
What are the troubleshooting steps for the Contactless and Chip Card Reader?

For the past few months my contactless chip reader won't process payment. It connects to my Note5, but when I press the charge amount and the reader green light goes on, it won't accept the payment. I leave the chip card in the reader for a while then a red light goes on and the phone says need to re-connect the reader. But the app says the reader is connected when I go back to the register screen. I'm thinking something is wrong with the reader but nowhere does it show there is an error. Very frustrating! 

Message 1 of 204
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Anyone else having the chip reader take a long time to connect?

Hey @hairninja76, I'm sorry your reader is taking longer than usual to connect - that sounds pretty frustrating! These pairing troubleshooting steps usually help. It's also important that your phone's software is up to date, and the Point of Sale app is up to date too! 


If those troubleshooting steps don't resolve this issue for you, please don't hesitate to call our team who can take a closer look. 

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

That's no good!


We have an article that outlines some of the best troubleshooting tips for Contactless reader trouble: Square Contactless and Chip Card Reader Troubleshooting


Try these steps below to get your reader up and running: 


  1. Force quit the Square app and reopen it.
  2. Delete and reinstall the Square app. Note: If you’ve recently accepted payments while in Offline Mode and haven’t uploaded them, don’t delete and reinstall the app or you’ll lose these transactions. Connect your mobile device to the Internet to complete these payments before deleting the app.
  3. Turn your mobile device off and back on.
  4. If the reader and device are more than 10ft apart, the reader will have trouble maintaining a consistent connection. Move your reader and device closer when in use.

If these tips don’t solve the trouble, force shutdown your reader:


  1. Plug in the reader for at least 20 minutes to be sure it’s charged.
  2. While the reader is charging, use a bobby pin, pen cap, or paper clip to firmly press and hold the button on the reader for 20 seconds.
  3. After 20 seconds, release the button and wait 10 seconds.
  4. Press the button again to turn the reader on and observe any lights on the reader.


If the reader lights turn on, you’re all set. If the lights don’t turn on, please try again and make sure to firmly press and hold the reader’s button for a full 20 seconds.


If that doesn’t do the trick, you can submit a warranty claim to receive a replacement.

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Message 2 of 204
203 REPLIES 203

my iPhone is updated, reader is charged, Square software is updated.


Square reader is connected via bluetooth on iPhone but not recognized as connected when attempting to process payment in the app.  


Help please.

Message 169 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @storieland - 


Welcome to the Seller Community and thank you for your post! I have merged this over to a board under a similar topic and it contains a Best Answer post for troubleshooting your hardware. 


Check out this article to help troubleshoot your Contactless + Chip Reader.


Let me know if those didn't help at all and I can take another look!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 170 of 204

My contactless chip reader is pairing with my square stand but when I press charge it doesn’t light up or work with a card

Message 171 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @Jittersduncan


I moved your post over to a board with similar questions. 


Here is a article on troubleshooting steps to help your Contactless + Chip Reader.


Also, you can check out the Best Answer on this post for troubleshooting tips.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 172 of 204

Have issues with using wireless reader. Get message: Restore to Internet to take payments. Have reset both the phone and the reader and software is updated. 

Message 173 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @Deer735


I have moved your post to a board for some troubleshooting steps for your Contactless + Chip Reader. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 174 of 204

Reader will not connect to phone after charging


Message 175 of 204

Hey @AdamBeckstead 


Try performing a hard reset on your reader. Steps are included in this thread's best answer! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 176 of 204

My card reader was working perfectly fine yesterday on a large amount, today it is not working at all it is not connecting to my iPhone.

I have done all the recommended restarting and it is fully charged it’s still not connecting it’s not even showing up as the reader

Message 177 of 204

Here it is a busy day and my contactless reader absolutely will not connect. Suggestions????

Message 178 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @RoostersMarkets - thanks for reaching out and letting us know. So sorry for the trouble you are experiencing with your Contactless reader! 


I've merged your post into an existing thread of Sellers who were also experiencing similar issues with their Chip Card Readers. Take a look at this Best Answer - it will give you some extensive troubleshooting to walk through. If you walk through these steps and are still experiencing issues, please let me know!


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 179 of 204

I have paired my iPhone 8 with my reader. Both phone and square app are current. In settings on App it shows my chip reader but the yellow bar say “connecting” but it never connects. I am trying to run a tutorial of a payment and the reader won’t process because it’s not connected. Anyone who can help?

Message 180 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Kirschygumi and welcome to the Community.


I moved your post to an existing thread that lists our troubleshooting steps as well as a link to our Support Center article that goes over it.


iPhone 8 is definitely compatible so it should be working once you can troubleshoot it.

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 181 of 204

Thanks, Prior to my posting I did go to support and found this thread and did all the suggested fixes multiple times and nothing worked which is why I posted.  I didn’t think my specific problem was really addressed, (reader paired, everything updated, but app won’t connect, says “unavailable “ or just stays in “connecting” mode forever)and most of replies were simply the same link to the same fixes. However, weirdly, very weirdly after I posted my problem, I went back to the app and opened it and within seconds the app connected to the reader (after a day and a half of not doing so). I am new to this but not tech adverse, a little frightened now to use this first time with customer. (I did the tutorial, charged, did refund, it worked, but still not a confidence builder at the get go)

Message 182 of 204

So my reader was just replaced in August (the last one wasn't even 4 months old) when after a few weeks we were back to the same issues.  Chip reading works sporadically half the time it kicks off and then completely disconnects and goes off line. We push on it to get it to reconnect.   Right now when it's connected we only allow people to tap or Apple Pay.  The insert function like I said, only shuts off and disconnects or it says insert chip (while the chip is inserted).  Oh and it's new thing not charging while on dock.  We have the whole shiny register system with reader and dock.   Restarting it, repairing it, only works for a few hours.   Is anyone else having issues?  I feel like this is a firm ware issue that it won't matter how many they send us they all will do this. 

Message 183 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi @ITLCoffee - thanks for reaching out and letting us know about the continued issues with your hardware. Strange, indeed. Have you flagged this over to our Support Team directly? If not, we would recommend reaching out to them as soon as possible.

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Message 184 of 204

square keeps disconnecting from my samsung galaxy s10e phone, and is a pain to reconnect, any help?? 

Message 185 of 204

Sorry that's happening @PrettyshadyaestTake a look here for troubleshooting steps that should get you back up and running smoothly again.

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Message 186 of 204

My contactless reader keeps disconnecting and reconnecting all day, it does this with two different readers. At this time I use my cell to use square. My wife's phone has no issues with either reader. Please help

Message 187 of 204
Square Community Moderator

Hi @swjax,


I moved your post to an existing thread that links our Support Center article on how to troubleshoot your Contactless + Chip reader.


I would also check to make sure the devices you're using with it are compatible. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 188 of 204

My chip reader will not connect.  


The green lights indicate the battery is fully charged.  I have uninstalled the app, reinstalled the app and tried to reset all of the settings.  It just blinks orange or nothing.  There is only one button to push to connect the reader.  This use to connect right away but over time I have notice it will not connect or takes 3 or so mins.  My clients, schedule and life can not keep trying to wait for this thing.  I purchased this for quick secure transactions.  Now I am left manually entering their card each time which is a larger fee and not the point.  I have had this reader since it came out and my phone is a Note10+

Message 189 of 204
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