
How to cancel my Online subscription and get a refund?

I purchased the Professional Site Plan late October with the intention of listing my items in an on-line store.  I have since changed direction and never set up the store.  Is it possible to cancel and refund?  I still want/need my Square account, not the on-line marketplace.  

Message 1 of 78
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Hey @parrot88🐦


If you want to downgrade your Square Online subscription or get a refund, you'll have to give our Support Team a call

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Message 67 of 78

Best Answer

Hey @Bougie-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


You'll have to give our Support Team a call and ask to speak with the Online Store team. They're the only ones that can remove this kind of upgrade. Sorry about that! 


Let me know if you have any additional questions. 

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Message 3 of 78

Please could anyone help with how to cancel the subscription, every time I follow the links given it seems to send me round in circles 


Message 64 of 78

Hey @Joliver31,


Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you're having trouble cancelling your subscription!


This setting is managed from the My Services section of your Account settings via the Square Online dashboard - you can find some more info on doing this here.


If that direct link to "My Services" doesn't help please get in touch with our support team on 1800 760 137. Lines are open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Melbourne time!



Square, Australia
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Message 65 of 78

I did my research and specifically purchased the $29 a month since I could use paypal.

Well square does not. Please issue me a refund. There is no support on my settings or anywhere.

Thank you

Message 66 of 78

Best Answer

Hey @parrot88🐦


If you want to downgrade your Square Online subscription or get a refund, you'll have to give our Support Team a call

Message 67 of 78

Hey, I've got an answer for you, and it's a good one!


Here is the problem with downgrading, or cancelling anything with Square Online:


  • Square Online has devoured the once friendly (more importantly, user friendly) Weebly. That happy place is dead, cold, and buried. What is left in its place is a bloated mishmash of primrose path "help" links that guarantee nothing but fatigue. And when consumers become fatigued, they often quit trying. 
  • The minimalist aesthetic that Square, or Square Online—both used synonymously and colloquially by non-insiders—is no longer beautified by that cool and refined look;  the negative space now acts as the visual medium more representative of a padded room with no windows wherein the novice finds himself or herself or themselves unable to get simple answers and perform simple tasks, especially when cancelling is the task. 
  • I was just billed for a month of renewal for the lowest-tier product Square offers; one (1) month of the Professional Site. Here is the exact heading of the invoice, full stop and all: 

"This is to confirm the renewal of your 1 month Professional Site."

Or, should I call it the Professional Site Plan? It is so named in the same invoice, under items. Would the word plan so disrupt the convivial prose that prefaces the invoice?  Or is it just another small, seemingly innocuous oversight added to the hundreds of other small pieces of semantic jargon to create the grand labyrinth that is Square Online.

In my inbox, as illustrated in the picture, you will see that the invoice is from Weebly. Again, whatever Weebly was is long gone. To pretend otherwise, or do business as, using that name, is confusing. It is tricky to figure out why that name is still being used by Square. The name Weebly is not to be found much within the maze of help pages that lead to more help pages and eventually to this--the message board. The message board; the worst application of internet technology for answering questions and getting results, and here, dared to be used as the primary point of customer service. It seems that Square’s customers are an inconvenience, begging the question, is the average paying small-fry customer Square’s greatest asset?

Incidentally, using a discussion board as the primary customer service access point surely is right up there in the internet pantheon of bad ideas. Remember pop-up advertisements, so ubiquitous in the early days of the internet? Abusive and annoying and untamed they were, until they were suppressed by more recent internet technology which gave users power over endless intrusion to the visual field and to sustained attention. Sadly, but inevitably, we all rather fear—to varying degrees—another type of intrusion, but a hidden one. The collection and monetizing of our personal data is a far more efficient form of advertising, and the amount of data so great that new disciplines, industries, and sciences are developing just to keep up.

Squarepace does have a phone line, to call for help, and I have posted it here. And I’ll post it on 10 different postings that are cries for help. Notice that Square doesn’t even have the common decency, the civility, to use the colloquial PT, or PST, to denote Pacific Time or Pacific Standard Time. For god’s sake—excuse the upcoming use of profanity, but remember, profane words only have the power one decides to give them—**bleep** write the words Pacific Standard Time and don’t obfuscate it by means of a less common designation.
IF THIS DOES NOT get the attention of some human being from Square, Square Online, or the zombie, wearing Weebly’s skin suit, and my simple question and refund for this recurring payment is not redressed within a reasonable amount of time, I will make rather good use of that e-mail address and phone number.

Also, lets take a look at the amount of views to simple questions posted on this discussion board. This response, my response, is now one of 73, connected to nearly ten thousand (9,446 so far) views, which is again connected like neuronal nets to larger and smaller posting-response pairs and views alike. Questions that aren’t even questions; they are cries for help, to cancel, cancel, please god allow me to cancel!

    • Square does have an answer to anyone who wishes to cancel--but what exactly are we cancelling? Are we simply saying no to the recurring payments, in my case, The Professional Site Plan, or, are we severing all ties to our information—perhaps even intellectual property if one happens to hit the bullseye in creating a highly valued domain name? Square’s answer is nothing less than a politely veiled threat: Deactivating your Square account means you will be unable to receive or recover any of your payment history or account information. If you don't know what that means, you are not alone.
    • Businesses who pretend to be something they really are not, business that have evolved into something else but behave as if they are still accessible to the common man, woman, or trans person, if they persist, they are just bound to end up as a headline describing a class-action lawsuit or a congressional hearing.
    • Simply put, Square Online, Square.. whatever this now is, does not provide reasonable access to support, reasonable access to cancel recurring payments, indeed, no reasonable access to resolution of nuts and bolts, meat-and-potato questions.
    • And  Olive_, if this doesn't get forwarded to an employee or representative of this company for its immediate redress, the next message on the message board will not be from me, but from my, or perhaps even a group of individuals' team of attorneys.

      That is my best answer, @parrot88. Ironically, the last time I posted a call for help, my "level" was increased from 1 to 2, in this blind-leading-the-blind mad circus. And no offense to the physically impaired blind community, or the bona fide carnie.
    • I may even decide to re-write this, and re-write and edit again, and submit it for publication. You don’t know who I am, really, and Square should be grateful that this is merely on a message board, and not part of an investigative report on NPR.
Message 68 of 78

I was the pastor of St. Paul's.  I have been retired for 2 years.  I have moved.  The church decided yesterday NOT to continue with their Weebly account.  The money has already been taken out of my account.  I would like a refund.


Thank you.


Reverend Johanna Andritz  


Account order number 2[Redacted]4861513

Message 69 of 78

I wish to reply.  The directions said this would be easy.  This is not easy.  I'm replying but you didn't reply to me.  I don't understand.

Message 70 of 78

Please reply.

Message 71 of 78

Hey Reverend Johanna Andritz!


Based on Isabelle's previous answer, if you want to downgrade your Square Online subscription or get a refund, you'll have to give their Support Team a call.


They'll be able to process this for you!

Message 72 of 78

please help!! i need a refund and i want to cancel!

Message 73 of 78


  I signed up to Weebly today on a professional plan and also purchased a domain. i would like a full refund for both, in line with the 30 day refund policy. I have found the site hard to navigate, it was much easier when it was Weebly.




Melissa Stasinowsky
Message 74 of 78

I recently opened a subscription with square and weebly to run an online store. I was unhappy with the system and with the lack of customer support. I'd like to request a refund and follow through with the 30 day moneyback guarantee please. Can someone help me with that?

Message 75 of 78

Please, I would like to change my current plan. I have a online shop web www.teduadivine.com in weebly. I would like to renew my plan to another plan.

Message 76 of 78

Hey @teduadivine!


Please take a look at my best answer in this thread 👩🏼‍💻

Message 77 of 78

How Do I cancel Weebly? My site is in Norwegian I can't read Norwegian

Message 78 of 78