
Online tickets not printing immediately

My online order tickets used to print immediately when the order was placed. Now they print 10 minutes before the order is due. I do have my system set on a 10 minute order time which is correct. We start orders 10 minutes before they are due. The problem is that when the tickets donโ€™t print immediately when the customer orders online then we donโ€™t know how many orders are set for a specific time. For instance if 10 customers place an order for noon and 10 tickets print out 10 minutes before they are due. Itโ€™s chaotic to say the least. However if the tickets are printing ahead of time I can see that I need to put online ordering on busy mode. In my printer profile under online orders I have it set to print tickets immediately but it still doesnโ€™t work. This all changed after an update about 2 weeks ago. Iโ€™ve called tech support and was on hold while they were โ€œworking on itโ€ and the call was disconnected. Anybody have any ideas to help? Thanks!

Message 1 of 6
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

@Andrew6  First, let me apologize: I should have recommended checking the dashboard fulfillment settings as well, that may have saved you a few minutes of troubleshooting. Let's check:


Dashboard -> Account & Settings -> Fulfillment -> Online Pickup and Delivery -> Edit your location.


-Verify "Do you start preparing orders as soon as they are received? " is set to as soon as they are received

-A little further down, check the Workflow section. Is "When should pickup & delivery order tickets print?" set to "based on pickup or delivery time" or at "when the order is placed"?


If these two are set correctly already, lets try changing the site wide prep time to immediate. You can always override this on an individual item basis if need be.


If all this is set and you're still having problems, there may be something else going on that the engineers need to look at. I'd recommend calling into support and getting a trouble ticket opened.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Message 5 of 6
Square Champion

Hello @Andrew6 !


My system did this to me a few updates ago, definitely annoying.


I have a couple of things to check. Obviously make sure the app is fully updated, and also make sure your device's OS is fully updated as well.


Next try signing out of the app, restart your device, then sign back in. This will force the app to resync all the data.  (This is the one that fixed my issue)


Also try changing the print timing back to Time to Prep (instead of print immediately) then do the sign off and restart trick. Set your config back to immediate print then sign off and restart once more.


After that, I'd say your next step would be to create a new printer profile. It's possible that there's some corrupted data in your profile that's causing the problem.


Let us know if any of these steps work for you, and if not we'll continue to troubleshoot!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Message 2 of 6

Thanks for the advice! Iโ€™ll give it a shot!

Message 3 of 6

Well Ryan I gave it a shot and it didnโ€™t work. I completely removed the app and signed back in with my device codes. I deleted all printer profiles and made new ones and it didnโ€™t work. Any other advice? Anyone? Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š 

Message 4 of 6
Square Champion

Best Answer

@Andrew6  First, let me apologize: I should have recommended checking the dashboard fulfillment settings as well, that may have saved you a few minutes of troubleshooting. Let's check:


Dashboard -> Account & Settings -> Fulfillment -> Online Pickup and Delivery -> Edit your location.


-Verify "Do you start preparing orders as soon as they are received? " is set to as soon as they are received

-A little further down, check the Workflow section. Is "When should pickup & delivery order tickets print?" set to "based on pickup or delivery time" or at "when the order is placed"?


If these two are set correctly already, lets try changing the site wide prep time to immediate. You can always override this on an individual item basis if need be.


If all this is set and you're still having problems, there may be something else going on that the engineers need to look at. I'd recommend calling into support and getting a trouble ticket opened.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 5 of 6

Thanks Ryan that worked! I wish these updates wouldnโ€™t affect stuff like that. Thanks for the help though! 

Message 6 of 6

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