
How do I get the products to have their own page

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: PopUp]


How do i get the products to always display in their own link rather then just a popup on the main page? You can't see the options and all the photos, unless you visit the main links which noone other than me has access to. 



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Hi @GingerLittleFox, thank you for reaching out! 


If you'd like to have the products display on their own page, you should take advantage of the Shop All template rather than the Order Online template. 


You can change this by:

  1. Login to your Square Dashboard > Online Store
  2. On your Online Store, navigate to Website > Edit SiteChange template 1.png


  3. Click into the Page: Home drop-down. You should see your Order Online page coming up. You'll need to hover over the three ... and select Switch TemplateChange template 2.png


  4. Select Shop AllChange template 3.png


  5. Click Done and republish your site

I hope that will help! 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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