
pos orders showing status as STARTED

I just spent 1 hour and 40 minutes on the phone with square online. No one would acknowledge that the change they just made to "Orders" has now affected the POS register on orders. Now when I click on orders on my pos all I see is the word "started". In the past this would say New, In Process, or Ready depending on what I selected in the status. Now regardless whether I go in and change the status to In Process, it shows Started. I go back into the same ticket and select Ready and the status stills shows Started. 


I was told on the phone that it is what it is. If that's the case then why in the heck would there be the option of having the orders on the pos. My waitresses can not tell if an order is ready or in progress because it shows STARTED at every step. 

I can pull my computer out and check the status on the online dashboard but I can not have my computer sitting out. And furthermore, why would I when the POS should be telling me this info.


I'm thinking someone forgot to connect the dots to the POS. 

Can someone please help me get to the correct person to change this to show the progress of the order. Or just tell me that this is a useless feature now.


Thank you for your time.

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hello @bbutler222,


Good to see you posting in the Seller Community again, welcome back! 


Sorry to hear about the frustration you have been encountering. This honestly sounds like abnormal behavior. Are you utilizing Square for Restaurants? Or the Regular Square Point of Sale?


Either way, this sounds like an issue that needs to be escalated via a ticket to our engineering team. I understand that you have spent a good amount of time troubleshooting on the phone, but it may be worthwhile to contact our phone support Advocates again and advise them to file a ticket. 


I look forward to your reply. 😊

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you Frida for your help. I called customer service and asked them to put in a ticket but the person insisted on helping me and asked that I shut my pos totally down and sign in again. They also said to restore back to the last software version which I am not about to do. Unfortunately I am not at the store, we are closed Monday and Tuesday. So I'll go in today and try signing back in. If it doesn't work I'll have to call them back. I've wasted so much time on this and at this point I'm wondering why no one can help me just fix it. I like square but this is really not sitting well with me. 


I'm attaching a screen shot of what my POS (and my square dashboard) show as a status.  Most of these should be showing In Progress or Ready because I've changed the status. But here they sit with Started as their status. Apparently Square changed the function to start out as showing "started" but I do believe someone did not connect the dots. I have 38 orders sitting on my screen that shows the status of started. My staff has no idea what stage each order is at. I've spent a total of 2 hours now on the phone with customer service. I'll come back on here to let you know what solution customer service finds.Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 8.37.41 AM.png

Message 3 of 3
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