
Two Domain Names, One Not Found

I had an original domain name from Shopify, www.JackSpices.com.


I came to Square and created a new domain name, www.JackSpiceShop.com.


I have two websites, so I can transition. I transferred www.JackSpices.com to Square and now my www.JackSpiceShop does not work.


I need both domains working. How can I fix this?


I need both domain names pointing to Square.



Message 1 of 26
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

@Bre-Spice Again, I’ll repeat this is not a problem with Square, nor is it a problem.  We just need to fix a few pointers/settings that are entirely internet related.  No need to freak out!


You didn’t answer my original question, so I’m going to make an assumption that you want jackspices.com to be your main domain, and jackspiceshop.com to forward to that one.  Here’s what you do:


  1. On your dashboard, go to Online > Website > Domains.
  2. Beside jackspices.com, click manage, then Manage Domain.
  3. Click edit site destination, and then “Connect to one of my current sites.”
  4. Choose your existing website as maintained in Square Online.
  5. Save


Then, to point jackspiceshop.com to jackspices.com:


  1. Go back to Online > Website > Domains.
  2. Click Manage beside jackspiceshop.com, then Manage Domain.
  3. Click Edit Site Destination
  4. Choose Forward to a URL
  5. Type in “jackspices.com”
  6. Click Save.


Now you’ll need to wait a little time while your DNS changes propagate throughout the internet.  Wait a few hours, then open a browser and key in each website URL/domain name.  In both cases it should take you to the same site, like mine does.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 8 of 26
Square Champion

Hey @Bre-Spice.  You will need to do what is called Domain Forwarding.  Before I give you instructions on what to do, I need to know the following:


Which domain is going to be your “real” domain — ie - the one that you print on business cards and other marketing communications?


Once I know this, I can give you a list of steps to accomplish your task.  It’s not difficult at all.  It’s just not obvious, not because of something Square has done, but because of how the internet works.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 2 of 26
Square Champion

@Bre-Spice I should have mentioned in my previous reply that I have a similar situation.  When we first started our business, we were Piper’s Cafe (piperscafe.biz).  Then we rebranded and became Piper’s Ice Cream Bar (PipersIceCreamBar.com).  We wanted to keep to old domain after we created the new one (for continuity purposes).  So I now have piperscafe.biz forwarding to PipersIceCreamBar.com.  It works beautifully.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 3 of 26

I see that both of your addresses work and point to the same domain. I need mine working like this. I literally have the domain name of both printed on my product labels.

Message 4 of 26

I did a domain transfer through Square. I didn't do a "domain forwarding."


I have both addresses printed on my products, so I need them both working. I went through Square for the domain transfer, but I was unaware that my new domain via Square would not work. I found out when I was creating a Tiktok account and pointing to products.

Message 5 of 26

Looks like www.JackSpices.com is now active on Square's servers - as for the domain you created with Square - can't say.  You would need to contact Square's Tech Support at this point - they can look at what was done from their end which is something that cannot be done via the volunteer Community.   We have hands on experience with Square's Apps and Hardware but, configuration of domains and other related challenges are a bit beyond the scope of this community - you need some Techie help at this point.   I did see that the new domain www.JackSpiceShop.com points back to Weebly so that tells me that a setting was missed somewhere in the process.

Message 6 of 26

I'm trying to stay calm until Monday, so that my blood pressure does not rise. LOL. Thank you.


Ironically, I sent an email campaign and I was wondering why I got no sales. SMH.

Message 7 of 26
Square Champion

Best Answer

@Bre-Spice Again, I’ll repeat this is not a problem with Square, nor is it a problem.  We just need to fix a few pointers/settings that are entirely internet related.  No need to freak out!


You didn’t answer my original question, so I’m going to make an assumption that you want jackspices.com to be your main domain, and jackspiceshop.com to forward to that one.  Here’s what you do:


  1. On your dashboard, go to Online > Website > Domains.
  2. Beside jackspices.com, click manage, then Manage Domain.
  3. Click edit site destination, and then “Connect to one of my current sites.”
  4. Choose your existing website as maintained in Square Online.
  5. Save


Then, to point jackspiceshop.com to jackspices.com:


  1. Go back to Online > Website > Domains.
  2. Click Manage beside jackspiceshop.com, then Manage Domain.
  3. Click Edit Site Destination
  4. Choose Forward to a URL
  5. Type in “jackspices.com”
  6. Click Save.


Now you’ll need to wait a little time while your DNS changes propagate throughout the internet.  Wait a few hours, then open a browser and key in each website URL/domain name.  In both cases it should take you to the same site, like mine does.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 8 of 26
Square Champion

@Bre-Spice A follow-up post to my instructions above.   After you get this domain forwarding working properly, you need to be aware that all of your pages EXCEPT your home page need to use your main domain.  This includes product pages.


So, jackspices.com and jackspiceshop.com will both go to your home page.  But if you want to go to page “About” you’ll need to use jackspices.com/about, ONLY.  You can’t use jackspiceshop.com/about.  The same goes for product pages.  If you are linking to product pages, you MUST use the main URL, not the one you have fowwarded.


This is how the internet works and it can’t be changed, for the most part.  So it is important to make a decision about which domain is your MAIN domain.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 9 of 26

Thanks! I replied to your other message that I want JackSpiceShop.com as my main domain and I tried to do your instructions in reverse, so I hope that I did it right. Thanks.

Message 10 of 26
Square Champion

Ah.  I see it now!  My bad.  My notifications are being weird today so I missed that.  


Anyway, jackspiceshop.com seems to be working, so that’s good.  I’m guessing that you forwarded jackspices.com to jackspiceshop.com using that second procedure I outlined.  That’s the part that can take some time for the DNS to propagate around the world.  Check it in a few hours and that usually works.  But be aware that domain forwarding CAN take 24-48 hours.  It will eventually get there, but because of how the internet was built it can sometimes take longer.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 11 of 26
Square Champion

Otherwise, since jackspiceshop.com is your main domain, then if you make QR codes of other direct links to your website, use it and NOT jackspices.com.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 12 of 26
Square Champion

@Bre-Spice While we are waiting, could you go to your manage domain screen for jackspices.com and screen shot it, then post that here?  I can tell pretty quickly if everything is set up right.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 13 of 26

Whenever I click "forward to URL," it keeps reverting back to "disconnect from site."




Message 14 of 26
Square Champion

How odd.  I have one other suggestion before we move on to getting help.


From your online dashboard, go to Online > Website > Site Preferences.  Scroll down to the Unpublishe section and click the Unpublish button.


Then, try both domain names.  They both should give you an error.


After that, go back to your dashboard and republish your site to jackspiceshop.com


Check to be sure it is published, then go back and re-do these steps:


  1. Click Manage beside jackspices.com, then Manage Domain.
  2. Click Edit Site Destination
  3. Choose Forward to a URL
  4. Type in “jackspicespiceshop.com”
  5. Click Save.

Again you’ll need to wait for a while.


If this doesn’t work, then this is the point you’ll need to get on the phone with customer service.  They’ll be able to recreate the error and hopefully resolve it or create a trouble ticket to escalate to the ecom team for resolution.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 15 of 26

I refreshed the screen and it's now gone.

I may have to transfer it again or forward from Shopify.



Message 16 of 26
Square Champion

Now that is VERY odd.  Ok.  Customer service it is.  Call them on Monday.  I’m sorry I couldn’t help you resolve this today.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 17 of 26

In the meantime, I'll try it the reverse way. Maybe it will stick because JackSpices is with Shopify and JackSpiceShop is with Square. I can't imagine that Square's Domain will disappear.

Message 18 of 26

I got JackSpices.com back, with the connect domain, but now JackSpiceShop.com doesn't seem to be working, even though it says it's being forwarded. Does that take 48 hours too?




Message 19 of 26

I think both domains are working now... I checked in Incognito mode.

Message 20 of 26
Square Champion

@Bre-Spice Yes! They are working like you want them to, now. Ot just needed time to private. Yay!

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 21 of 26
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