
What are the troubleshooting steps for the Contactless and Chip Card Reader?

For the past few months my contactless chip reader won't process payment. It connects to my Note5, but when I press the charge amount and the reader green light goes on, it won't accept the payment. I leave the chip card in the reader for a while then a red light goes on and the phone says need to re-connect the reader. But the app says the reader is connected when I go back to the register screen. I'm thinking something is wrong with the reader but nowhere does it show there is an error. Very frustrating! 

Message 1 of 204
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Anyone else having the chip reader take a long time to connect?

Hey @hairninja76, I'm sorry your reader is taking longer than usual to connect - that sounds pretty frustrating! These pairing troubleshooting steps usually help. It's also important that your phone's software is up to date, and the Point of Sale app is up to date too! 


If those troubleshooting steps don't resolve this issue for you, please don't hesitate to call our team who can take a closer look. 

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

That's no good!


We have an article that outlines some of the best troubleshooting tips for Contactless reader trouble: Square Contactless and Chip Card Reader Troubleshooting


Try these steps below to get your reader up and running: 


  1. Force quit the Square app and reopen it.
  2. Delete and reinstall the Square app. Note: If you’ve recently accepted payments while in Offline Mode and haven’t uploaded them, don’t delete and reinstall the app or you’ll lose these transactions. Connect your mobile device to the Internet to complete these payments before deleting the app.
  3. Turn your mobile device off and back on.
  4. If the reader and device are more than 10ft apart, the reader will have trouble maintaining a consistent connection. Move your reader and device closer when in use.

If these tips don’t solve the trouble, force shutdown your reader:


  1. Plug in the reader for at least 20 minutes to be sure it’s charged.
  2. While the reader is charging, use a bobby pin, pen cap, or paper clip to firmly press and hold the button on the reader for 20 seconds.
  3. After 20 seconds, release the button and wait 10 seconds.
  4. Press the button again to turn the reader on and observe any lights on the reader.


If the reader lights turn on, you’re all set. If the lights don’t turn on, please try again and make sure to firmly press and hold the reader’s button for a full 20 seconds.


If that doesn’t do the trick, you can submit a warranty claim to receive a replacement.

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Message 2 of 204
203 REPLIES 203

Why can't I get the 10 dollars for my square reader

Message 43 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Shelton - thanks for reaching out here on the Seller Community! 


So sorry for the trouble receiving your credit for your reader! Would you mind flagging this over to our Support Team? They can take a deeper look and make sure this gets resolved for you.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 44 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @steelfire1a1


Welcome to the Community! 


Are you working with the Contactless + Chip Reader? I moved your post to a board with some troubleshooting steps to get your reader working. 


Please let me know if they don't do the trick! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 45 of 204

My chip reader stopped working yesterday. It seems to have power but when we go to charge the card it just sits there. It's not the charging port, I have used the reader in another charging port and same result. 


Message 46 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @DougShuster - thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community! So sorry for the trouble you are experiencing with your chip reader.


I've merged your post into an existing thread of Sellers who were also experiencing similar issues with their Chip Card Readers. Take a look at this Best Answer - it will give you some extensive troubleshooting to walk through. If you walk through these steps and are still experiencing issues, please let me know!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 204

A team member is trying to connect a reader to their iPad.  When they go to Hardware-Connect and Manage and click  Square card readers, the message says they do not have permission to access this area or take action.


The team member is set up as a Mobile Cashier and has team permissions.


Any idea?



Message 48 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @LuteQ


I moved your post to a thread that has some helpful tips to help troubleshoot the connection issues you're seeing with you Contactless + Chip Reader


Please let me know if these don't help and I would be happy to circle back with you. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 49 of 204

Square contactless & chip readers: They are pieces of crap. $50 pieces of crap that have an extremely brief lifespan...
I got two in Aug. 2018, used them each weekend for two months that year, two months the next, never in 2020, and this year one worked for a couple of days, the other not at all. I have repeatedly employed every single troubleshooting tip to no avail. I am very curious as to what goes bad in them, especially when they are not used daily and frequently.

Message 50 of 204

Make sure that any of your other phones have their bluetooth turned off.


Message 51 of 204

reader is showing green light but will not accept credit cards


Everything was working well and then about a week ago this started


Message 52 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @hyatt275 -


I moved your post to a thread where other sellers had some similar issues with their Contactless + Chip Reader. 


Check out the steps for a hard reset on your reader. 


If that doesn't do the trick, please let me know. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 53 of 204

I just received reader, got it to connect to phone and attempted to Charge it. Next day went to play and reconnect it and the lights constantly flash red. Now i can't connect it to my device, not can i confirm that its charged.

Message 54 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @Tish4


Sorry to hear you're having issues with your new Contactless + Chip Reader. 


I moved your post to a thread that has some tips for troubleshooting your reader. If these steps don't work, I would recommend putting in a warranty for it.


Please let me know if you have any other questions! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 55 of 204

my Name is Cindy. I own a small antique shop in Long Beach calif. I love the square, it has made my business so easy!  although i am having trouble with the chip reader.  i have two employees and we use the square ap, its working great, but i think its an internet problem with the chip reader. 

Happy Halloween!  Happy Business!

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Message 56 of 204

Hi @cindo5212 — Welcome to the Seller Community! We're so happy to have you. As for your question, it looks like another seller had the same question, and received an answer. Check out the reply from Kelly and let me know if that helps!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 57 of 204

Same here, I had the new wireless reader and every time I have a repeating customer, wants me to enter manually.

Tired of trying to reach the company.   I can't exchange the reader,so I m using an old one that can read the chip on the c.c.. After 6 years being  loyal to SQUARE, but can't talk to nobody to get info.  I did all the steps  that were told (3 times)   and didn't work.   I have enough

Message 58 of 204

Sorry to hear about the trouble with the Reader, @Bellaestilista. I moved your comment to this thread that has troubleshooting tips you can try. Check out the first page. 


If you'd like to call us, check out this post from Sean.

Message 59 of 204

Just purchased a Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD pad to use with my wireless card reader but when I try to connect, connection failed. What can I do to fix this problem.


Message 60 of 204

Sorry to hear that, @RustyBean. I moved your post to our troubleshooting thread for the Contactless reader; check out the steps Kelly provided on the first page. 


Your device is supported, so if you're still having trouble, give us a call so we can take a look with you. Thanks!

Message 61 of 204

My contactless has worked fine for weeks and weeks.  Today we updated the app and now the pair stops when the device goes to sleep or just whenever it feels like it.  There is a new yellow bar at the top telling me to push the readers button but that does nothing but puts it into a pairing state.  the app just sits there...  I have to turn off the bluetooth on my device and turn it back on to get it to pair.

Do you know how agrivating that is when your customer is standing right there waiting to check out???  This crap is not new folks, thread after thread, post after post we are all experiencing this BS.  What grinds me is if I have to resort to the magnastrip then I am liable for the transaction even though my hardware is forcing me to do it!!!  Please fix this issue once and for all guys!  My employees are going to call me at all hours because this started again.

Message 62 of 204

Sorry to hear that, @vintiquellc. I moved your post to an existing thread on this topic. Run through the full set of troubleshooting on the first page, and feel free to contact our Support team directly if these steps do not take care of the issue. We'll go from there.

Message 63 of 204
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