
Custom fields not presented when booking appointment

Something I have not been able to get working is the custom field data collection when my customer books online.  

I use square  appointments to allow customers to reserve a car for hire. 

I’ve added three custom fields that show up in their profile , but do not prompt during or after their online session.  I end up having to call them to get pickup location , drop off location, and any stops in between. 

Any help is appreciated.  thanks. 

Message 1 of 7
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Hi @Ray2go. It sounds like you only created the custom field for the customer profiles and did not add them to the online booking flow. These are two separate steps.


To add the custom field inputs to the booking flow goto Appointments > Online Booking > Settings and select "Add Custom Field" under "When clients book an appointment".




For your second question, I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. Appointment booking and item sales are two different flows with Square. The custom fields are for clients that are booking an appointment date/time only and not when they are purchasing an item. So if they buy an item, they won't need to input custom fields.

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Message 5 of 7

Best Answer

Yes, you can create a booking page using Square Online. This is free for the most part. You can get to your site by going to Online > Website > Edit Site. Add a "Service list" section to your site to integrate appointment scheduling to your site.


Sorry for the late reply.

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Message 7 of 7

Adding to this. Checkout page looks like a “store” checkout page because its items I’m selling but not tangible items.  I charge per mile and per minute of travel time so I set those as items. Pickup fee as a service.  Is my flow wrong because I start my customers at the online “store” to offer different scenarios like airport , one-way, round trip.  Then they head to checkout to finalize the sale which is zero until I get them an estimate then they can pay with that estimate once accepted.  I’m confused about the flow from an online store linking to the appointments page to book. Or are they the same flow?

Message 2 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Ray2go,

Welcome to the Community.


Can you let me know where you are setting these custom fields and where you want your customers to see or be able to fill them out?


I want to provide you with the most accurate information, so any screenshots and website links would be helpful.

Message 3 of 7

Thank you for the reply. I am setting the custom fields only in the customers profile. I found out to add custom data collection is a paid service with plus membership. I dont subrscribe to it so I have to ask the customer directly.



Message 4 of 7

Best Answer

Hi @Ray2go. It sounds like you only created the custom field for the customer profiles and did not add them to the online booking flow. These are two separate steps.


To add the custom field inputs to the booking flow goto Appointments > Online Booking > Settings and select "Add Custom Field" under "When clients book an appointment".




For your second question, I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. Appointment booking and item sales are two different flows with Square. The custom fields are for clients that are booking an appointment date/time only and not when they are purchasing an item. So if they buy an item, they won't need to input custom fields.

Message 5 of 7

You're correct. I only added them to the customers profile. I see that data collection online is for the plus service I do not subscribe to. Thank you for the clarification.


Second part: Ok, I get it now, two seperate workflows. Integrated online, because I have my appointments page, part of my online store.  


Thank you for clarification.


Now that I know this, is it possible to just run an appointments page standalone without an online store?  This may be why I am confused about the flow and where we end up. I don't sell anything tangible. Only services scheduled online.

Message 6 of 7

Best Answer

Yes, you can create a booking page using Square Online. This is free for the most part. You can get to your site by going to Online > Website > Edit Site. Add a "Service list" section to your site to integrate appointment scheduling to your site.


Sorry for the late reply.

Message 7 of 7
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