
iPad2 with Square Stand using chip reader constant Connectivity issues...

I Have been using Square Stand and the Contactless Chip reader (connected by USB) for some time now. It constantly is disconnecting where my stand or iPad isn't finding it. I have to tell it almost between every transaction to find it again. I also have it disconnect from the stand too. I'm not sure what to do. It is an older iPad of course, although it appears that Square may have updated slightly (using v 4.82.1) I coud delete and re-install the Square app, but I am afraid my items will go missing (will they?) I have done a force quit on the Square App, and turned off the iPad and back on, as well as a soft reboot on the iPad. I really know a newer iPad would work better but I don't really want to buy a new one when I just use this for the register.. any help with this old iPad and this issue will be appreciated. Thanks!

Message 1 of 10

Hello @HDBT


We can certainly do some troubleshooting for this! First, I would make sure that you're on the most current iOS. Next I would delete and reinstall your app. This won't delete any of your items, because your account is stored on the cloud. Also we want to rule out this being an issue with the USB connection. Have you tried different ports on the USB hub? Or tried connecting it with a different micro USB cable? 


I'll keep an eye out for your reply! 

Message 2 of 10

Having the same problem with the chip reader

..ugh it's so annoying ..and I have a Android pad so I am pretty sure it's not because of your iPad 


Message 3 of 10

Sorry to hear about the trouble @Dee39


Are you using the Square Dock to connect your reader via USB? Or are you using Bluetooth? 


I'll keep an eye out for your reply. 

Message 4 of 10

I use the square dock



Message 5 of 10

Could you share some examples of when the reader disconnects? For example is it after every transaction? Or is it when you arrive in the morning? 


I'd love to get to the bottom of this together @Dee39🙂

Message 6 of 10
Square Champion

My iPad 2 with the reader in the dock also sees this issue intermittently. When it disconnects, it’s when a card is first inserted during a transaction—no matter when during the transaction. 


I’ve started to come to the realization that the iPad 2 may just not be able to keep up with the latest versions of Square anymore... 😞


What I’ve done for a workaround is to allow for chip cards to be swiped on this tablet only. Definitely not the best answer due to the liability shift, but when your reader disconnects multiple times during a transaction it makes completing the sale a little interesting. 


@Chad If your dev team can come up with a better fix I’m all ears! 🙂 

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 7 of 10
Square Community Moderator

@ryanwanner Based on what you're describing, it could be that the reader itself is damaged at the mini-usb hub where it connects to the dock. I've seen a few instances where this has happened when removing the reader from the dock at an angle that would cause bending or cracking of the hardware on the inside of the reader or the docks pin itself. 


It's unfortunately not something you can see from the naked eye, so I recommend going through our Warranty process to receive a new replacement reader and dock. 


@Dee39 you mentioned you're using the dock, and also bluetooth at the same time? This could be the cause of the issue, as the USB connection will take precedence, and if there's a slight disconnect at any time it could cause the reader to toggle between USB and Bluetooth connection. Try using only one or the other and see if that helps at all. 

Message 8 of 10

Every morning when I start my day. I push the bottom on the chip reader but it usually takes me awhile to get it going and sometimes i don't use it because it's too time consuming and don't want to keep my customer waiting so half the time I have to skip the card Instwad of the chip reader...I have to go to the Bluetooth and disconnect and reconnect it . All I know is it's been given me trouble every morning

Message 9 of 10

Half the time I have to swipe the customer card instedad of using the chip reader 


Message 10 of 10
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