
Name change took effect everywere EXCEPT webiste

this is the 4thday in a row I have spent countless hours trying to get the name change to take effect everyone in Square.  Have read umpteen posts/articles about name change and have done every single one.  EVERYTHING that is supposed to now has new business name EXCEPT website - square for retail site.  I'm so frustrated and have clicked "help" 4 times and all I get is the same instructions to "check this and that" that I clearly stated I have already done. If I hadn't already spent countless hours loading product I would drop square like a hot potato.

Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out, @SouthernCustom


I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with your website! Can you please post a link to your site, so we can have a look? 


This may be something that needs to be addressed by the direct support team. If so, you will be able to use this link to reach the team. A rep will review the settings with you, and escalate to the advanced support team if additional assistance is required. 

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