
How can I see who ended or closed the cash drawer?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: problem with their Square saying that the cash drawer was closed remotely?]


Does anyone else have a recurring, mysterious problem with their Square saying that the cash drawer was closed remotely?  This had happened to us occasionally (no idea who or what could be "closing the cash drawer remotely"), and has now happened twice in one week.  It's especially irksome because there is no way to get the printout from the "closed" drawer that started at the beginning of the day, and the printout at the end of the night only has partial information on it as to how much money was taken in that day.  Just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences or insight!

Message 1 of 21
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Stimwares  - I'm sorry to hear that this issue with your Cash Drawer report has brought you to the Seller Community😥


For this issue, I suggest that you get in touch with our Support Team so they can file a support ticket to get our engineers on this. If you haven't already, please reach out to Support directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 19 of 21

While you have the capability to End a Cash Drawer Session, you also have the ability to Close a Cash Drawer Session. The two can be easily confused, so I want to make sure we are on the same page first before jumping in, @khilbert. The difference essentially boils down to: you are simply clicking End Drawer to end a cash drawer, while when closing a cash drawer you are additionally recording the actual ending amount (in comparison to what the system has recorded).


You should be able to determine who started, ended, or closed your cash drawer by viewing your cash drawer report in your Square Dashboard. Please let me know if you have any other questions about cash drawer management!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 21

Can anyone tell me why I have mysterious problem with Square saying that the cash drawer was closed remotely?  This had happened to us occasionally (no idea who or what could be "closing the cash drawer remotely"), and has now happened twice in one week.  It's especially irksome because there is no way to get the printout from the "closed" drawer that started at the beginning of the day, and the printout at the end of the night only has partial information on it as to how much money was taken in that day. On the Square iPad app I can look at previous drawers, but these "remotely" closed drawers show up. How to stop it from happening. What causes it?
Message 3 of 21

The exact words of the message are "Cash Drawer was closed remotely.  Start a new cash drawer to continue." why does this happen. How do I prevent it 


Message 4 of 21
Square Community Moderator

Hey @ludington! Welcome to the Community.


I was able to find another existing thread where another seller had the same question so I moved your post here.


@Valentina explained more above! Let me know if that helps. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 21

See below

Message 6 of 21

Really, the above posters have two questions.  The one that is important for me (and I believe @KirkJones below too) is being randomly prompted with "Cash Drawer Closed Remotely; This cash drawer was closed remotely.  Start a new cash drawer to continue.").  The issue for us is the POS will prompt this to one of my employees when they go to check someone out (someone with absolutely no responsibility for opening and closing/ending the cash drawer), they open a new drawer just to move on (not knowing what they are doing), which later in the day throws everything off.


My question, and I believe @KirkJones' and @ludington's too, is what is causing the system to close a cash drawer remotely?  I am almost certain no one is doing this and it seems more like something Square is doing automatically.  Is it possible Square itself remotely/automatically closes an old cash drawer that was unintentionally left open?  It's the only possible explanation I can think of.

Message 7 of 21
Square Community Moderator

 Hello @Trumanbarberco


Great to see you posting again in the Seller community! Your employees should not have access to open or close a cash drawer unless this is enabled in their permission set. Team members must have the Open Cash Drawer Outside of a Transaction and View Cash Drawer Reporting permissions enabled for their permission set in order to start/end cash drawer sessions.


Check out this helpful guide and let me know if it provides you some insight. We are happy to answer any other questions you may have! 😊

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 21

Frida, im not sure you have read the question, the poeple on this thread clearly know how cash management works. The question is how can a single device with cash management have the following error / info message: "Cash Drawer Closed Remotely; This cash drawer was closed remotely.  Start a new cash drawer to continue."

Message 9 of 21

Hey @Frida: as noted below by @NeilJ77 , while this information is helpful, it does not address the question asked.  Also, for what it's worth, I just double-checked our settings and, within "Checkout" and then "Cash Management", the box "Open cash drawer outside of a transaction" is not checked (and was not checked when this issue was regularly occurring (it's now not because because there is never more than one cash drawer open at once, which I believe has resolved the issue for us).


My employees do have "View cash drawers" and "view current drawer and drawer history" checked because this seems to be the only way to access the paid in/out feature necessary for them to open the physical drawer outside of a transaction to make change.  If there is a better way to achieve this, please let me know.

Message 10 of 21

We are having the same problem....twice this month. We don't know why. We don't think we have anyone doing anything remotely.

Message 11 of 21

I have the same problem, happened over dozen times last night.

Message 12 of 21

We have been getting this also, we use Square for Restaurants and in the middle of the day out of nowhere a message will show up on the screen of the ipad and it reads 
"Cash Drawer Closed Remotely"

This cash drawer was closed remotely. Start a new cash drawer to continue

This is starting to happen more and more frequently

Message 13 of 21

Here is a screen shot of the message that appears on the ipadIMG_3976.jpg

Message 14 of 21
Square Community Moderator

Hello @rebecca_taylor 

Welcome to the Community, we're always happy to see new faces!


I was unfortunately unable to see the screenshot you attached. 


As Valentina stated in one of the responses above:

"You should be able to determine who started, ended, or closed your cash drawer by viewing your cash drawer report in your Square Dashboard"


Have you been able to check this report to see where the message is coming from? 


Let me know so I can better assist!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 15 of 21

We had the same issue on a second iPad we just purchased and set up to use as a mobile checkout station at our golf course.  “Cash Drawer Closed Remotely”.  “Start A New Cash Drawer”

- how can we start a new cash drawer when our main iPad with cash drawer is open and working fine?  We want to share one cash drawer for both iPads.

Message 16 of 21

We have had the exact same problem twice in as many months and I find it ironic that customer support hasn't understood this question. Our systems/drawers are randomly giving the prompt that the cash drawer is closed remotely, and forces to open a new one, which then skews the cash count. None of our assigned employees are doing this (for us, it's limited to one drawer, and one user opening/closing). It's as if the POS is being hacked, or it stops communicating, or a bug, or something. I was hoping to hear a concrete answer from the Square Team, but all I see is responses of "Try this same answer to the question you're not asking" and "give us more info" when all the info is there. Am I missing anything? Would love a technical insight from the Square team on this "ghost in the system".

Message 17 of 21

Has anyone ever gotten a solution to this, because I had this happen twice today on my first time using the cash management on my retail POS and after having it happen twice I gave up and immediately turned the cash management back off. Every time the iPad fell asleep and the app closed it automatically closed out my drawer for some reason. I only have the one account and one cash drawer, so I know for certain no one else was interfering with it--it's clearly a bug.

Message 18 of 21
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Stimwares  - I'm sorry to hear that this issue with your Cash Drawer report has brought you to the Seller Community😥


For this issue, I suggest that you get in touch with our Support Team so they can file a support ticket to get our engineers on this. If you haven't already, please reach out to Support directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 19 of 21

Has tech support been able to give us an actual answer to this problem?  We hasve used Square since their beginning, yesterday at the farmer's market we had that same  "Cash Drawer Closed Remotely; This cash drawer was closed remotely.  Start a new cash drawer to continue." error happen 28 times, yes you read that correctly!!!  28 times in a 2 1/2 hour farmer's market.  Basically every time we made a cash transaction it started a new drawer.  We have never had this issue, but I see from above others have in the past 4 years.    What is our answer from Square?    We use an Ipad connected to a Square Terminal.

Message 20 of 21

Hey @808pielady,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community.


I recommend reaching out to our Support team as stated in this Best Answer above. 

Message 21 of 21

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