
When will we have an option to post bulk inventory for seperate items in different categories?

We own a succesful, high end, Resale Shop for Children's and Maternity clothing. With kids doing virtual school due to school shut downs, mothers are constantly messaging me and asking me to post various sizes/styles and offer more choices and posts in various sizes. There are 40 sizes alone just in kids clothing if you considet Newborn to size 16/18 in girls & boys. Then add in Shoes, accessories, baby gear, maternity clothing from our bustling 3,300 square foot shop.

My biggest set back is that since each item is a different brand, style and condition-it needs to be listed individually and we can't add the inventory all at once (in bulk) and the time it takes to save a post and add in the inventory-it barely covers the cost/time it takes to build the store up even remotely, to the amount of inventory we offer. We have the product, the interest AND the buyers but individually adding inventory counts for the amounts we typically sell is impossible right now.. It is painful to indivially inventory the volume in which we sell. (Up to thousands per day in store) and if we had a way to add bulk inventory to individual posts, we could be making sooooo much more money as the customer base and clothing we sale is vast and speed of posting is crucial. 

Being capable of adding bulk inventory amounts to separate posts would be a GAME CHANGER and make many mothers happy who are currently not able to shop while they are home monitoring children who are not yet allowed in schools and need to engage in digital learning. Help!!! 

The Resale market is booming (predicted to be a billion dollar industry) and it would be incredibly advantageous if Square could offer Square for Resale (limited to actual business owners and not crap peddlars) and have options to benefit those of us who sell high end items at lower costs and offer curbside pick up. 


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