
Ubereats order not coming through from Square/Ubereats Integration

I'll try to keep this as short and simple as possible. I've been using the square/ubereats integration for the past year or so and it has been well enough. These past two weeks my pos has not been receiving uber orders. I contacted uber eats and they sent me this e-mail with Uber Case# 39620459


"Hi There,

We can see that the store is integrated with Infosys-Square-Postmates-Prod Pos.

Store UUID: 8d146514-5a8b-4010-86c5-4c53fa6a483a

We have checked the given orders(85D2A, C72B4, 0BD2A, 9D71B, 77371) and we can see that the orders were denied from the pos end for the reason - "This request could not be authorized."

We have also performed menu sync and it failed for the below error.

Error: Exception occured while invoking Square api: LocationService. Response code: 401 and error from server: This request could not be authorized.

This is an authorization issue. Please check with Square support for more details.

If you feel the issue has not been addressed or resolved properly, you can reopen the same case within 3 business days. If you have a new issue, please raise a new case. 

Note:  We encourage you to reach us through the Tech Support Form for quicker response instead of reaching us over an email.

Uber GTS"


I then tried calling square support and they tried to figure it out only to ask me to ask uber eats. Square Case number: 92267578


I suppose I can contact ubereats again, but I'm worried I'm going to come in contact with some generic support again and refer me back to square support. Any advice on how to deal with this. I'm tempted to unintegrate the two and just buy a separate table for my ubereats orders maybe. Thanks in advance!

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1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey there, @Anonymous - 


Thank you for providing the information from UberEats regarding your integration issues. Since they have ruled out an issue on their end, I am going to recommend reaching out to our Customer Success Team directly: 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport


We have limited access here in the Community and working with Customer Success directly will be more efficient to getting this resolved for you. 

Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey there, @Anonymous - 


Thank you for providing the information from UberEats regarding your integration issues. Since they have ruled out an issue on their end, I am going to recommend reaching out to our Customer Success Team directly: 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport


We have limited access here in the Community and working with Customer Success directly will be more efficient to getting this resolved for you. 

Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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