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Recent Discussions

You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...

Posted 07-11-2023 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

Hello just getting the Google calendar sync up...now wondering if I should expect the customer address to also sync? It's just showing a "," (comma) in the add...

7 - Protege
Posted 11-01-2019 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

all credit cards are being denied unless we manually input them

5 - Supporter
Posted 11-01-2019 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

Hi, I have my deposit tag set to MBL for my food trailer location. I don't see this showing up on my deposits though. Any idea why? Every deposit is the same,De...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 11-01-2019 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

We upgraded to the new square register and it has been amazing. But for the last week our printer is no longer printing receipts or reports and because our cash...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-31-2019 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

I have multiple devices in multiple locations (mobile business) the way I've managed to work with this is assign device nicknames. The problem is if employees d...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-21-2019 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies

I am trying to sign into my online book an appointment website by typing into the code that it sends to my phone and sending it but then nothing happens can any...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-30-2019 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

Why are none of my clients upcoming appointments Shouting on their customer file?

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-29-2019 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

just want to refund a bulk refunds for total of $405 none of the charges match about $45 (there are about 4 different amounts). Could I not just to do a one sum...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-29-2019 in Troubleshooting
1 Reply

I’m currently on my 5th chip card reader in a year. I’ve done the warranty claim each time, which gets me a new reader. But they never last past the first charg...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-24-2019 in Troubleshooting
5 Replies

My plug in mag strip reader won't plug into my new Samsung Galaxy S9. It won't go in far enough to connect.

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-26-2019 in Troubleshooting
3 Replies
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