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You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
I've checked spam, switched to another email, and even tried responding to the emails from my dashboard and still nothing. I've surveyed the community boards an...
Can I turnoff the percentage tipping but keep the $1 $2 $3 tipping for all of my sales?
I have 2 businesses and successfully set up an online store thru the square (weebly) dashboard for 1, but when i login to my second square account to set up the...
I have a new customer that has requested me to ship his items to a post box store. He has a post box there. Payment is being taken with a square invoice. Am I s...
The title of this post has been edited from the original:Square for Retail - Free version I'm having trouble finding info on what features are included in Squa...
When I log in on my computer, it does not give me a dashboard option. It says nothing to display when there should be a lot of item inventory to display. I used...
I've tested this out myself and am receiving the same bug that customers are getting. Pick up is clearly the fulfilment option selected prior to clicking on che...
I'm starting a computer/phone repair business and we print out labels to stick them on the devices that we receive to keep track of the situation, customer, dia...