
Feature Request: Allow customers to set a specific pickup day or time when ordering online

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Why is weebly not allowing selection of pick-up day


I have set up open hours in the Weebly setup. But customer interface only shows 1 day as available for pickup.

Message 1 of 172
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Setting specific pickup dates for online store?

Thanks for asking about this, @margaman1, and welcome to Seller Community. We don't have a way right now to set pickup available for specific calendar days as opposed to setting a recurring schedule for each week. I'm moving your request to a different thread so you can be easily updated about any new feature changes for scheduled pickup/delivery.

2 Best Answers

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As long as you have adjusted your pickup settings set properly, your customers should be able to schedule a pickup date and time after inputting their personal information, @Baking1.


When your customer is ready to checkout, they will click the shopping cart in the top right-hand corner, and then click the Checkout button. Once they click this button, they will be taken to a page where they need to enter in their personal information. After they've filled this out, and pressed the Next button, the Store Pickup section will expand. At the top of this section, your customers will have the chance to choose between two options:



In order for your customers to be able to schedule a pickup, they'll want to select the Schedule for later option. Once they do, as long as you have set your available pick up hours, they will see something like this:



If you're not quite where you need to be after taking a look at this, please share your online store link with us here so that we can take a look at the checkout flow - I hope this helps!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 172

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Hi, droidbaker. I'm in sort of the same boat but maybe our workaround will get you through. 


We just launched something called 'Weekend Things" on our site which can be ordered for Saturday, Sunday or Monday (this Monday because it's a holiday) ONLY. 


There is no way to do this within the Square/ Weebly universe right now; I know this because I've posted about this many times already. The best it can do is set a "time from order" -30 minutes to 2 weeks I think- but not a specific date which would require a calendar function which it currently doesn't have. 


Our workaround was to create a forced modifier set that makes the customer choose their preferred day in order to place the order. Check out the Strawberry shortcake here:




Unfortunately, the order confirmation will tell them it's ready whenever the setting for that items says it it's ready (30 minutes- 2 weeks) but we put obvious disclaimers on the page telling people that it's incorrect and that it will be ready when they choose.


It works most of the time but new customers still get confused and call us about the discrepancy (frustrating) but we use it as an opportunity to be nice to them and hopefully let them see the humans trying to make a new and limited system work. 


Until there is a dedicated calendar function built into the system, that's the best we've been able to come up with. Hope that gets you through until the feature is there. 



Open Face Food Shop

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Message 47 of 172
171 REPLIES 171

it has been a month, what is being done???

Message 43 of 172

Way more than a month! We're looking into a different platform that works. 

Message 44 of 172

Hi! I am here to echo the EXACT experience as those in this thread. We are really at the end of our rope with the ASAP requirement. We are actively looking for another online option, but I am hoping this is changing soon as square so that we dont have to switch?? Customers do not click through to see that there is a later date option, it is VERY VERY confusing for them and very frustrating for us to continue to get calls about it!

Message 45 of 172

We also need the ASAP feature to disable when we are no longer accepting pickups for the day.


If we ran out of available time slots or if it's after business hours, the customer pickup time is pushed to our next business day which is not ASAP... it could be days later. This is very confusing and we are getting a lot of calls and emails and have to refund orders. 


The ideal functionality would be to disable ASAP altogether and force the user to first select their date and time of pickup before placing their order.


Hoping you're still working on a solution for this! We are unable to use the workaround of modifications because we can only allow so many orders per time slot (and we can't use inventory for items to do this because we want people ordering days in advance, our limitations are per pickup time slot only). 


Message 46 of 172

Best Answer

Hi, droidbaker. I'm in sort of the same boat but maybe our workaround will get you through. 


We just launched something called 'Weekend Things" on our site which can be ordered for Saturday, Sunday or Monday (this Monday because it's a holiday) ONLY. 


There is no way to do this within the Square/ Weebly universe right now; I know this because I've posted about this many times already. The best it can do is set a "time from order" -30 minutes to 2 weeks I think- but not a specific date which would require a calendar function which it currently doesn't have. 


Our workaround was to create a forced modifier set that makes the customer choose their preferred day in order to place the order. Check out the Strawberry shortcake here:




Unfortunately, the order confirmation will tell them it's ready whenever the setting for that items says it it's ready (30 minutes- 2 weeks) but we put obvious disclaimers on the page telling people that it's incorrect and that it will be ready when they choose.


It works most of the time but new customers still get confused and call us about the discrepancy (frustrating) but we use it as an opportunity to be nice to them and hopefully let them see the humans trying to make a new and limited system work. 


Until there is a dedicated calendar function built into the system, that's the best we've been able to come up with. Hope that gets you through until the feature is there. 



Open Face Food Shop

Message 47 of 172

@droidbaker and @OFFSMark We are also a bakery trying to sort this out. I really like what https://order.openfacefoodshop.com/ has come up with for a workaround. We would really love a popup of some sort like Toast Now is doing so customers can select a pickup day on the opening page somewhere. We are just now going to do pickups 5 days a week from 8am-12am with pre-orders a few days ahead. It take hours everyday for someone to work on it all. We have lots of disclaimers and notes and it's also time consuming emailing and answering questions from confused customers especially when you aren't fully staffed to keep a safe distance. I also use the Online Store>Settings>Pickup&Delivery settings to only select the day of pickup so when they receive their receipt it will say the pickup day I want. There is no other way right now to tell customers when to pickup items in an efficient way. 


Take Care,





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Message 48 of 172
Square Community Moderator

We really appreciate you jumping in here to share the workarounds that you've found, @OFFSMark! Bless! 😇📈

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 49 of 172

can you explain how to do a forced modifier?


Message 50 of 172

We've been waiting for this feature for 1 year, hopefully they will update and add this soon!

Get rid of "as soon as possible"

Allow us to create specific days/times for customers to pick from, to pickup their food

Message 51 of 172

We use the same workaround and have the same challenges with confused customers. Honestly, I don't see why a calendar function needs to be rolled out. I'm fine using modifiers to let customers select their pickup time from a drop-down. All Square needs to do is to NOT assign a pickup date/time at checkout (no calendar required). There should be a "no prep time" option in the "prep time" dropdown box when configuring an item. So many people are asking for this and there doesn't seem to be any information about when it will be addressed.

Message 52 of 172

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow us to select no "prep time" for an online order. We have online events that can only be picked up on a certain day and it is IMPOSSIBLE to make this work elegantly. I'm fine using modifiers to let customers select their pickup time from a drop-down. All Square needs to do is to NOT assign a pickup date/time at checkout. There should be a "no set pickup time" in the "prep time" dropdown box. So many people are asking for this and there doesn't seem to be any information about when it will be addressed.

Message 53 of 172

Its good that you found a workaround that works for you even if its not perfect.  BUT We should not have to do work arounds!  Customers setting their own pickup time USED to exist when I first started and then they just eliminated it!

Message 54 of 172

Hi @bonsaisteve - that setting has not been eliminated. However, your account is using a setting to disable customers selecting pickup times and for you to manually coordinate pickup times with customers.


You can edit that setting here: https://www.square.online/app/square-sync/deeplink/weebly/pickup 

You should switch the toggle to yes, and configure the other settings that appear as needed (make sure the setting to allow customers to schedule orders in advance is also toggled on)

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Message 55 of 172

We need a way to disable the "Pickup ASAP" option, and always make customers choose a date and time for pickup.  So important!  (We'll have to disable online orders until this is possible)



Message 56 of 172
Square Community Moderator

Hey @PieOhMySTL,


I moved your post to an existing thread in the Community for this feature request.


It looks like @OFFSMark provided a workaround you can try to see if that works for you!

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 57 of 172

Just another bakery owner here, desperate to be able to remove the "pick up ASAP" option. Owning a small business right now is hard enough without having to spend time emailing customers and changing prep times and trying so hard to communicate when someone should pick up their orders only to have them STILL be confused. PLEASE! 

Message 58 of 172

Hello, I am trying to take off the Pick Up time that shows when my customers attempt to make an order and get in an email. We do not have standard prep time for orders and the options that are there, are not remotely accurate. I currently have it set for weeks out, but that is deterring customers from ordering. Is there a remedy for this??

Message 59 of 172

There isn't unfortunately. The pickup time depend on the prep time you set. And in order to allow pick up, you need a prep time. I'm afraid there is no way around this. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 60 of 172

Is there ever going to be an update for this? We can't specify a prep time, and we are losing business by having it on the site.

Message 61 of 172

We have abandoned our online store completely. 
I hate to but I hate the functionality of this so much more. 
Don’t get me started on the nightmare that was this past holiday season 

Message 62 of 172

Sorry you had such a bed experience, but we are in the same boat. 

I started this  thread months ago and have watched soooo many merchants try to get something done to change this part of the system to no avail. The only action that seems to have taken place is consolidating our complaints into a single thread. Awesome. 


We too are leaving Square, in large part due to the time wasted and frustration of our customers and ourselves. You know, every hotel, AirBnB and similar site can do what we're asking (scheduling a time for availability) but it really seems like it's falling on deaf ears. Square either can't or doesn't want to address this. We've tried a hundred work arounds but now we're done. 


We are moving to SpotOn, far less expensive processing, a solid traditional POS with amazing reporting and 24/7 responsive support. 


Sorry Square. You had your chance to keep us. 

Message 63 of 172
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