
Sezzle and afterpay!

Can we look into partnering with Sezzle and after please. I know a lot of my customers would be more apt to purchase if I were able to offer these on my site. A lot of people I know you Shopify and are able to use these payment types and their sales of triple to quadrupled since adding them as a payment option! 

Message 1 of 24
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

@Jaclynsandilla @CustomThis @SabbathBoutiqu @anucrown @leesfrontporch @FLD57105 @Rasco


Square Online is eager and excited to announce our integration of Afterpay, allowing you to offer a buy now, pay later payment option on your Square Online site.


Available now, Afterpay lets your customers pay in four equal, interest-free installments over six weeks, while you get paid in full immediately. Learn more here.


*Please Note: Only certain business types are eligible to use Afterpay at this time.


Try Afterpay at no extra charge

Through May 10, 2022, you’ll pay the same 2.9% + 30¢ processing fee for Afterpay transactions as you do on all Square Online transactions. There’s no additional setup cost or monthly fee.1 2


Benefits of accepting Afterpay


✔️   Drive incremental sales: Sellers see a 20% increase in cart conversion on average, and more repeat customers.


✔️    Increase average order value: Afterpay lets customers get what they want, when they want it, increasing average order value by up to 40%.


✔️    Attract new customers: Merchants find that 30% or more of Afterpay customers are  new to their brand.


How Afterpay works for you


✔️    Get paid upfront: You'll get paid within days for purchases made with Afterpay.


✔️    Minimize your risk: We take on the risk, including chargebacks and fraud so you can focus on growing your business.


✔️    Receive daily settlement reports: Get access to transactional information that you can use to reconcile or verify orders.


With Afterpay, you’ll never miss out on a big sale.  And unlike other installment platforms competitors, Afterpay doesn’t require additional integration—it’s automatically available as a Square payment option for Square Online, and works out of the box. You’ll  also get paid up front—we assume the risk, including chargebacks and fraud. More questions? See our support article here


Coming Soon: Afterpay will be integrated with more Square products later this year—we’ll keep you posted!


You can enable Afterpay in your Square Online checkout settings here .

Want to try Square Online for free? Learn more here.


Turning on Afterpay means you have read and consented to the Afterpay Terms and Conditions.

View Best Answer >

Message 13 of 24
Square Champion

It's in the works  




Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 2 of 24

When will it be added?

Message 3 of 24

Do we have an idea of when this will be available. Here we are at gift giving season and we need this STAT!

Message 4 of 24
Square Champion

Is afterpay now available to square but only if you use stripe??…

Message 5 of 24

Following. I am curious also!

Message 6 of 24

How long until Afterpay is available???? I am missing out on so many sales!! 

Message 7 of 24
Square Community Moderator

Hi @leesfrontporch - Welcome to The Seller Community, it's always nice to see a new face 😊


Great Question.

At this time, there has been no official announcement for the release of the Afterpay feature. We will be sure to send out an email notification to you directly as soon as it is released. 


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 24

Is afterpay apart of squareup ? 

Message 9 of 24
Square Community Moderator

Hi @SabbathBoutiqu- Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋😊


Our Partnership with Afterpay is currently still in production (You can view this article from our website, shared by SCORPIONCOATING for more details). 


Once we're ready for an official launch, we'll be sure to make an announcement here in the Seller Community. We do not have an ETA at this time. We appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 24
Square Champion

🥰🥰🥰👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾this makes my heart sing! There are other split pay options however afterpay is becoming a staple for e-commerce. 

Message 11 of 24

This would be great and ASAP. Looks like I will have to change my platform. I'm missing out on sales.

Message 12 of 24

Best Answer

@Jaclynsandilla @CustomThis @SabbathBoutiqu @anucrown @leesfrontporch @FLD57105 @Rasco


Square Online is eager and excited to announce our integration of Afterpay, allowing you to offer a buy now, pay later payment option on your Square Online site.


Available now, Afterpay lets your customers pay in four equal, interest-free installments over six weeks, while you get paid in full immediately. Learn more here.


*Please Note: Only certain business types are eligible to use Afterpay at this time.


Try Afterpay at no extra charge

Through May 10, 2022, you’ll pay the same 2.9% + 30¢ processing fee for Afterpay transactions as you do on all Square Online transactions. There’s no additional setup cost or monthly fee.1 2


Benefits of accepting Afterpay


✔️   Drive incremental sales: Sellers see a 20% increase in cart conversion on average, and more repeat customers.


✔️    Increase average order value: Afterpay lets customers get what they want, when they want it, increasing average order value by up to 40%.


✔️    Attract new customers: Merchants find that 30% or more of Afterpay customers are  new to their brand.


How Afterpay works for you


✔️    Get paid upfront: You'll get paid within days for purchases made with Afterpay.


✔️    Minimize your risk: We take on the risk, including chargebacks and fraud so you can focus on growing your business.


✔️    Receive daily settlement reports: Get access to transactional information that you can use to reconcile or verify orders.


With Afterpay, you’ll never miss out on a big sale.  And unlike other installment platforms competitors, Afterpay doesn’t require additional integration—it’s automatically available as a Square payment option for Square Online, and works out of the box. You’ll  also get paid up front—we assume the risk, including chargebacks and fraud. More questions? See our support article here


Coming Soon: Afterpay will be integrated with more Square products later this year—we’ll keep you posted!


You can enable Afterpay in your Square Online checkout settings here .

Want to try Square Online for free? Learn more here.


Turning on Afterpay means you have read and consented to the Afterpay Terms and Conditions.

Message 13 of 24

The afterpay option isn't available in my checkout? Is it only available to certain accounts currently?

Message 14 of 24

Hi @imjadewilliams ,


Thanks for reaching out. Yes, at the moment Afterpay is only available for merchants in an "approved merchant category." I just checked your merchant code / category and I'm afraid it is not available yet, but it is in the works!

We are working to expand availability of Afterpay over time to give more sellers the opportunity to enable it on their sites.


More info below:


Eligibility for Afterpay is dependent on numerous factors, including how your business is structured and what you sell. Here are some notes to keep in mind:


  • Sellers must be in an approved merchant category
  • Sellers must be based in the US or Australia
  • Sellers cannot have multiple Tax Identification Numbers (TINs)
  • Sellers cannot sell CBD products
  • Local delivery orders not supported at this time
  • Self-serve (QR) ordering not supported at this time
  • Item or cart totals outside of $50 - 2000 range not supported at this time
  • Restricted digital goods or services not eligible at this time
  • Cross-border orders not supported at this time
  • Website must be in English (we look forward to adding Spanish support for Afterpay in the future)
Message 15 of 24

So Afterpay is only available for customers of an online store?  Our customers would definitely benefit, however our services cannot be purchased online.  Will Afterpay be rolled out for Automotive customization related services?

Message 16 of 24
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @AGriffith


Welcome back to the Community. 

As of now, Afterpay is only available through the Online Store payments. 


Adding this to the standard Point of Sale would be a Feature Request. I would recommend heading over to our Ideate Board to post this for the Product Team. 


This is great feedback on the future of our integration with Afterpay. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 17 of 24

We are a service provider and do installs, so we invoice our service/products.  This is what I am referring to having finance options available for. 

Message 18 of 24
Square Community Moderator

Completely understand, @AGriffith


Another option you have would be to add a payment schedule to your invoices. After adding the amount to the invoice you will see that option pop-up underneath. 


Please let me know if you have any questions about using this! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 19 of 24

Can we please get afterpay as an option on invoices? Square is used for far more than online sales for many companies, and like Shopify, I would like to be able to send an invoice and a customer has multiple options to pay, including afterpay. Otherwise, I may have to move over to shopify, which sucks because I really like everything else Square offers. But to get someone set up for afterpay is really cumbersome with it only being on the website side of square.

Message 20 of 24



I'm in the same boat...   All of my business is through invoices, and I would love to use Afterpay for larger purchases.  Please advise.  Thanks,  Mike

Message 21 of 24
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