and use the Quick Entry option, I enter the dollar amount, and then can enter a "Note" that allowed me to describe what...
I'm having trouble sending a contract to my customer. When I hit send, it emails the contract to me, instead of my customer. When I attempt to forward the email...
I have connected the WooCommerce App and Square. All was working fine until yesterday. Now, when clicking to "Checkout", I get a spinning wheel and nothing load...
I'm trying to connect my square store to my website, but it keep incorrectly identifying my domain host as GoDaddy...