
How Do I See More Detailed Gift Card Reports?

Right now the basic Gift Card report screen doesnt give me details on each card.

If I open up a transaction made by a gift card, I can see the history of that particular card including when they were purchased, how much was loaded on them, every transaction made by them, and how much is currently left on the card.

I'd love to be able to see this data for all of my active gift cards.

Is there a way to do this, or is it in the works?

This would be incredibly useful, and part of the reason I switched from my own paper gift certificates to the Square Gift Cards.


Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 1 of 34
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @malibuclub, I'm the PM on gift cards and we recognize our gift card reporting is limited. This is an area we are focusing on improving in the next couple quarters. Today, the gift card report, under Sales>>Report>>Gift Cards, do show how much is loaded given the date filter. It should be the combination of Activations and Load. Also, your gift card sales are shown in your 'Sales Summary' Report as a separate line item from your Total Sales. The numbers should tie up, and I'd be happy to look into it more if it doesn't. Please direct message me. 

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Message 9 of 34

Hi Pesso,


Thanks for using Square Gift Cards. You can export more details on all of the Gift Cards you've issued in the 'Sales' tab of your Square Dashboard. Simply go to 'Sales' > 'Gift Cards.' On the right side towards the top of the page you'll see an 'Export' button. Click that and select 'Detail CSV.'


A CSV file will export. Once you open it you'll see the transaction history for each outstanding card.



Message 2 of 34

Thank you - yes I saw this, but it still doesn't seem to be as detailed as the view I get when I click through the receipt. I'd love to see this as a site rather than an excel document, with the ability to click through each transaction and all that how I can now - but all of the cards at the same time.

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 3 of 34

Hey @pessosices, thanks for getting back to us here - super useful for us to understand what would be most helpful for you. We'll make sure to update here in the community if there's any update on reporting changes! 

Message 4 of 34

That does not give a transaction history. It shows dates when it was used and the running total, but not the transaction history of that card...at least that's not what is showing up when I select Detailed CSV.
It would be nice to see loaded, redeemed, and refunded as options to the Items Sales in the Custom Report. The data is all in there, but there is no way within the Custom Report to pull any Gift Card Item sales (like when they are loaded). This week we had mostly gift card sales so it has the amount of cash that we took in, and $15 in drink sales.....and the two numbers are drastically different which makes our bookkeeping look like we are taking money and not recording sales. The Gift Card Sales report does not have numbers that match with anything.

The Gift Card reporting definitely needs some serious work.

Message 5 of 34

Exactly! Thank you!

We definitely need more work on this - not solved by the export

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 6 of 34

At very least having Gift Card Items show up in the Items menu as an option to chose from would give us the "loaded" portion.

Message 7 of 34

Thank you for continuing to share your experience with Square Gift Cards and reporting, @malibuclub, @pessosices, and @malibuclub. Rest assured that we are tracking your feedback — while no updates are available at this time, please keep in touch.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 8 of 34

Best Answer

Hi @malibuclub, I'm the PM on gift cards and we recognize our gift card reporting is limited. This is an area we are focusing on improving in the next couple quarters. Today, the gift card report, under Sales>>Report>>Gift Cards, do show how much is loaded given the date filter. It should be the combination of Activations and Load. Also, your gift card sales are shown in your 'Sales Summary' Report as a separate line item from your Total Sales. The numbers should tie up, and I'd be happy to look into it more if it doesn't. Please direct message me. 

Message 9 of 34

Hi I’m looking into using square for my business. I have two questions that I have not found answers for. 1 can I as the business owner cancel issued gift cards? 2 what happens to the funds on the card?

Message 10 of 34

Hey @SuperDave--


You can clear the balance of issued gift cards, if you have a way of tracking them down in the transaction reports or receipts. Just be careful with this, because you need to have a good legitimate reason for doing so.

When you load a gift card, you recieve the funds into your account - the funds on the Gift Card are a credit and don't really exist. So if you clear a gift card, the balance is cleared, and the credit disappears, you've already gotten the funds.


Hope this helps!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 11 of 34

What are some reasons for clearing cards? Can gift card credits be consolidated?

Message 12 of 34

@SuperDave - You can clear a gift card for any number of reasons. Here are some we've done:


1. There was an error in the transaction to load the gift card, and the customer was refunded the amount put on the gift card, so we cleared the gift card that was loaded so there is no remaining value on it.

2. A customer wanted to give the remaining balance of his card as a tip, so we cleared the balance of the card.


What scenario were you thinking of?


Sure, you could consolidate Gift Cards, but it's a little tricky. First create a 100% discount on your register. Then find and write down the balance of one of the cards you want to consolidate, and then clear that balance. Add that value to the other card you want to consolidate, apply the 100% discount, and Charge $0.00. And you're done!


Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 13 of 34

Thank you. That was really helpful.

Message 14 of 34

I've also "consolidated" gift cards by putting through a transaction to add funds to the card that will be kept (card 1), "pay" for the addition of funds with the card you're getting rid of (card 2). It decreases the funds on card 2 and increases the funds on card 1.

So that would go:

"I have two gift cards, one with $50 on it and another with $10 on it but I want only one card, can you combine these for me?"


Select gift card item

Enter 10.00 for Gift Card Value

Swipe Card 1 with $50 on it


Swipe Card 2 with $10 on it

Hand back $50 card that now has $60

"Have a nice day"


That will "transfer" the $10 to the other card, then you don't have to clear the balance.


Message 15 of 34

Super smart way of doing it - @malibuclub - I'm definitely going to switch over to this method. Thanks!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 16 of 34

Hi Lily,


I'm trying to find the outstanding balance on all the gift cards that haven't been fully redeemed yet. Yet the reports only allow me to see a total of 1 year of activations and redemptions. How can I see more than that? Meaning how can I know the total of the unredeemed amount since I started offering gift cards?





Message 17 of 34

Hi @AtomicFelicia,


Thanks for the question! I am the PMM for Square Gift Cards. I would be happy to help you!
The best way to do this would be to:
1) Click ‘Sales' on the left panel of your Square Dashboard 
2) Under ‘Reports’ tab click 'Gift Cards’ 
3) Click the drop down button labelled ‘Export’ on the right side and select ‘Detail CSV'
4) Open the spreadsheet in excel, and sum the column that shows ‘Current Outstanding Amount'
Hope that helps!
Message 18 of 34

I'd love to be able to run a report in the middle of June that could reflect a custom date, for example, with the outstanding amount on gift cards on May 31, 2018. I didn't receive a gift card report for May like I usually do from ya'll and it's a super helpful report because I match it up with my bookkeping.

Message 19 of 34


I notice when you export from Square you get the GIFT CARD TOKEN, but I need the gift card numbers - in order to move them over to my website. You can enter this information to look up a gift card so it is certainbly stored server side. How do I get it? is there a way to convert the token? The Prefix?

Message 20 of 34

Hey @pinadesigns, if you export the Detail CSV from your Gift Cards tab, you'll be able to access the last four digits of each gift card that was used for a given period of time. Does that help surface the information you need? If that doesn't get you there, can you provide a some more details on why you need to move the gift card numbers over to your website? This will help me take a closer look with our Point of Sale team.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 21 of 34
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