
Square terminal stopped connecting suddenly

Yesterday, while at a very busy craft show, my terminal suddenly stopped connecting to my Mifi.  It was taking cc payments perfectly one minute and would not take any online payments the next minute.  No matter how many times I tried to reconnect, it just wouldn't.  My Mifi was working and connected.  My terminal "settings" said I was connected, but it would not take payments.  OK, so I swiped cc and figured it they process when I got home and connected to my home internet.  Nope.   There were many transactions to process - but no go.   I got this message to upgrade . .. and I was at my witts end and was afraid I would lose my transactions.  So, I clicked yes to upgrade.  It did - then all of my transactions were processed and now is working perfectly.  

What the heck?   Why would it suddenly stop connecting in the middle of a busy day - and require upgrading?   Is this right????   I was not happy.  Customers will not hang around while I fiddle with taking their money.  ugh. 

Paula Obuchon
Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

I'm not sure exactly what happened for you, but I've had the same issue that it says and shows it is connected to my wifi but won't process the transaction.  So I just reboot the Square Terminal device and all seems fine for another week or so.  Old story of sometimes the best answer is to reboot.

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