
Not Receiving Form Submissions!

Hi there! 

I have trouble with our contact forms submissions! I ran some tests on our pages because I needed to forward received requests to another colleague and I discover that the forms did not always send the information.

I did multiple tests such as: using another browser, using a private browser, clear the websites cookies/data,  try with my cellphone, use another computer, test from home, get another colleague to test it from her computer as well as her cellphone, try using another email address provider other than our professional one. Sometimes we would receive the form submission, sometimes not. We receive about 8 out of 50 form entries. 

So I am a little out of options here. What could it be that makes it not registering the information and send it to the right email address?  

Thank you!

Here is the website: https://lp.movexinnovation.com/ (we have 5 forms in total) 

Message 1 of 35

Hey Bernadette.

I've seen this behavior within ALL my sites on numerous occasions now, custom or standard. Finally ticked me off enough to look deeper today. It has to be something to do with IP blocking or restriction within formSubmitAjax.php. Maybe a bug in the script that can't handle repeated submissions from one IP? That would be my guess as changing browsers, clearing cache, changing devices all result in the same failed submission once they start occuring. However when I switch my phone over to data from wifi, grab a new IP from my network provider, submissions work again on all sites from the new IP my phone has aquired. Once I hit what seems to be a certain number of submissions from a certain IP, within a certain timeframe, all my forms on all my sites stop validating and stop sending emails. Just to confirm this absolutely affects all Weebly sites, custom or standard theme, mine or otherwise. Once my IP has been blocked or restricted I can no longer submit any Weebly forms from any Weebly sites successfully. I've tried unsuccessfully to send submissions to every site in this thread. Each time no validations fire, and I get the success message. I can't actually validate if my email gets through or not as I don't own the sites listed here. I can only speculate that if no validations fire and I am getting the success message with all fields empty then the submission failed similar to the requests through my own sites. Eventually over time I am able to start submitting successfully again. This really slows down the development process.

Here is the response from formSubmitAjax.php. The response also seems to be returned almost instantaneously once submissions start failing. Doesn't seem to be any processing going on server side as the response is sent in under 80ms. It's a successful response but nothing is happening server side. No validations and no email. 80ms is many times faster than the average response time I see from a successful submission.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"><script type="text/javascript">function ret(){parent.postMessage && parent.postMessage(document.getElementById('response').childNodes[0].nodeValue,'https://cbdoilnow.weebly.com');}</script></head><body onload='ret()'><div id='response'>{"success":true,"action":"finished","data":{"message":"Thank you. Your information has been submitted.","ucfid":"877634281479841616"}}</div></body></html>

Site in question is https://cbdoilnow.weebly.com/contact.html

This is simply a sandbox, with no modifications, to test in. My submissions fail here but also in every other Weebly site once they start to fail in general. Again, this is not restricted to my sites, once submissions start failing within any Weebly site attempting to submit a request through any other Weebly site will fail. No validations fire, which I assume means no one receives my email, and yet I get the success message.

Due to the intermittent nature of this bug simply going to any of the links yourself and submitting once is not sufficient testing. Submit multiple times in quick succession and you may be surprised what happens!

This has been going on for months, maybe longer.


Message 36 of 35

What information are you using with the form when you submit it?

Message 36 of 35

I appreciate you looking into this Adam. As I said I wasn't aware multiple people have been experiencing similar behavior. Hopefully this can be nailed down as it could certainly be affecting form submission rates if this is platform wide.

Message 36 of 35

Did some more testing Adam. Six successive submissions with the same email address in a short period seem to kill the submission process. I've been able to reproduce multiple times now from multiple sites and forms. I imagine this is an expected behavior to combat spamming but it is odd that it kills form submissions for the blocked IP Weebly wide and not just for that particular site. Also would be nice to get back something other then a success message that would indicate the situtation. 

Message 36 of 35

Ahh, yea, that makes sense; I'm sure it's viewing that kind of submission pattern as spammy and is blocking it. It would be better if it provided some feedback that the submission failed, though. 

Message 36 of 35

Hey Adam. Any chance this could be listed as a bug or future feature request?

Hasn't really affected myself as I just switch IPs and my testing is limited to a few submissions at a time with known good emails to prevent our mailing lists from filling with unknown emails for testing purposes, but I imagine this could really throw large events off in a serious manner. From my testing it seems someone could create a site to be used at an event to gather registrations or leads. If anyone hit the submission button more than six times within a few minutes with the same payload all future submissions would fail from that IP for a substantial time period. Haven't put a timer on the timoeout yet but it would seem to be in the magnitude of hours, not minutes. Not only that all Weebly submissions from that IP would fail for all Weebly forms platform wide during the blacklist period. I could see that being very frustrating for a site creator. 

Totally get it's a trade off between functionality and safety in this case so it's a business decision. Would be nice for those who know to be able to turn off this blocking for individual forms for testing purposes or in situations as mentioned above. Again, I get it's a Weebly business requirement at the moment. Would at least be nice to get back an error message indicating that too many submissions have been detected with the same payload from the IP in question. Frustrating to just get back success messages with no indication the email push has failed.

Just some thoughts...


Message 36 of 35

Was able to duplicate again with this procedure: Submitted empty form about 20 times and it failed validation each time, that is good. Finally entered a valid email but left the other required fields blank. Submitted with just the email field and recieved the success message. Now all subsequent form submissions on all Weebly sites will fail for my IP for an hour or so, yet every submission will present the success message. Switched to my cell, grabbed a data connection and repeated the procedure again from a new IP until blocked. Effectively anyone who hits submit multiple times and fails validation, even with a completely blank form, will be blocked the first time they send an actual payload that fails as well. Any kid at a conference could theoretically shutdown all form submissions from that IP with a few button clicks just playing around. This should be a bug fix for sure as it can't be the intended functionality of the AJAX submit procedure.

Message 36 of 35

Can this limit please be lifted/adjusted by website owners? 

Message 36 of 35

I don't think it's possible to adjust the setting, but I know some users embed third party contact forms on their site to use instead of the internal option. Are you having trouble receiving forms when you test yourself, or are you getting reports from visitors? 

Message 36 of 35

I am having the same problem, I receive only part of them, the majority of my test answers are not being saved by weebly
Message 36 of 35

Depending on what you are entering and how you are testing, your entries could be getting potentially blocked as spammy entries, @SP19949. Your site visitors shouldn't have any trouble using the form in a more normal manner, though.

Message 36 of 35

Same problem - any progress on this !?!

Message 36 of 35

Don't believe they've even looked at it. I moved most of my sites away from Weebly for this very problem but I still have two hosted with them. I'll still get a blacklisted IP after five or so form submissions within a certain timeframe. What's frustrating is your IP gets restricted even if your submissions are totally legit and succeed. What's even more unacceptable is after you're blocked Weebly still responds with a successful submission message so your potential clients are not even aware their submissions are not getting through.

At this point I've realized this is the intended action the developers implemented to combat spam and not a bug. Weebly in general will give you about five (can't recall the exact number or time frame as all my testing was a year or so ago) successful or unsuccessful form submissions within a certain time frame from a particular IP address. After that all submissions will fail from that IP address for ALL Weebly sites. Yes ALL Weebly sites. If someone uses their limit up on my site, if they then happen to go to your Weebly site, you will not receive any of their submissions, although they receive a successful submission message. If I recall correctly the block lasts an hour exactly. 

We ultimately gave up on using Weebly to grab leads. Just couldn't trust that all our leads were getting through as intended. As well it became super tedious while testing to jump back and forth to different IP addresses each time we became blocked. Wasn't worth the time for us but you could experiment with embedding third party forms into your site. 


Message 36 of 35

It's really sad that we should have to use another form then Weeblys. But curious to know if the one you have chosen works? 

Message 36 of 35
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