
Business name will not update in app

I updated my business name using a PC on square.com. My business name has not updated in the Point of Sale app or the beta version of the application. I get a notification with an error when I attempt to update the business name in the app, Therefore, when I attempt to order a debit card, the business name displays incorrectly on the card. 

Current business name displayed on square account website: InnerView 360

Displayed on apps: INNER°View

How do I get the business name set to, "InnerView 360"?

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

When I updated my business name, I saw the same problem. Try logging out of the app, force closing it, reopen, and log back in. That fixed it for me.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 4

Thank you

I went so far as to force stop, delete cache and when it didn't help, I uninstalled and reinstalled. Still the same.

Thanks for the idea, though.

Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

Ok. If you uninstalled it, you'll have to re-login, so that nixes that idea. 🙂


On your dashboard, make sure you've updated your business name in two spots:


Account & Settings main page

Account & Settings -> Business -> Locations


Changing only the main page doesn't change your location name. Open up any/all locations you have listed and verify the name is updated there.


Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 4 of 4
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