
Item counts for service - Square for restuarants plus

Is there an easy way to update/add item counts that isn't through the inventory system? I have dug through the forums and have not found an answer to this. The inventory system is not a great way for food service users to make sure that we don't oversell an item. I don't need to add inventory, I need to have real time counts that resets everyday (because we either make more or buy more so we can sell it). This is a huge issue for my business because we are a BBQ place and we have a finite amount of things we can sell per day but sometimes we won't know exactly how much until mid service.


This is a basic function of all restaurant POS systems, and I am actually considering finding a new one because the way it functions on square is abysmal (and we just opened so I would be throwing away my square startup costs, but this is a huge issue). I specifically upgraded to Square for Restaurants plus because I was told that it had what I needed (it does not). I am unable to open up my online ordering until I can get a way to do this properly and efficiently.


I'm not sure if you need to hire a restaurant manager/owner to explain to your programmers how this is a very important function THAT EVERY OTHER POS SYSTEM IN MY 30 YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY HAS BEEN ABLE TO DO!!! Or if you need to steal a senior programmer from aloha or micros to explain how to do it but this is ridiculous.


Please please please tell me I've just missed something and there is an easy way to do this, that doesn't involve the retail inventory system.

Message 1 of 16
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

You’re welcome, of course.  I think we can get you there.  For the rest of this post I’m going with the obvious assumption that you are using the Restaurants POS.


When you “press and hold” an item you’ll see “Update availability.”  If you select that, the edit item screen will come up at the Variations section.  Here you can click Manage Stock beside each variation and then either mark as sold or use a stock adjustment reason (stock received or inventory re-count).  Note that you can also do this from your POS > More > Items to edit from an item list rather than the grid.


For your online store, you will need to edit it.  Then, in Shared Settings you’ll see “Item Preferences.”  Here you will be able to toggle on “low inventory” and “out of stock” indicators.  You’ll also be able to decide if you want out-of-stock items to show or be hidden from your online store.


Note that out of stock items on your POS will be marked as such.  But, in cases where you have just a little more than you thought, it will warn you an item is out and you can decide right then whether to add it or not.


Obviously, this is not perfect but I believe it will do what you want.  However, please keep coming back here and asking questions if you run into issues as you are trying this out for yourself.


Also, lastly, I’d strongly recommend that you go to the Ingredient Cost Tracking beta, which also includes item inventory tracking, and ask to join.  You might not be able to use it right away as, like I said earlier, it is in its infancy.  But it sounds like you are very close to being able to use this and help guide its development.  From what I can tell, this is the first baby steps toward Square having its own in-house restaurant/bar costing/inventory functions rather than relying on third-party apps.  I’ve been involved in tons of betas over the years and the ability to influence and give real-world perspectives on new functionality is definitely a plus, in my book.


Anyway, try over my suggestions above and come back here if we need to refine them more.

Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 11 of 16
Square Champion

You could use a purchase order to add inventory daily to your system with a formatted csv template. 


I am in retail and manage a lot of moving inventory pieces. The most important thing for me aside from spot checks on inventory accuracy is receiving accuracy. For me as an item enters my store for sale it goes into a purchase order which is then added to inventory.

Message 2 of 16

Unfortunately retail and restaurant inventory work in vastly different ways and we don't receive items in individual pieces (like shirts or trinkets would come). We have to break down whole pieces of meat, there is often loss when that is done and there is often loss when you cook things, plus we get in things that will not all be cooked on the same day. I really need to have a place where I can just go in and put in how many I have right this second on the fly, and then it should reset to available the next day. But if say I sell out of something the night before the only way to make it available is to put a random number as received in the inventory, which is not efficient or the way this should work for restaurants. This was sold to me as something the restaurants plus software could do, but it cannot. Basically I need this to work the way every other restaurant POS system does, the retail attributes are actually counterproductive.

Message 3 of 16
Square Champion

Message 4 of 16
Square Champion

Message 5 of 16

Thanks, I appreciate that!

Message 6 of 16
Square Champion

@BlasphemyBBQ .   To my knowledge, it is not posisble to have the inventory levels "reset" every day automatically.   But, before we get to that...let me ask..have you turned on "tracking" in the item description?



This is where Square tracks the item quantity, and every time you sell one, the number will decrease.  You would be able to add the number that you have on hand after enabling the item to be "tracked" and then modify your stock quantity.


If you really want to reset them every day, you could export your item library at the start of every day (using the filters in the far left box in the image below) and then exporting it to a CSV spreadsheet.  Change the values in the inventory on hand column to whatever you want, and then reimport the library.   Depending on how many things you want to reset, it could go quickly, or take a bit, but you wouldn't have to edit each individual inventory in Square that way.



 Would that work fo you?


Officially @JTPets , I believe he is asking for a feature that to my knowledge doesn't exist.   @BlasphemyBBQ , you can put in a feature request here if you would like - https://community.squareup.com/t5/Feature-Requests-Ideate/ct-p/Beta-Feature-Requests


Let us know if this helps address your issue.

John Losito,
Sun Valley Lanes & Games

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Square Champion and Square Innovator
Message 7 of 16

That is what I was afraid of! I don't understand why it's not an option to work like other restaurant POS systems. This isn't a new feature I'm talking about, Micros and Aloha have been able to do this properly for decades. I will put in a request but I am pretty sure other people have done it already and square has not done it yet (there are several years older threads of restaurant folks asking this question). I appreciate your time and help.

Message 8 of 16

Thanks for the tag @JTPets.  Hi @BlasphemyBBQ.  I’m going to add some more to what @SVLFever has already said.


To confirm what John said, there is no automatic reset for inventory quantities.  If they need to be reset, it needs to be done manually — either on the dashboard manually, or with an item catalog upload that changes item quantities.  


I don’t know who the Square reseller was that assured you that Square had full restaurant/bar inventory management.  But, basically, they lied to you or they don’t understand Square.  I’d hope that you can recoup your costs from them for misrepresentation if you decide to go elsewhere.  But before you do….


There are third-party apps that integrate with Square that should do this very thing.  But, of course, they are subscription based — ie - monthly charges apply.  Also, there is a beta that recently started that will eventually address this issue.  You might find that it works for you, but I can tell you that it is in its infancy.  It currently doesn’t support shared recipes, or variations or modifier-based inventory tracking.  It will, eventually, but that is going to take time.


I might be able to help you if I understood your inventory needs better.  For example, it there a 1-1 connection between inventory items (pulled pork, green beans, etc) and items in your Square item catalog and modifier sets?  Or do you share inventory items between multiple items and/or modifiers?  If your inventory needs are relatively simply and straightforward, then OTHER THAN THE DAILY RESET, you can use inventory count tracking.  But, as @SVLFever already mentioned, there will be manual resetting every day, until Square has fully developed its restaurant/bar inventory management system.


I’m sorry you were misled by whoever sold you your Square system.  That’s never fun.


Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 9 of 16

Basically I need a function that can just quickly put a count on menu items if we are running low, similar to how square has the press and hold function to make an item unavailable, but instead of unavailable I would input the number I have left to sell those and then it would count down and 86 each item once we've sold the number of items I put on the item, then the next day it would just reset (ideally although this is a lot less necessary than an easier way to do on the fly inventory management). I would love to have it do shared modifiers and other things but at this point I just want to be able to do the main plate item. It's frustrating because this isn't something new in restaurant POS systems I am asking for, pretty much every other system has the ability to do this, and the systems that have been around for a longer time have had it available for literally decades, so I am not sure why square won't do it (when it's been asked for for years by square restaurant users). Thanks for your time and help.

Message 10 of 16

Best Answer

You’re welcome, of course.  I think we can get you there.  For the rest of this post I’m going with the obvious assumption that you are using the Restaurants POS.


When you “press and hold” an item you’ll see “Update availability.”  If you select that, the edit item screen will come up at the Variations section.  Here you can click Manage Stock beside each variation and then either mark as sold or use a stock adjustment reason (stock received or inventory re-count).  Note that you can also do this from your POS > More > Items to edit from an item list rather than the grid.


For your online store, you will need to edit it.  Then, in Shared Settings you’ll see “Item Preferences.”  Here you will be able to toggle on “low inventory” and “out of stock” indicators.  You’ll also be able to decide if you want out-of-stock items to show or be hidden from your online store.


Note that out of stock items on your POS will be marked as such.  But, in cases where you have just a little more than you thought, it will warn you an item is out and you can decide right then whether to add it or not.


Obviously, this is not perfect but I believe it will do what you want.  However, please keep coming back here and asking questions if you run into issues as you are trying this out for yourself.


Also, lastly, I’d strongly recommend that you go to the Ingredient Cost Tracking beta, which also includes item inventory tracking, and ask to join.  You might not be able to use it right away as, like I said earlier, it is in its infancy.  But it sounds like you are very close to being able to use this and help guide its development.  From what I can tell, this is the first baby steps toward Square having its own in-house restaurant/bar costing/inventory functions rather than relying on third-party apps.  I’ve been involved in tons of betas over the years and the ability to influence and give real-world perspectives on new functionality is definitely a plus, in my book.


Anyway, try over my suggestions above and come back here if we need to refine them more.

Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps other sellers who find this thread in the future.
Message 11 of 16

@BlasphemyBBQ a follow up to my suggestions above.  I just submitted a feature request to the Restaurants team, asking for counts at the modifier level so that we can setup and do automated count-downs to using.  Please follow this link and upvote that, if you would.

Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps other sellers who find this thread in the future.
Message 12 of 16

Done! Thanks!

Message 13 of 16
Square Champion

I did as well guys!  Makes sense to me too.

John Losito,
Sun Valley Lanes & Games

If my answer helps solve your problem, please give it a kudo to help others find this as well.

Square Champion and Square Innovator
Message 14 of 16
Square Champion

I did too! Thanks for submitting this @TheRealChipA! We've used Square since Day 1 and have gotten pretty used to the cumbersome way this functions, but this feature would be nice! We end up tracking a lot of it on a piece of paper at the register during busy shifts as well!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 15 of 16

Thanks, I already do it this way. It is very cumbersome to do during a busy service.

Message 16 of 16

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