
Add Modifiers to Services

Hello, I’m a braider and recently switched to Square Appointments from Acuity stoked about the idea of accepting Afterpay at checkout. Now I’m wondering if the switch was even worth it because customers can not see or book modifiers when they click your link online. However, if I book a client myself through the app I can see and add them all.


It defeats purpose of having an online site if they still have to come to me in order for me to book their appointments or them booking online and then I have to manually follow up with EACH customer to get the information the modifiers would have provided. 


Before you ask, I use the modifiers so that they are able to choose their size braids, color, length, accessories, or even to let me know if they need a shampoo and blow dry included. Adding all those options as services is just not practical and would make the booking site way too convoluted. 

Does anyone have an update on when this feature will be added? 

Message 1 of 14
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Bellabraids,


I noticed it's your first post, welcome to our community 👋  


You can use variations, instead of modifiers for the services you offer. Here's an example of how you can utilise variations in your service library so you can add a fee for the extras your customers might add:


These variations will be available to book directly on your Square Appointments page, too. Please let us know how you go!

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Message 2 of 14
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Bellabraids,


I noticed it's your first post, welcome to our community 👋  


You can use variations, instead of modifiers for the services you offer. Here's an example of how you can utilise variations in your service library so you can add a fee for the extras your customers might add:


These variations will be available to book directly on your Square Appointments page, too. Please let us know how you go!

Message 2 of 14
Square Champion

Great answer!  We use square appointments and use variations for everything...especially our nail art.  It helps out tremendously for clients to book exactly what they want and need; with the prices and duration all ready set 🙂

Message 3 of 14

This is not a practical solution. With let’s say 15 options for hair color, 6 options for for hair length, 4 options for hair treatments, etc for EACH SERVICE. The combination list would be astronomical for EACH SERVICE.



Small Knotless Braids Color 1B Shoulder length w/Shampoo Treatment

Small Knotless Braids Color 2 Shoulder length w/ Shampoo Treatment

Small Knotless Braids Color 4 Shoulder Length w/ Shampoo treatment

Small Knotless Braids Color 1B Shoulder length w/o Shampoo Treatment

Small Knotless Braids Color 2 Shoulder length w/o Shampoo treatment 

Small Knotless Braids Color 4 Shoulder length w/o shampoo treatment

Small Knotless Braids Color 1B Mid Back length w/shampoo treatment. 


do you get the idea? This list would be astronomical and what client would want to scroll through all of those combinations? 


What is the reason modifiers can not be added to the online booking in the same way items can be modified online by the client? We definitely pay y’all enough and you’ve already implemented it for one side of the business. We’re not asking for much, just the same capability for the appointments side. 

Message 4 of 14
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Bellabraids 


Completely understand your frustration and how long it would take to have all of these options for each of your services. I am going to recommend posting this on our Ideate Board as a Feature Request for Square Appointments. 


From there, other sellers can add their like or vote to your post to show our Product Team the amount of sellers interested in seeing this feature too. 


Thank you! 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 14

Hello there!

Thank you for trying to help out regarding this matter. What I don’t understand is why it is taking square team so long to resolve this matter? Service providers have strengthened the square platform from day one but yet it seems like our basic needs and requests are being ignored while the team continues to navigate in a direction not suitable for us I mean we still don’t have the option for multiple selections under one category…..

 I have been using square since 2012 it might be time to switch because many of the upgrades are just not for service based businesses 

Message 6 of 14

We all want this, do we have a solution yet?

Message 7 of 14

Did you ever find a solution to this? The customers should just be able to add as many options/variations, or w/e they wanna call them, as they want to any service online and it adds up the total and they make the appointment by themselves..... very simple. Don't understand why this is not a feature.

Message 8 of 14

Agrre, and thouse options should each have the choice of applying an additional time thenoption will add to the length of the service selected. This is very frustrating

Message 9 of 14

100% agree with you!  I wish they would make it easier for clients to add (and for us to make more $)

Message 10 of 14

I agree, the modifiers are there for a reason and it should be showing up when clients book online. It's useless for it to just be on our end. 

And the variations are good for 1-3 things be t not when you have multiple options


Message 11 of 14

IDK what Im doing wrong but when I add the variations it does not show up on my website.  

Message 12 of 14
Square Community Moderator

Hello, @pgrnotary if your variations aren't showing, please make sure they have been marked as bookable online within the specific service.



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 13 of 14

What's the point of even having the Service available to add the Modifiers to if the feature isn't even supported? I can't add several dozen variations. Customers will rage-quit from scrolling before making a selection and go somewhere easier

Message 14 of 14

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