
Reporting Categories Issue

Reporting Categories did not transfer properly when Categories were merged. I can see items with out a Reporting Category and when I go to select Category it is already selected. When I close the window the Reporting Category is mysteriously properly categorized. I have thousands of items, how can I fix this?

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

@StuartC ;

Can you get some screen shots of what you are seeing?

The Reporting Category from Items Categories.

The Item Showing Categories and Reporting Category Settings.

One item with the Error would be the most helpful to possibly help you out.


I am trying to understand what you mean Reporting categories did not Transfer properly, where did you transfer them from and how?  CSV upload?


Sometimes with Categories if you have ( Red  Tapers) and (Red Tapers) which look alike but one of these has 2 blanks between d and the T for example and Square wouud read these as 2 different categories.

Pocono Candle

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Message 2 of 4

I also have this issue.  I first noticed this in an inventory report showing duplicated category names and items being reported in each of the categories...I assume this meant that some of the items were being reported using my original category names and some reported in the duplicated categories. When I originally set up my categories I attached a category picture which displayed in the category list.  When the duplicates appeared, one (presumably the original) displayed the picture and the other (presumable the duplicate) did not.  Not fully understanding what had happened, I went to the categories list and deleted the category names that had not picture displayed.  Now, I have lots...lots...lots of inventory that it showing as having no reporting category, although none of those items appear when I filter an item report using uncategorized.  My conclusion is that the filter is using 'category' rather than 'reporting category'. I tried exporting my item library intending to use the 'category' field to restore 'reporting category' for those items showing no 'reporting category.'  I too have thousands of items in my library.  Surely there is a way to reconcile "category' and 'reporting category' without going item by item.  Any suggestions?


Giggle Monkey Toys
'We All Gotta Play!"
Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@JohnC58 ;

Problem is that any sales you have had in the past will not be effected by any changes you make now.  The changes you make now will only effect future transactions.  To make it more fustrating when you export your Square catalog as a csv you only see the Reporting Category.   Now by only seeing the Reporting Category you can sort your csv by Reporting Category.  This would get all items with No Reporting Category to the top of your Items.  You can then Edit these and add the Category for these items.  Only catch again is if you add an extra space or use 3 instead of Three for a category you now have the same issue you stated with of Duplicate Categories basically.  I woud export your Catalog CSV and add a Sheet and make a Unique column of all your Categories so you can copy it exactly to fill in the Blanks in the Items Catalog Category field to hopefully avoid making a new duplicate category by mistake.  When you have all the Blank Categories Assigned, save the Catalog sheet as Savedsheet csv so you know its the Updated version.  This will give you a warning that you can only save the  Sheet your viewing, which is fine.  This will delete your Unique sheet.  Then go back in Square and Upload your newly saved Sheet of items and Categories.   


This is the best way I know of to edit Multiple items and not waste time clicking throuh each item and clicking save multiple times.  I just tried this with my Catalog of over 10239 items and had 295 items that did not have a reporting category.  After Sorting by Reporting category all 295 items with No reporting category were at the top of my catalog.


I hope this helps you out.

Pocono Candle

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Message 4 of 4