Recent Discussions
You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
I cannot update my stock.. I keep getting this error "We're sorry, but we weren't able to access your stock information. Please save your item and try again." i...
Has anyone else had issues trying to Activate your physical bank debit card with Square? I've tried for a couple days to Activate mine and an error message pops...
Has anyone else had issues trying to Activate your physical bank debit card with Square? I've tried for a couple days to Activate mine and an error message pops...
I've just started the process of moving my items from another shop platform over to Square.I've added 4 items so far and every time I've clicked manage stock an...
Hey Everyone!We are a food truck and have noticed with the new “pay later” feature that sometimes orders that haven’t been closed out by the customer will not s...
I had two employees request edits to their timecard because they didn't clock out at the end of the shift. In the past this worked with no issues but today when...
Sales tax is not being charged on my site, even after the shipping rate and address has been selected. Please help!
has anyone had issues with the retail point of sale app kicking you out when entering items to a customer sale? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the a...
When I check a client out my printer is printing 2 receipts after the sale. I don't see how to change this on the Square Platform under 'Settings'? Any advise w...
I cannot find items I just added to my inventory when I go to my "online" items library. It shows in my Square dashboard on the desktop, however to make it avai...