
Discount Codes / Coupons

I want to offer a "10% off any 1 item" for return customers if they have the coupon code.  When I set up the coupon/discount code it is applying 10% off of entire order.  I don't want the coupon/discount code to be specific to any one item but rather the item they choose but don't want it to be on the entire order.   How do I correct this?

Message 1 of 3

Hi Pupcupsnmore,


If selling in person, you could apply a discount to an individual item during the Checkout process however, it's different for online items.  You can apply a discount to an online item ahead of time but, there's no feature or option for the customer to input a code while choosing that individual item.  The code can only be entered at Checkout but, it does apply to the entire order as you stated.  Maybe some of the other volunteer Community Members have some thoughts.


I have seen something close to what you have in mind - for example - on Amazon, often I see items that you can apply a pre-set discount to a particular item by checking a box - but, there's no discount code to enter.  


It's possible if you have someone develop a bit of custom code for your website, you would need an input text box for each item and a unique code associated with each item because you don't know ahead of time which item the customer would like.  That's a bit beyond the scope of this Community. 


Square does have a Developer Forum so you may want to ask there if anyone has some thoughts or a work around.



Message 2 of 3

Hi @pupcupsnmore, thanks for posting 🙂.


@JK_Fiber_Art summed it up perfectly above. The ability for customers to choose which item is discounted when checking out on your website would be a feature request. I think it's a great idea though, and I 'd suggest filing the request here.



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Message 3 of 3
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