
Deposit instead of full payment for Appointments?

I want to use Square Appointments to book my tours.  I have been using YouCanBook.me and then using Square Invoices to bill tour clients for their 50% deposit, which results in a lot of manual data entry.  I would prefer that clients use Square Appointments and be able to have them pay 50% instead of the full amount.

I suppose I could price everything at half price and say 50% DEPOSIT but that seems really kludgy.


And could we have some way to pass variables in from the calling web page or a web form?  Or a way to add custom fields to the booking form?  I need to collect info like the number of children and adults in a group.  Also some location besides mine, the client's, and a phone number, since we pick passengers up at a number of locations, and they may not know what the pickup point will be.

Message 1 of 148
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Square Appointments will absolutely work for but there are a few things that you should know first! 


With Square Appointments, you can require a payment at the time of booking, which would cover your deposit. When using pre-payments, your customers will be required to pay the full price so you will need to set the price for each appointment as the deposit amount. When your customers arrive, you can then charge them the difference. 


To set up prepayments, visit Payments and Cancellations in your online Appointments dashboard, and select Require Prepayment.


When your customer books through your Online Booking site, they will be prompted to fill in their name and contact information. As for the additional information, you are able to write in the service description that you require the information and your customers will have a space at check out to enter that additional information. 

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Message 2 of 148

Best Answer

Hey @Xobrowsbymolly.


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


I am pretty sure you're referring to requiring prepayment for Square Appointments.


Please take a look at the best answer in this thread for insight into how to do this. If I've misunderstood your question, please let me know by replying back to me in this thread. 

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Message 84 of 148
147 REPLIES 147

The difference is in your question. One is a pre-pay and one is a deposit. Prepay means you pay for the service/items/etc up front. Deposit means you pay a certain amount amount. For example I required my client to put 50% for the services they booked in order to make an appointment. 

Message 106 of 148

@Bubblebed1  got it. does Square Appointments not let you do "partial prepayments"? I would assume that would solve the issue if that was automatically comprised in one bill.

Message 107 of 148

It’s lacking a lot of features for the same price of other softwares. The only thing I like about square is their equipment. I got the same processing rate from Vagaro and there are others that have even lower rates. 

Message 108 of 148

So, since Square STILL hasn't figured out a way to help those of us who charge deposits (that will then be discounted from the final cost of the service), here is how we work around that for now. It's a little clunky, and doesn't have the full integration and tracking I'd like, but I hope this helps some of you.


We have an Item named "*service* Deposit", with variations for the different amounts we charge for deposits. The customer can pay for it in the studio after their consultation, or we send them an Invoice for that item.


Then, we have a Discount set up named "Deposit Paid" with the dollar amount left blank, so the amount they paid as a deposit can be entered as a discount to their checkout.


The annoying thing about this is that since we charge different deposit amounts, the only way to verify how much to enter for the Deposit Paid discount (other than asking the client, which isn't very professional), is to go into their customer profile and check their sales history BEFORE reviewing and checking out their appointment. So that's a pain. It also skews the tipping percentage at the end, because for some reason Square calculates tips based on the net sale, not the gross, so in instances where the client's deposit covers most or all of their service, they have to use the custom tip option and try to do their own math to tip appropriately. 


Another issue is that it's a LOT of work to track all of the deposits to figure out which clients have deposits outstanding, who haven't followed up to actually book an appointment, or haven't used their deposit yet but are still "active" and waiting until their last appointment to apply it (our services sometimes require multiple sessions).


Some kind of customer management feature that tracks deposits separately from their other sales, and automatically adds the option to apply their deposit to their appointment checkout would be FANTASTIC.

Message 109 of 148

Thank you for this!  It is sad that a payment processing site does not offer the ability to take deposits when scheduling appointments.

Message 110 of 148

We NEED to be able to allow the customer to make a deposit on their appointments - this is a BASIC feature salons/spas need! Please -it's been requested for years.

Message 111 of 148

Hello! I own a small skincare business. I would like to require a deposit on a just a few services when a client is scheduling online. Is there an option for this? 

Message 112 of 148

How do I adjust the amount of the deposit I am taking from clients when they book online? Please Help.

Message 113 of 148

Hello @KMBeautyBar,

Thank you for posting in the Seller Community. Welcome.


Are you managing your appointments via a computer or through a mobile device? Also, can you provide your booking site. I'd be happy to escalate this up to our Appointments Team. 


Please let me know by replying in this thread. I'll keep an eye out for your response.

Community Moderator, Square // Moderador de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 114 of 148

Hey Alex,


I think this is my booking site,




I am pretty sure I have it set up to accept appointments via computer and mobile device. 

I have tried finding the client deposit option on both and I’m lost haha 

Message 115 of 148

HI @KMBeautyBar,


Thank you for your patience.


I've checked in with our Appointments Team, and currently the ability to adjust or allow deposits through our Appointments system is a feature request.


We definitely see how it could benefit your business model. Our teams are constantly looking through our seller's feedback to make necessary improvements, and we will be sure to let you know if anything ever changes or if new updates are released. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderador de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 116 of 148

I submitted a Feature Request for this ability in the seller community. Search

"Feature Request: Request a deposit at booking for Square Appointments". I would imagine the more people cosign this request we may actually get it. 

Message 117 of 148

I know I'm going to get some generic response, but the no-show protection isn't working for MANY Square users, and I for one, I am fed up with it! I am a small business with limited hours during Covid, so I am making half what I normally do. To add insult to injury, I have no real protections from a-hole clients. I've had two this week!


I know, there is an option for clients to prepay the full amount. But, that doesn't work for my type of business, and some people want to pay with cash upon the visit. Clients schedule for a treatment but that treatment can change during the appointment for less or more time. I don't think it's fair for honest clients to have to fully pay upfront.


So, why is there not an option to collect the no-show amount/percentage upfront instead of the full amount? That way, crappy rude clients have no way of screwing us over and there is no further recourse to take to collect the fee. Square users have been begging for more protection for YEARS on these community boards. When is Square really ACTUALLY going to address these issues? I'm not holding my breathe but I am losing my patience.

Message 118 of 148

Hey @Leequa!


Really sorry about your experience thus far. I want to make sure I understand the feature you're looking for. Would it function as a deposit type feature? They pay a portion of the total cost of the services? Let me know!

Message 119 of 148

Yes, it would be a deposit type feature, either a percentage or set amount, in order for clients to book an appointment. Would also be cool to have the choice to set feature for either just new clients or all clients.

Message 120 of 148

We want customers to be able to book our service and pay an upfront $49 for example, and then when we finish the service, they could be billed for the actual signatures we provide as notaries. Sometimes it’s as little as an additional two dollars and sometimes it could be 30 or $40. But this is similar to a customer signing a guest check at a restaurant but then getting their credit card statement to reflect the tip has been added on.

Message 121 of 148

I decided to go ahead and switch over to Square appointments as the ad seem to imply that there were methods to keep appointments from canceling which does hurt business when I set aside quite a bit of time for appointments and turn away other clients.  


My concern is 1) it doesn't give you a deposit option but does have a cancelation feature.  2) When implanting it my first appointment that was made the person did not enter any credit card information and was able to book the appointment which means if she did cancel the cancellation fee couldn't be charged since it had no credit card information. 


I like the idea of keeping all my appointments in one place as currently using multiple different systems but Square appointments seems to be lacking some basic things that are necessary and already in my other programs I use. 



Message 122 of 148

Hi there @AdrianaSpett and welcome to the Seller Community 👋

While you can request deposits with Square Invoices, the closest thing we offer with Square Appointments is requiring prepayment for your services - have you looked into this yet?

Keep in mind that when using the Card on File feature to charge clients for No Shows, clients always have the option to remove their card from being on file. Learn more about that here, and about enforcing your cancellation policy here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 123 of 148

Is there a way that I can put a deposit fee on each service? Like lets say the service is $100, I don't want clients to book without putting a deposit for their appointment first. Where is the option to do that?

Message 124 of 148

Right now, there's only an option to repay the full amount, not a deposit. @isasbeautyroom

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 125 of 148

Hi you can go to the payment page and select payment method and under that you will see an option to accept payment choose which option you want them to pay with and hit when a client schedules hit require a deposit and selected the amount you would like to charge Either a percentage like 50% or the dollar amount hope this helps everyone 

Message 126 of 148

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