
The Wording and function for Pick up and Delivery Settings

I am running into an issue with the Pick up and Delivery Fulfillment settings. Here are 4 things I have noticed : 

1. The wording in fulfilment settings shows " 

When do you plan to fulfill orders?
These are the days of the week when customers can pick up or have their orders delivered. Customers will still be able to place orders outside these hours. "
for both Pickup and Delivery settings, so this becomes confusing when editings the times.  We use different time windows for pickup and delivery so when I am editing times, I sometimes edit the wrong option. 
2.  The Timing "short message" is likely using the same database field for both pickup and delivery.  I have different instructions for pickup and delivery , for example, "pickup orders are ready within 15-20 minutes"  vs "Orders are delivered within 30 -45 minutes" .   If I change the text for either pickup or delivery, it overwrites the text for the other fulfilment option.  
3.  As of right now, when I change one fulfilment method to "calculate & assign delivery times automatically = "No" " , it changes BOTH fulfilment options to no.   I used to have users be able to pick a 1 hour delivery window time slot , thus delivery needs a "yes" in calculate and assign delivery times.    My client called this morning and want to turn off pick up time selection for online ordering, so now, both delivery and pickup have no time selection options for customers.  
4. And we continue having the ongoing problem as others have had with tickets NOT PRINTING IN THE KITCHEN WHEN ORDERS ARE MADE.  This happens randomly , b/c every time I test it out, orders will print to the kitchen no matter if I schedule it for the future or order it for immediate pickup or delivery.  However, yesterday, two online orders came in , and neither of them printed to the kitchen.   The POS was definitely on b/c it was in the middle of service.  The printer was definitely on in the kitchen, b/c again, we were in the middle of service.  This is causing my client great anxiety as she hates when customers come to pick up their food and no one has even started prepping it, especially if its during lunch rush .   (and to be honest, she is considering switching off of square all together due to this issue alone)   I have reinstalled the printers more than once, made sure the POS does not time out and remains plugged in and powered on,  I have Workflow settings "Print orders tickets when the order is placed" selected for both pick up and delivery .   In regards to the kitchen printer profile, The Printer Profile has "Online & Kiosk order tickets" selected as ON , and the Automatically Print new orders selection is "Unchecked" , This one is confusing b/c While I do want it to automatically print new orders , the text below the header for this checkbox reads "Online orders will automatically print when it is time to make them" .  I left this box unchecked, b/c I  want them to print immediately , regardless of when it is time to make them,  but the wording on this option is confusing as well as Im' not sure which setting takes precedence , the printer setting or the online fulfilment print settings ? 
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1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @Janelane,


I am happy to help. When I visited your site and added the item "Turkey Club" to the cart, I could see you have pickup and delivery setup to display."Pickup Orders 15-20 mins. Delivery in 35-45 min." This is working based on how you have it set up. 

If you run into a specific issue with their pickup and delivery, set your pickup and delivery settings back to how you had it and we can try to take a closer look at your setup to see what could be causing them issues.

Currently, you have "Calculate & assign pickup and delivery times automatically" toggled off the timing section will only display the Short Message and Instructions along with the fulfillment hours. You would have to have that toggled on to manage the other timing settings like prep time, when they start preparing orders etc. This article has a good explanation of the timing used with the calculate & assign pickup and delivery times automatically.

The Short Message and Instructions text is shared between the pickup and delivery so that is working as intended and would be a feature request to separate those for only the specific fulfillment.

On my demo account I was able to turn off the automatically calculate pickup times while leaving it on for my delivery.


For your last issue with the kitchen printer, can you toggle on automatically printer new orders. That should resolve this issue with orders not printing in the kitchen. 


I hope this information helps! If you do have any addtional questiond I would contact our Square Online support team at 

1-855-700-6000 or squ.re/contactsqsupport.





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Message 5 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Janelane - is this in regards to LaFourche Landing Golden Meadow or a different client of yours? LaFourche Landing Golden Meadow is not actively using the Next Generation beta experience, so we would advise for them to get in touch with our general CS team to troubleshoot these printing & fulfillment issues.


If it's for a different client, please let us know who that is by providing us with their square email address so we can identify them in our system.

Michelle (she/her)
Senior Beta Manager, Square
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Message 2 of 5

My apologies Michelle, I posted this in the wrong forum.   Can you please remove this post from this beta group for me?    

Message 3 of 5
Square Community Moderator

@Janelane I've moved your post to the Square Online support board - hopefully someone can take a look.

Michelle (she/her)
Senior Beta Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @Janelane,


I am happy to help. When I visited your site and added the item "Turkey Club" to the cart, I could see you have pickup and delivery setup to display."Pickup Orders 15-20 mins. Delivery in 35-45 min." This is working based on how you have it set up. 

If you run into a specific issue with their pickup and delivery, set your pickup and delivery settings back to how you had it and we can try to take a closer look at your setup to see what could be causing them issues.

Currently, you have "Calculate & assign pickup and delivery times automatically" toggled off the timing section will only display the Short Message and Instructions along with the fulfillment hours. You would have to have that toggled on to manage the other timing settings like prep time, when they start preparing orders etc. This article has a good explanation of the timing used with the calculate & assign pickup and delivery times automatically.

The Short Message and Instructions text is shared between the pickup and delivery so that is working as intended and would be a feature request to separate those for only the specific fulfillment.

On my demo account I was able to turn off the automatically calculate pickup times while leaving it on for my delivery.


For your last issue with the kitchen printer, can you toggle on automatically printer new orders. That should resolve this issue with orders not printing in the kitchen. 


I hope this information helps! If you do have any addtional questiond I would contact our Square Online support team at 

1-855-700-6000 or squ.re/contactsqsupport.





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