
Why can't I enter the expiration date when manually entering a card?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: I am trying manually enter a credit card but it won’t allow me to enter the experation year]



Trying to enter a payment manually but when I get to the month and year it won’t allow me to the use in

Message 1 of 234
1 Verified Answer
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Re: My card is deactivated. Why are expiration dates on the card freezing?

I've moved your post to this thread as it sounds like what you're experiencing is related to the expiration date issue we had our engineers look into, @mdr_moore. Please take a moment to update the Square app on your device(s), and things should starting working as expected for you!

233 REPLIES 233

I have one iPad that works, and one that doesn't.

Works: Square version 5.36
iPad Model: MR7J2LL/A (6th generation)
iOS Software Version 13.3.1

Doesn't work: Square version 5.30
iPad Model MF432LL/A
iOS version 9.3.5

The older iPad model cannot get an iOS update.

It works fine in all other respects. (AFAIK)

Last "compatible" version is 5.30, and the bug exists there.
In order to find out that support ended for iOS version 9 I had to delete the app and reinstall it. Then I get the alert that the "current version requires iOS 10. Would you like to install the last compatible version?" If I simply try an update to 5.36, I get no such alert.

This bug is especially painful in the current situation, which requires many transactions to be done over the phone because of social distancing. Square is telling me I have to do a kludgy workaround (virtual PoS) or spend $300 for a new PoS. 

I find it very difficult to believe that there is some feature of iOS 10 that is crucial to the operation of entering a month/year.

Your customers need this fix.
This bug is Sev 1 Pri 1 and deserves a QFE backported to 5.30





Message 148 of 234

Did I mention that failure to fix this will have a negative effect on Square's bottom line?

Message 149 of 234

Hey @celaeno thanks so much for taking the time to post that. I hear you - having the ability to support older iOS models would be nice, but for security reasons, we are forced to depreciate support for those products at some point.


Delivering the best software and payment experience is important to us, and this change will enable us to do so.

If you’re unable to update to iOS 11, you can still continue to take payments, but you won’t be able to receive updates. I know this is frustrating news, but to better protect the security of your account and payments, we will not be able to release a fix for any previous software versions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 150 of 234

Hello Ashley,
That was a canned response. I know because I have been forced to deliver many myself. It's not easy, and you have my sympathy.
But just so we're crystal clear, this particular issue has exactly nothing to do with security. Furthermore, Square never gave any notification whatsoever of the end of support for iOS 9, as is customary in the software industry. Your software team owes its users better than that.

Best wishes,

P.S. I think you meant "deprecate"; "depreciate" is something else entirely.

Message 151 of 234
Square Community Moderator

Hi @celaeno - I can step in for Ashley here. As someone who spends their day writing on the Community, I can say that I've had my fair share of spelling/grammatical errors - I'm sure each of us has been there at some point. Sorry for the confusion.


We do always notify our Sellers by way of email if previous software is undergoing deprecation. It's also helpful to keep in mind here that this deprecation is a mandate from the software manufacturer (Apple, Samsung, etc.) and these updates truly do add new security features to combat issues and potential breaches made capable through previous software updates.


We understand this is frustrating - yet, we want to push forth the most helpful and up-to-date product offering we can. Because of this, as Ashley mentioned, means software deprecation is inevitable.


Best of luck going forward! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 152 of 234
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @jbtneuro - thanks for letting us know. If the steps above did not resolve your issue, we would recommend flagging this over to our Support Team. They can take a deeper look into the issue with you! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 153 of 234

When you check that your app is updated in The App Store, it may look updated because it says "OPEN" on the right side of the screen. However, click on the Square icon to open a new screen. Mine said UPDATE. When it did, I was able to enter ALL of the information without a problem!

Message 154 of 234

When I try and run a Visa card manually it will not except yr ,the 2 button will not work.This only happens on visa.

Message 155 of 234

I cannot get the app to allow me to manually enter expiration dates.  Am seeing patients via telemedicine, using my iPad, so need to have this ability.  Saw other threads on this, already updated my Square app, turned iPad on and off.  Please help ASAP! 

Message 156 of 234



Hmm, strange. Can you give me a bit more detail on the errors/app behavior you noticed when trying to manually enter payment - does the app allow you to proceed to the expiry/zip/cvv screen after you enter the card number? Is the number keypad not appearing? 


Let me know so I can further assist. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 157 of 234

I am having the same issue. I am taking orders over the phone and I can enter the CC number. Then I go to the expiration Month & Year and you are not able to enter the year or expiration. I have found it is anything that is 21 or 22 thus far. You are not able to move to the CV or the zipcode till that is entered. This needs fixed ASAP! 

Message 158 of 234

Oh no! Thanks for including yourself in this thread too @BellaTerra. Can you try from the Virtual Terminal?


Trying to collect as much info as possible so I can relay the issue to our Support Team. Let me know. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 159 of 234

I am having the same issue.  Using Square app on my ipad. Trying to type 01/23.  Can input 01/ then can't put a 2 in.  

Message 160 of 234

I am having the same issue> Please let me know how to fix the problem.

thank you

Message 161 of 234

Hey @DevAdv @tmcelgun - Thanks for adding your voice. I checked with my Team and we tested  entering one of our cards for manual entry but was able to successfully enter the expiry date with no problem. 


Have you all tried basic app troubleshooting ? (make sure the app is up to date as well as your device's OS. Also make sure your customer has confirmed their card info with their card issuer)


If you walked through troubleshooting and the issue still persists, can you respond with screenshots and specifics on how the app behaves - whether you see an error message or if the POS screen shakes in error. Without this pertinent info, our Engineering team will not be able to isolate to the issue. 


Thanks for your help with this. I'll be looking forward to your response. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 162 of 234

It is only when I use the ipad app.  Entering the same date on an iphone works.  And, it's not all expiration dates.  Just seems to be ones that start with 01/2X or 02/2X or 03/2X.  It doesn't give an error or the screen doesn't shake.  It just will not let you enter the 2.  You can put another number in the 2 spot. For example, 01/32 works, but 01/23 does not.

Message 163 of 234

Hey there @DevAdv. Have you already updated the app on your iPad?

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 164 of 234

Hi Justin. I am having the issue where I can’t put the entire expiration date in. How can I fix this?

Message 165 of 234

Square is not allowing me to enter the expiration date of 02/24----lost business.


Message 166 of 234

@baybooks -Have you walked through these app troubleshooting steps? If you're still having trouble entering the expiry date, please send a screenshot of the error you're running into. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 167 of 234

We are not able to manually enter a credit card charge if the expiration month is 01,02 or 03.  Can someone tell me how to get around this?  Our entire business now needs to operate with manual entry (Square is benefitting from this) and this is not allowing us to complete our sales transaction.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Message 168 of 234
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