Weebly Site Editor

Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website

93 Replies

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Hi! On my websitehttps://www.brianconnersbcba.com/I am looking to get rid of or significantly reduce the white space to the left and the right of the navigation...

7 - Protege
Posted 05-13-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Hi,I recently updated my website design and now the navigation menu is missing. There's nothing in the SEO header code. I've tried removing the header image as ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-11-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
4 Replies

Just wondering what is the purpose of open link new window or what does this option do. I have used it checked and unchecked but it does not seem to be making a...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-13-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

Hi,I am editing my home page so that the background is white. When I hover the mouse over the page, the colour becomes a medium gray.I'd like to keep the page w...

6 - Contributor
Posted 08-07-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
6 Replies

Help!I've tried Chrome and Firefox and I can't edit my website! The editor will not load the pieces of my webpage. I have not used any custom themes or anything...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-12-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

I run a realty website (www.aglandrealty.com) and am not getting my phone to display the slideshows on the individual listing pages. It is strange because on th...

7 - Protege
Posted 06-18-2019 in Weebly Site Editor
26 Replies

hi is it possible to set up shipping rate per category (size) / weightfor example (in UK):I sell CDs and vinyl recordslets say CD and vinyl record is same weigh...

6 - Contributor
Posted 05-06-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

I am trying to put in a blog on my website, but I hate the way the blogs as displayed on the page. My daughter has a travel blog where each blog article is a bu...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-11-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

Good Afternoon Everyone,I recently need to edit my website, and since i have not used Weebly in a while it took me some time to get used to new enhancements and...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-06-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
5 Replies

I have a very simple ask of Weebly, and that is to make it easy for a photograph that is sharp in Photoshop or Capture One to be adequatlely sharp on the Weebly...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-03-2020 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies
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