
Edit Item Prices via Virtual Terminal or Smartphone App

Why can I not change/edit prices when I do a transaction through the virtual terminal or smartphone app?  Even if an item is set for variable pricing it will not allow an edit.  This is a big flaw with Square POS.  Please help/fix ASAP.  

Message 1 of 14
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

The option should be there. When you say you have a variable price, do you mean you have multiple prices for the item or do you have one variation that says variable price next to it. 


When you look at your item, do you see a variation with the price grayed out? 

If the $0.00 is solid black like the other prices, just edit it and delete the 0's. It should remain gray. 

Set this way, it should prompt you to enter a price when you select that variation on the POS or Virtual Terminal.

If it's a solid black $0.00, that means the price is set to $0 and can't be changed.



Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.15.07 PM.png


Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.15.24 PM.png


Let me know if that fixes your problem or if you can clarify a little more as to what is going on. 

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Message 2 of 14

Best Answer

The option should be there. When you say you have a variable price, do you mean you have multiple prices for the item or do you have one variation that says variable price next to it. 


When you look at your item, do you see a variation with the price grayed out? 

If the $0.00 is solid black like the other prices, just edit it and delete the 0's. It should remain gray. 

Set this way, it should prompt you to enter a price when you select that variation on the POS or Virtual Terminal.

If it's a solid black $0.00, that means the price is set to $0 and can't be changed.



Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.15.07 PM.png


Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.15.24 PM.png


Let me know if that fixes your problem or if you can clarify a little more as to what is going on. 

Message 2 of 14

The price is set to ZERO for a single item.  I am not talking about different price points.  I am talking about a single item with a single price set to zero to be changed when the customer checks out or to be able to change the price if it has a set price already.  Both the registers and Square ipad app will do this fine but the virtual terminal and smartphone app will not allow you to change the price.  This is something that really needs fixed.  

Message 3 of 14
Square Champion

When you enter an Item into Square either as a Single Item like our Oddity Item or as a Variation like our Custom Fudge price.... if the Price is set to $0.00 you should be asked to enter a price as depicted in the photos below and in the previous comment.


Which Square APP are you using for a phone?  Iphone or Android?   I have the Android app on my phone and I can change the price.  I have Fudge we sell,  We sell it at 1/4, 1/2, 1 lb and 2 lb price points if the weight ends up in between these we have a 5th option of Variable price.  When we ring up fudge Custom Price it pops up a screen for us to enter the price.  We have another Item called oddity for things we add multiple items to sell as 1 assembly, this also has a custom variable price for us to enter the price at checkout. Works on Android and Ipad Stand.  Our Custom Price for Fudge is set to $0.00 and so is our Item Oddity so when either one of these items are scanned or android or Ipad will ask us to enter a price.  Since we make custom candles for center pieces we us this for our Custom one off pieces which vary from $49.00 to $100 and up depending what the customer wants.  Attached to this are 2 screen shots from my android phone showing what happens when you have an item with a price of $0.00.  Now for the Virtual terminal on the Square Dashboard the steps are below.


As for Square Virtual Terminal if you select Itemized Sales, you enter either an item or a Dollar amount.  So if I want a custom total for an item like our Customized Candles we just type in $75.00 and bam the price for that item in the transaction is $75.00, and we can still enter Balsam fir 28oz and it sets the price to $18.99Custom is a Variation with $0.00 as the price.. Next photo appears when we enter that variation or Oddity ItemCustom is a Variation with $0.00 as the price.. Next photo appears when we enter that variation or Oddity Item



2nd picture below


Screenshot_20211221-163046_Square Point of Sale Beta.jpg

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 4 of 14

Oh, you did solve it.  My prices were set to dark $0.00 instead of the gray $0.00.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!

Message 5 of 14

I have items with this scenario as well. I have checked the virtual terminal and iPhone, and it works as it should for me.


On the virtual terminal, when I select this item, it provides an option to enter the amount I want.



Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 12.24.28 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 12.24.48 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 12.24.56 PM.png


This should be an option to you. I know you say you can do this on the iPad and Register. There's a possibility there is an issue on your account. Before jumping to that conclusion, I think we should double check a couple things. 


I've worked in tech support in the past (I'm just a Square user in this case), we always checked the most obvious things first. 

Is it plugged it...  "OF COURSE IT IS" why wouldn't it be.... Customer checks anyway, and sees a cat toy next to the unplugged cord...... 


As I said, this should work on all devices, virtual terminal, etc. All the same. So, either there's something wrong with the setup, or there's some glitch on your account. 


So......   just to be clear, is it the same item that works on the iPad that doesn't work on the phone or virtual terminal? Are they signed in to the same location? That is if you have more than one location.


If it is the same item, from the same location, and it works on the iPad, but not phone or VT, then you will likely need to speak with support to find out why. There may be a glitch in your account.


I'm just trying to be sure that you haven't set one of these to $0.00 by typing in 0's on the price. 

When you create a price, it is set to $0.00 and grey, if you type in 0's , it turns to solid black.

Whether it's a single price item or an item with variable pricing as in the example in my first reply that had a special price of $0.00 that can be changed, this shouldn't matter either way.

When you type 0's into the price, that is setting the price which can't be changed, the same as typing $10.00.

Leaving the 0's grey, without typing anything in that price field prompts you to enter the price when adding the item, which is what you are trying to accomplish.


To be certain, go to you dashboard -> items -> select the item you weren't able to change the price for on the iPhone or VT, 

open it and select the price.


If the cursor goes to the left ready for you to type, then it is set correctly.

Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 12.38.40 PM.png


If the cursor goes to the right, backspace/delete until all numbers are grey, then save the item and try again.


Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 12.41.02 PM.png

Notice how in the first image, the $0.00 is grey, but on the second image it is solid black $0.00.

Either way, save the item with the price greyed out $0.00 and try the item on the phone and VT again.


I have had features that stopped working and when I went to edit and changed nothing, then saved, it worked again.

Specifically referring to the checkout links. It was driving me crazy, but saving the item again reset it somehow.


If this doesn't work, then I will step aside and let someone else make suggestions, or you can reach out to support if we think it's a problem with your account specifically.

Message 6 of 14


Message 7 of 14
Square Champion

@bradrsi ;

That looks like a screen shot of the Virtual Terminal...Square Dashboard on a computer.

You could do a Quick charge which then you just enter the $ amount.  What I think is going on is, Wholesale-In Store price is set to $0.00....meaning you typed in 0.00 for the price.


To solve this go to you Items- search for Wholesale- In Store and Delete the 0.00 it should go from Black text to a Grey color.   I just tried this and when I typed in the $0.00 I could not change the price anymore either.  Then I deleted the 0.00 and it went Grey, then I got the pop up to supply a $ amount for the transaction.


On  a computer go to Squares Dashboard and Sign in then go to this:


Then Search for Wholesale-In Store    (item or Variation)

Then select the 0.00 and delete it.

Pocono Candle

Mark as Best Answer if this Helped you solve an issue or give it a thumbs up if you like the answer.
Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 8 of 14

Price is set to VARIABLE, not 0.00 and quick charge is definitely not an option.  We run inventory management and we have to know what every item sold is on reporting.  Thanks for the input and suggestions though.  

Message 9 of 14

See screenshot.  I cannot do ANYTHING with the dollar amount.  

Message 10 of 14

Still, I am not able to adjust ANY prices via virtual terminal or android phone app.  Thanks for all of your input but it still does not work on my end.  If I set the price as variable to be input at the point of purchase, it still doesn't work...it just stays at ZERO.  

Message 11 of 14

Thanks to crystalimage, I have marked as best answer.  Problem solved.  

Message 12 of 14

I do still wish there was a way to change a price in the virtual terminal even if it has an assigned price to it already.  

Message 13 of 14

The best way to do that is to add a variable price unit. Then you can. You'll just have 2 different price points for the item.

Message 14 of 14
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