Weebly Site Editor

Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website

93 Replies

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HiIs there anyone who knowany way to show correctly on my site editor page ??I use in Japanese (2byte code charactor ) on my website and set website name by 2by...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-21-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

The logo and the navigation menu on top of my website are both disappear. Both buttons will show on the editing page, but not on the published website. The mobi...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-27-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

Hello, I need help, as I have come to the conclusion that I'm not too brilliant on editing my website (www.wmathislaw.com). When I attempt to edit my site and p...

6 - Contributor
Posted 04-07-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
7 Replies

I am tryign to upload a favicon to my website but I recieve the error message "User does not have access to upload favicon". What does this mean? How can I get ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-28-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Hi there,Since Weebly has a native review/testimonial system (it would be great if there could be a companionelement or a widget to enable a seperate page where...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 04-30-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
0 Replies

I think it was like last year but anyways, last year I belieave they added a new element called sections that I didn't heard about this until I helped someone b...

7 - Protege
Posted 10-12-2017 in Weebly Site Editor
8 Replies

Some images, maps and forms are appearing as a footer on each page of my website. How do I remove these?

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-28-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

hello everyoneneed some help. I have used the Birdseye 2 theme, and while on the preview it shows me how the header will look like,when i publish it, it is not ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-19-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
5 Replies

Hello,Apparently our credit card has expired for renewal of domain name dkgohio.org.We tired to update, butlogging in with [personal info removed] took us to ou...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-27-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

hii downloded a video to my site from youtube.in the end of the video i get advertisement of youtube.how can i see the video without the advertisement in the en...

5 - Supporter
Posted 07-22-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
4 Replies
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