
Square Store Register Receipts Changed on March 30

Prior to the March 30 square update we were able to print our credit card receipt which included the detail of what our customers purchased -- no need for 2 seperate receipts  being printed.  We now have to print the credit card receipt which shows the Authorization Number and total due with signature line only.  Then we have to print the detailed register receipt.    How can we get this back?


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Hi @MMZ, we’ve improved your printed auth slips. As you said, previously we’d printed the itemization on the receipt and then printed the itemization again on the authorization slip. (This led to some long printed receipts!) Now, itemization is still available on the printed receipt, but it’s not duplicated on the auth slip.


Only the auth slip will print when you charge your customer’s card. Even if your printer settings were configured to auto print receipts before this change, that feature has been toggled off. In order to print both the itemized receipt and auth slip by default, on iPad, go into your printer settings and toggle on Auto Print Receipts.


Hope that gets things settled for you. If it does, please consider clicking Author's Choice below this post.

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