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You’re invited to beta test Square Bill Pay for Android. Stop writing and mailing paper checks — with Square Bill Pay for Android, it’s now easier to pay your v...
Well my amount page wont let me enter the amount for 2 reasons Split amount or connect to internet. Im using data. I havevt
[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Manual Card Entry freezes when card expiration month is January] When entering card expiration mon...
[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: typing in checkout search is slow]Retail POS system on iPads (both have these symptoms). The app is...
I had to take two partial payments on an invoice and now it looks like the invoice was paid double. It shows as income when I did not take double the amount. I ...
[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Square register issue with only Chase chip]So this has been going on since July, and only with Chas...
Hi all, We've been using Sq for more than 3 years than this is the first time we came across this issue and it surely worked by Jan 2. When I tried to get a d...
The Square card reader won't stay plugged into my Samsung Galaxy S7. It literally falls out of the headset jack.
[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: migrating into new store] I migrated all my items to the new square store but some of my items did...
I issued a refund for the amount of the overcharge 2 hrs after original transaction. will I be subject for both the over charge and the refund?
I can't sign up because I don't have a phone number under my name. Is there a way around this?