
Refunds from On Demand Delivery




DoorDash failed twice last week at delivering food for my customers and have sent me refunds for those orders. How do I see that those refunds where processed? I have email confirmation but since DoorDash isn't connected to my square/bank account I am unsure how to confirm the refunds where made to me.




Message 1 of 51
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

@rattos @isabelle @goldburger Faheem also cleared up all of the confusion that I have been rolling around in for months now. Thanks @isabelle for clearing that up! I really do appreciate it! It's kind of hard to run your books when you don't know where your money is going. That leads me to my next point... As I spoke about with Faheem. If we were able to see verified email "refunds" on a daily basis... something we could actually track, instead of blowing it to the wind, that would be great. However of course, that would require help from Doordash/Postmates to integrate a bit better with Square and it's services. Each time we call to receive/verify a refund from Doordash, we are left with the "promise" of "we will refund that to you," yet, it's not very reassuring to say the least. Trackability is key! So if that could be resolved soon, that would be amazing.


One additional note Faheem did say that if you email your provider for a delivery refund, they SHOULD send you an "approved" confirmation email... However, I can't use email most of the time because it's all "RIGHT NOW" kind of situations. And US as the business is not going to refund money that we aren't going to get back. 


Thanks for the help! And hopefully we can continue seeing a few improvements here! Would love to keep it going, but it's a bit frustrating at times... Thanks. Anyone else, let me know if you need anything!

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Message 23 of 51

Best Answer

Hey @MAXSDELI! I have quite a bit of experience in this area haha. I had my fair share of run arounds with the same problem: where's the money going? 


TL;DR: The money is going back in your account (more than likely). You can find the credits to your account under the Balance tab in the dashboard. They only happen once a month around the 14th. You should see a credit amongst all the other transactional items on one of the days' run-down.


The longer answer: You never will see the money because Square manages an intermediate account on your behalf with DoorDash. So, when you have a delivery order on Oct. 27th, Square automatically takes that money out of your account that same day, though you don't really see it happen. All of it–the driver tip, the cost for doordash delivery, and the Square fee for using On Demand. You can find all of these fee subtractions under reports > Service Charges. 


If there was a messup, you wont be able to see that money until the following month (all refunds are payed back the following month). So let's say you had a mess up on Oct. 27th. After contacting DoorDash, you should see that refund on the 14th under the Balance tab.


Does that make sense?  



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Message 32 of 51

Thank you for the response.


There must have been at least some improvements on DoorDash's side, as one of my refunds is from an order that DD didn't successfully deliver.  DD called me after the customer called them, asked me to issue a refund, and explained the DD would then refund me.  


DD seems quite confident that the refunds were issued on their end.  It's frustrating that the refund doesn't show anywhere on their dashboard, but it also makes sense as a payment wouldn't show if the order was successfully fulfilled.  They also confirmed that the refunds are issued to Square and that Square should then pass the refunds along to me.  It certainly doesn't mean the 31 day lag isn't true, but there was no mention of that in our conversations (of which we have now had a few).

Message 43 of 51

So I have much to say on this topic.  In short, the refund process whereby the DoorDash delivery fee and courier tip get credited back to my Square account DOES NOT WORK!!  The only times I have successfully had those fees credited to my account has been when I have called Square Support repeatedly and endured very hold times (usually over an hour) and finally found someone at who understands the problem.  But that is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.  Most folks at Square Support do not understand this problem at all.  I had a refund from October that I have still not seen a credit for on my Square account.  I am resigned to never seeing that money.  I just consider it a cost of doing business (with Square).  


But to be clear, if you are able to get those monies credited to your account on Square, either because the system works for you (but for some reason doesn't work for me) or because you have found someone at Square Support who understands the problem and is able to credit your account, this is what it looks like.  Below is a "copy-and-paste" from my BALANCES screen for September 27th (please note that this is not from the magical day of the 14th or 15th as Square Support would lead you to believe....nothing ever happens to my account on the 14th or 15th).  Sorry for the rough nature of this image but I cannot seem to upload a screenshot.  If you look at the very bottom, you will see the item marked as OTHER for $34.71.  That is the credit from DoorDash for the refund.  But again this did not happen automatically.  It only happened after I called Square Support and found someone who understood the issue.  She followed up with an email and the refund showed up the next business day.  Victory!  But that is very very rare for me.  Most times (like my refund in October),  I am unable to get anyone at Square Support to understand the problem and no credit shows up on my Balance report (again, still no credit on Balances and it is now December 8th).   


I have LOTS more to say on this topic.  I have spoken to Support for over a year now, I have written Jack Dorsey, and I have posted here.  Once again, from my perspective, the refund system for deliveries does not EVER work.  The funds from DoorDash have NEVER showed up in my account without my calling Square Support and begging for help (and even then, I usually fail).  



Transfer Summary

Transfer 09/26/2022 Total
Gross Sales$0.00$0.00
Net Sales$0.00$0.00
Gift Card Sales$100.00$100.00
Total Collected$100.00$100.00






Message 44 of 51

Thanks for the response!  Sounds like I need to get on the phone tomorrow.  Would you share exactly what information you had to have on hand to move the process along (once you found yourself speaking with someone that could actually help)?

Message 45 of 51

any luck on this? Did you talk to someone in square?

Message 46 of 51

After investing more than SEVEN hours of my time (almost all of it on the phone with support) and being given 'run-arounds' I can't even begin to describe, I have received SOME of the funds that Square owes me.


I am not done yet.  When I am, I plan to post a rather lengthy explanation about the 'process' I went through.


For now, I will say that I have reached the point where I believe Square is aware of the 'problem' and likes things the way they are.  Getting your On-Demand-Delivery refunds/reimbursements is so incredibly difficult that I'm sure most people give up and Square keeps the money.



Message 47 of 51

I feel your pain!  Two things suprise me about this situation.  First, why aren't more businesses posting about problems with this issue?  Does it work for everyone except us?  Or are most businesses failing to accout for refunds in their Square deposit activity?  Second, why hasn't Square reached out to us to discuss?  Aren't they checking this silly Seller Community for recurring problems or issues?   

Message 48 of 51

I really wanted to make a lengthy and detailed post about my odyssey w/r/t these refunds.  I can no longer be bothered.  I did finally get my refunds.  I got each refund more than 60 days after they were issued by DoorDash Drive.  This did not happen automatically.  It reached a point well past my being able to reasonably believe anything other than Square/Weebly are intentionally delaying and confounding the issue in hopes that I would give up.  I simply cannot believe that they were truly doing their best to get my credits to me.  On the contrary, I believe they were trying to thwart my attempts.  As a reminder, this should have happened seamlessly - I shouldn't have had to do anything at all.


Below is my advice to anyone trying to get a refund or credit from DoorDash Drive.  This is based on my experience:


     DoorDash Drive will issue a 'credit' to the account they use to 'settle' with Square.  Periodically, DoorDash Drive and Square 'settle up' the delivery fees and tips and whatnot.  In the simplest of terms, this is DoorDash Drive (DDD) sending Square a bill for the delivery fees and driver tips and Square transferring that money to DDD.  When DDD issues a restaurant a credit for a failed delivery or some other issue, that credit is subtracted from the amount Square is billed by DDD.  For example, if your restaurant had $100 in delivery fees and driver tips and also one failed delivery for $20, instead of 'invoicing' Square for $100, DDD would 'invoice' them for $80.  This 'surplus' should be returned to the restaurant.


     When you try to call and inquire about these refunds, Customer Service will have no idea what you are talking about.  They will tell you to contact DDD.  This is wrong.  If DDD issued you a credit and you didn't get it, you need to get it from Square.


     Square won't even pretend to look into the matter until the refund is at least 30 days old.  Don't even bother contacting them before that (but don't forget about it, either!).  When you do contact them after 30 days, they will probably tell you it takes 45 days.


     When you contact them after 45 days, you will hopefully reach the point where they send you an email asking for a screenshot of the refund issued by DDD.,  This should be completely unnecessary (we have put enough trust in Square to be able to reasonably expect them to be able to 'reconcile' a bill, see that there is a surplus, and return it to us), but go ahead and comply with this frivolous request.   My screenshots were emails from my DoorDash Merchant Experience Partner (sidenote:  my DoorDash Merchant Experience Partner is amazingly helpful.  If you've never reached out to yours I suggest you do.  I don't know if I got lucky or if they are all as helpful as mine).  I was never able to locate a spreadsheet on DDD's side that showed the credit.


     Congratulations!  You now have a point of contact at Square/Weebly that you can email about this issue by 'replying' to their email.  Even if they tell you it will take another 30 days make sure to email them at least once every two weeks or the issue will get 'closed' and you will lose the ability to email that particular person.


     Persist.  Do not give up.  This is theft.  Do not let them get away with it.  If you start to think it isn't worth your time, remind yourself that you have an ongoing business relationship with Square and you can't set the precedent that being difficult will allow them to keep your money.


     Your refund, when you get it, will appear as 'Other' in the online transfer reports.  If you 'export' your transfer reports to view in a spreadsheet, the refund will appear as 'Adjustment'.  I found that exporting a week's worth of transfer reports as one report, opening in a spreadsheet program,  and then searching for 'adjustment' to be far more efficient than looking at each daily transfer report online.


I was issued another refund by DDD on February 24th.  As expected, even after 30 days, Square has not transferred the money to me.  I have begun this process again.




Message 49 of 51

I have been going through the same issues as everyone else for over a year. It gets to a point where the customer service rep just ignores the emails. They must owe a huge amount of money to businesses who think they are being refunded. We need to set up a class action lawsuit or something. It’s insane.

Message 50 of 51

@theboozery wrote:

I have been going through the same issues as everyone else for over a year. It gets to a point where the customer service rep just ignores the emails. They must owe a huge amount of money to businesses who think they are being refunded. We need to set up a class action lawsuit or something. It’s insane.

I agree. 


I decided it wasn't worth my time to use this service.  There were a couple of other kinks in their system that I had mostly found workarounds for, but those combined with this much bigger problem led me to stop using Square's On Demand Delivery.  We all know how much a small business owner has to worry about and deal with.  I simply decided this wasn't worth my time.  I hadn't thought about this in six months until I got a notification about your post.  I miss the extra income, but I don't miss the headaches at all.


Square is obviously profit-motivated and they won't deal with this until it becomes more profitable to fix it and than to leave it broken.  I use the term 'broken' loosely as I believe it is set up just the way they like it.

Message 51 of 51
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