
Gift card and tipping

I have a question pertaining to when a customer pays with a gift card and then the rest of their total with a credit card.


Here is an example: 

A customer has a bill of $250 and they pay with a $100 gift card and the rest on their credit card, the receipt that prints for the customer to sign, the tip box ONLY reflects what the credit card was charged ($150) and not the WHOLE total of $250 so the customer is only tipping on $150 rather than $250 and the waitresses/waiters are losing money.


Is there a way to fix this other than trying to explain the math to a customer (which is awkward) or asking them to tip in cash?

Message 1 of 3

That's an interesting question and it's a good candidate for submitting a Feature Request.   I'm thinking the logic behind your question is that the system sees the Gift Card as money you have already received and the balance paid with the credit card is what is used for calculating the tip.   Yep, it's really unfair to the server when looking at the total amount.   Other than submitting a Feature Request for changing the logic, I don't see a work around.  Perhaps some of the other volunteer community members have some thoughts or a possible work around.  If enough people have the same need as you, it's possible Square will make some changes - there's no guarantees but, worth submitting your suggestion.

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator


I agree with @JK_Fiber_Art that this might be a feature request, but I want to make sure.


Could you provide an example transaction amount and date so I can take a closer look?

Message 3 of 3

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