
How do I add a surcharge to a sale?

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How do I add the fee to the customers bill?

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Message 1 of 260
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Good news! We launched a 'Service Charge' feature in the US! Check out more information here

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Message 196 of 260
259 REPLIES 259

Is there a way I can charge a fee as a percentage of each sale for customers who use credit/debit cards so I'm not losing money for credit cards processing fees? Is rather the customer assume those fees rather then me.

Message 232 of 260
Square Champion

Hi @Tonyramos71 

Have a look here on how to enable and setup surcharges.

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
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Message 233 of 260

Things are tight for restaurants these days and I get offers every week from other services offering to process your credit cards at NO COST TO YOU!  What they are doing is passing that charge on to your customers. No big innovation or secret.  


Is there a way to do this in Square?

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon
Message 234 of 260
Square Community Moderator

Hi @ColonelMustard - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed utilizing our surcharge feature to accomplish this.


Please see the reply from one of our Community Moderators, @isabelle, which has been marked as the Best Answer.


I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.

Message 235 of 260

I own A Pilates studio and book classes and take payments through Acuity Scheduling linked to my Square account. I've added Square's service charge for all CC purchases in Square, thinking it would filter into Acuity, but it doesn't seem to be doing that. Has anyone found a workaround for this? I can't keep absorbing that fee. 


Any help would be most appreciated.

Message 236 of 260
Square Champion

Hi @pilatesbykim!


The only workaround I can think of for this is to manually check out your customers using the Square POS app and reader (instead of I'm assuming Acuity auto passing the service costs over to your reader?)


This way you can intercept it and add the transaction fee manually on top.


Another option could be to just add the cost of transactions into a price increase overall to your services (not ideal, but CPI is as high as ever, so now is the time to do it! Your good customers will understand). 

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Message 237 of 260

Is there a way to have Square include the fees in a transaction so that the buyer pays the fees and the seller gets the total cost of the item?

Message 238 of 260
Square Champion

There is not. You would have to manually add that. 

Before you do check your state laws. Some states do not allow you to do that.

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
Message 239 of 260

Colorado recently passed a law allowing businesses to charge their customer for the credit card processing fee starting July 1, 2022.  This fee must be EITHER 2% or equal to the processing fee charged by the credit card processor.  Is there a way to set up our terminal & invoices to automatically add a surcharge in the amount that Square is charging us for processing on each individual transaction?  It is my understanding that this can be a different amount depending on the way the card information is received, correct? 

Message 240 of 260
Square Champion

@kristi720 This is an interesting new law.  I am sure you are more well versed that I will be with my quick "google" education but the problem I see with the law is "debit" cards versus Credit cards.


All transactions on square are processed through the credit card network (no chip + pin) like a bank card.  The new law appears to not allow the surcharge on debit cards, but I couldn't find if this applies to debit cards processed as credit cards.  Right now the way the law reads, if you put this on every transaction and someone comes in with say a bank of america debit card, and you impose the fee, you would be in violation of the law.


"(f) A seller or lessor shall not impose a surcharge if a customer elects to pay for goods or services by:

(I) Using cash or a check; (II) Using a debit card, whether or not a personal identification number is used; (III) Processing a payment as a debit payment; or (IV) Redeeming a gift card."


I would not be comfortable charging a surcharge in Colorado right now with that being the language of the law without getting an attorney's opinion on this. That being said:  The short answer is there is no way to set up a variable surcharge tied to the exact processing rate of the transaction in square. I personally, would look up the cash discount system and stay away from surcharges.  I personally think that the consumer doesn't like them and they are bad for business.  But if you do higher ticket transactions, you can look up square's fee structure and for example, it is 2.6% for in person chip transactions.  There is no way to calculate the swipe fee of .10c as a percentage, so you would have to do 2 surcharges which would violate the actual Colorado law.  Personally, this looks like a hodge podge bad law to provide a remedy that people not in the industry wrote.  But that is just my 2c.

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Message 241 of 260
Square Community Moderator

Hi @kristi720  - Thanks for reaching out to us with your question. I see this is your first post in the Seller Community so I'd like to officially welcome you! 🎉👏

I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed setting up a surcharge. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future. 


Please see the reply from one of our Community Moderators, @isabelle, which has been marked as the Best Answer to this question  


I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

P.S. Thank you for your help here, as always, @Donnie-M!  🙌

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.

Message 242 of 260

Hi Everyone,


Can soemone really explain why I am not able to apply a  Surcharge Fee!!!! I am using that small square device that you attached to your phone to process credit card payments and I am running a Taxi company not sure if any of those have something to do with adding a surcharge fee!!!



Please advice

Message 243 of 260



Depending on what surcharge fee you may be talking about, consider adding it under "Taxes" if you want it to be applied automatically, but keep in mind that "Taxes" can only do percentages.


If you don't need it to be automatic or need it to be a set dollar amount, you would need to use the "Service Charges" feature. You can find that here: https://squareup.com/dashboard/business/service-charges


If that isn't what you're talking about, please let me know.


Have a nice day!


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Manager @ Maplelawn Farmers Market
Message 244 of 260

Do you charge your customers the square charge

Message 245 of 260
Square Champion

Hello @pmogavero and thanks for your post. I do not pass on the credit card processing fee to my customers. I consider this (as most businesses do) a normal expense of operating a business, and this expense is deductible on your taxes. Please consult a tax professional for questions about deducting qualified business expenses on your taxes. I also find that this turns off most of my customers who frequently use a credit card for all of their purchases; if they are charged an extra fee from my business they can easily find another business who does not charge this.


If you would like to add a Service Charge, there is a post here discussing that, however, I would advise against using this feature to pass on the Square charge to your customers. This is NOT allowed. There are legal disqualifications from Visa/Mastercard about such business practices. You will need to contact Visa/Mastercard if you are exploring charging anything like a surcharge or service charge. See the post above for the differences between Service Fees and Surcharges. I hope this helps answer your question.

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Message 246 of 260
Square Champion

No. I don't feel as though it's fair, plus it's a deductible business expense. If you're charging your customer you will end up paying taxes on that because it's going to increase your sales. The tax form square provides at the end of the year may not match up to the fees you charged, which means you'll pay more in taxes (potentially). 

personally I don't support businesses that charge me a fee to use a card. I rarely have cash.

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
Message 247 of 260

I've search through the boards and seen many discussions on how to add credit processing surcharges to transactions, but none have really addressed who's doing it and what their feedback is. Or what your opinion is on doing this.


How many have added a surcharge to all credit card transactions?


Have you had issues with complaints from customers?


Are you for or against this and why?


I know a local restaurant that is doing this. I saw the sign, had no issue with the fee, but that might be because my opinion is biased and wish I could do it myself! lol


Thank you in advance for all feedback.

Message 248 of 260
Square Champion

@JahvaRob I personally do not like it.  Maybe I am old school, but I look at the credit card charge as a "cost of doing business".  I have seen all 3 iterations.  I do not do a "cash discount" although this would appeal to me the most, but it still alienates the person who doesn't understand and wants a discount too.  Surcharge?  nope, nada, I hate seeing an extra charge just to use a credit card..think a government fee office that has to charge 2.95 to process a credit card.  The law doesn't allow them to eat the fee for the convenience of using a credit card.  I just think it has the customer thinking about the cost of the transaction and not paying attention to the great service and food.


I personally do not see a difference between charging something one of these three ways:


Cheeseburger 6.29

Cheeseburger 5.99 + 5% credit card surcharge

Cheeseburger 6.29 and we offer a 5% cash discount.



I just figure I need to charge the extra .29c on my product since that is what it usually costs me to do business.  Cash is such a small % of my business and is no good for online shopping.  So I assume everyone is using a card.


Just my 2c.

Multi-Unit Manager
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Message 249 of 260
Square Champion

@JahvaRob Hot topic these days!  I’m going to summarize my opinions, as well as point you to a few resources on the subject.  My thoughts on this have evolved as I’ve done research recently for other folks.


First, in 2013 a settlement was reached in a lawsuit against Visa, Mastercard, et al.  Basically they agreed to give up a blanket prohibition of credit card surcharges and allow each state to create their own laws and regulations.  Here’s a link to Mastercard’s current information on the subject (Visa has one, so does Amex, etc) — https://www.mastercard.us/en-us/business/overview/support/merchant-surcharge-rules.html


In a nutshell you are allowed, in some states, to pass on credit card fees to customers.  Note the highlight — you are NOT allowed to do so for debit cards, prepaid cards, and gift prepaid cards.  Also, one important caveat is that in order to do this you must tell the card issuing companies you are going to do it, and follow their rules for posting and notification.  Also, you should check with your state, as each state has different laws and rules and they are constantly changing.  Here’s a link to a 2021 article summarizing the state of the states then, but it’s best to do current research, as I know some of those have changed — https://www.merchantmaverick.com/credit-card-surcharges/


One more thing.  That restriction that you can only surcharge CREDIT cards is important.  Square’s help article on Service Charges mentions the same restriction — look at the FAQ entitled “Can I use this feature to apply a credit card surcharge?”. Since we sellers would have to look at each physical card to determine if it is a credit or debit card or prepaid card, that becomes a nightmare to keep us on the right side of things.  I don’t think it is worth the effort, personally.


Personally, I’ve always looked at merchant fees as a cost of doing business.  In order to stay in business, I need my customers to feel comfortable spending their money with me in the most convenient manner for them.  As such, I included an additional 3% in my cost of goods calculation and it is part of my menu item prices.  I used to offer cash discounts, but found that even that caused problems with my customer base, so I stopped doing that.  Also, for the record, cash discounts are illegal in some states, I found in my research — I believe, for example, that California doesn’t allow them because they consider it discrimination against people who use cards.  Hmmmmm….. Personally I love cash discounts because whenever I’ve seen them they were not accompanied with that whiny “please don’t pay with a card because it costs us so much money and we are a poor, struggling business” sign that I’ve seen too many times.  Every time I see one of those, I turn on my heels and walk away.  When I see “cash discount” I know exactly what the unspoken meaning is, and I respect that. 


Not much of a concise answer, I know.  I’m nothing if I’m not long-winded, as others here will confirm!  LOL. But it is where I am in my evolution on the subject.  Concise?  If it’s legal where you are, and you can get away with it, what’s the harm?  Be very careful about your messaging and keep it positive.  And find some way to keep yourself on the right side of that “don’t do this on debit/prepaid cards” clause.


(Stepping down off my soapbox now!). I wish you well with your decision.  I’m sure there will be other equally valid opinions, and I’ll enjoy reading them because every time I do, those opinions contribute to my evolution on the subject!  Thanks for asking!


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Message 250 of 260
Square Champion

I just had a fairly lengthy conversation with a credit card processor trying to lure me from Square. One of the things I like about Square is the upfront processing fees, the processor in question couldn't give me an average % of what they cost and suggested they could add on a surcharge to the transactions to cover my costs. 


I tried to explain to them that surcharges are tacky and that I factor the processing fee into the prices of the products. (Or more realistically I just know I'm only getting 97% (roughly) of the transaction.


At the end of the day credit card processing fees are part of the cost of doing business along with rent, utilities, insurance, and payroll. To start breaking it down and tacking on fees just makes no sense; either the products generate enough sales to cover my overhead or they don't. I think when you start charging all of these ancillary fees you start to really sell your soul (think doordash fees, bank overdraft fees, airlines making everything an addon).


The only thing I don't factor into my pricing is sales tax, that's just added at the end like normal because most places don't factor it into their prices and because it would complicate things a bit.



Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 251 of 260

This topic is loaded with quality input; not sure I have anything additional to add. However, I'll address your questions directly. 


at my dry cleaners - we increased prices by 3% to cover credit card transaction fees. Then, we provided a 3% cash discount. Most days I'm within pennies of recovering my processing fees. 


at my coffee shop - I have not implemented anything. Mostly because I've not found a way to do it that work both in-store and via our app. Credit fees cost us nearly $30k per year - I'm working hard on a solution. 


Maybe a couple of complaints, maybe? We did have some that switched to paying in cash. But, very few, less than 1% of weekly customers.

Take care of yourself and, as life provides, someone else too.
Message 252 of 260
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