
Item Unavailable Issue

Only recently my items have decided to show up as unavailable on the storefront. When selecting a product - despite being in stock - the add to cart button shows as 'not available'.


I have toggled the mark newly added items in the square sync section as 'off'. I have checked that the track inventory is switched on and that stock has been added on both sides (Square and Weebly). I have also checked that the item is visible.


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've also cleared my cookies as a precaution but still nothing. This wasn't happening before because I managed to get items showing but now after adding a few more products even the ones that were showing before aren't anymore.

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@thecafeguy one of the settings for new items is to be able to have then be ‘unavailable’ when added to the library. This was on by default for items added on the Square side of things - seeing as you’ve changed & updated the sync settings it’s probably worth checking that the items are flagged as ‘available’ as well as being in stock.




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Message 2 of 31
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I've been having this issue for months. They way around it is

Go to items then site categories. 

Click on the category the item is showing unavailable. 

Re-shuffle the items within that category.

They should all now show as available. 

Message 22 of 31
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Hi, I am also having the same issue. My site is linked with printful and I have ensured the item that I have put up is in stock with them. I have also tried some of the troubleshooting steps on this thread. I will attach a link to my website. Thanks.



Message 23 of 31
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edit- it may allow items to be added when first clicking the link but after one item has been added to the basket it says all items are unavailable on the product page. Thanks

Message 24 of 31
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Hey @scbishop, thanks for letting us know and for linking the site. 


What steps you've taken so far? 


I had the same experience as you, the item was unavailable but I could still add it to the basket, which makes me think this is a question of stock management.  


Can you ensure that you have stock added and stock tracking turned on for your items? You can follow the steps in Manage Stock in Square Online


Let me know if these edits work. It might be worth unpublishing and republishing your site after doing so to ensure any changes take effect. 





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Message 25 of 31
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Hello @Breffni. I have updated the stock quantities and taken steps of ensuring my transaction methods are working etc. I also created a category for the item previously to see if that had any affect. I have been able to create a pay online link via the square app which seems to be working fine and allows me to add several items to the basket, however the edits to stock etc do not seem to have had an affect on the website. Perhaps there is something wrong with the add to basket section? Thanks, Sam.

Message 26 of 31
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Hi Sam, thanks for the update. I'm glad to see the products are now available.


It's difficult to discern as I can't see into your account settings but with Square Online sometimes when we experience a sync delay, editing the item in the Square dashboard item library can trigger a re-sync of that item. Other times the item itself just needs more time to complete its sync. Let me know if there are any updates today @scbishop 

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Message 27 of 31
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I am having the same issues. Setting up my new business and very close to giving up on square space as have spent HOURS trying to fix. Used all the troubleshooting answers, items in stock, price set, bank details up to date, price point enabled... nothing. As well as one of my options just showing as £NaN, all of my items are just marked on my website as unavailable. Please can someone help as I really don't want to have to delete my site and start again on a different platform! Loosing the will! Site is eponadesigns.square.space

Message 28 of 31
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Hi @eponadesigns, thank you for your post.


I'm sorry to hear you're unable to sell online at the moment - I'm assuming your website is eponadesigns.square.site ? 


Have you set up your Online fulfillment settings already ? If not, this might be the reason why your items are marked as unavailable. For example, if you applied the Shipping method to your items but did not create a shipping profile, these items won't be available for purchase on your website. 

Square offers different fulfillment methods. You'll find more information about each of them, and how to set them up on this page.

I hope this helps but let me know if you have any questions or run into any other issues 🙂.

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Message 29 of 31
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Ohmygod it worked! I had set up all the shipping but for some reason it had toggled off without me realising! Now the only issue I am having is trying to get this item to show as available. I feel like I have checked everything but it still wont work



Message 30 of 31
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Glad it's (almost) resolved @eponadesigns


I just checked this item on your website, and I was unable to select a quantity. It looks like there could be a setting missing on the item itself. Can you log in to your Online Overview page and go to Item > Site Items > click on the item Floral Blush Wedding Invitation. Make sure the Visibility setting is correctly set to Visible, and that you've selected a Fulfillment method.

Let me know how you get on 🙂.

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